Naruto training king

Chapter 36 My wish is to speak it out

"Xiaohua, today is your birthday. What do you want to eat? Mom will buy it for you."

"Then I want to eat lots and lots of fried shrimp, is that okay?"

"no problem."

Naruto glanced at the mother and daughter standing in front of the vendor, then withdrew his gaze and continued walking towards home.

When he was three years old, his third generation grandfather took him to spend his first birthday, and since then Naruto has remembered this day firmly.

But since then, no one has celebrated his birthday anymore. Every day, there will only be one more envelope in the empty house.

Naruto only had to think about it to know what was written in the letter now lying on the table.

It's nothing more than "Naruto, I'm sorry grandpa that I can't spend your birthday with you. Forgive me because I'm really busy and can't get away. Take some money to buy more snacks. You have to spend this important time well by yourself." Days..." and the like.

Naruto's hands in his pockets were clenched tightly, and what was crumpled into a ball was a handful of money that he couldn't spend.

cut! This important day is not important at all!

When I opened the door, the room was completely dark, with no light at all.

Did I forget to open the curtains when I left the house in the morning?

But Naruto didn't think much, he just froze for a moment before walking in, then turned around and closed the door, blocking out the last ray of light that shone on him.

The next second, the lights in the room suddenly turned on, and dazzling white light shone on Naruto. He subconsciously raised his hands to cover his eyes.

Before he could react, a voice he had been waiting for for a long, long time came to his ears.

"Happy birthday, Naruto!"

Immediately afterwards, there was an explosion of "pop!"

The moment he heard the sound, Naruto was stunned for a moment, and then in disbelief, he took away the hand blocking his eyes and tried his best to restore his sight.

The home that should have been empty was now filled with his friends, Kiyomi, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Sasuke!

On the table where the envelope should have been placed, there was now a huge cake filled with candles, and Sasuke was lighting them one by one.

The room that should have been in a mess was now completely new. The ribbons floating down from the sky fell on Naruto. Everything was so unreal.

"I thought you guys..."

For a moment, Naruto's eyes turned red and he was choked with sobs that he couldn't say a complete sentence.

Tears welled up and covered his sight, making everything in front of him blurry, half-illusory and half-real.

It can't be... it's an illusion, right?

It was obviously a long-awaited scene, but Naruto habitually found a reason to deny this scene that could never happen to him.

The next second, Ya walked up to him, put her elbow on his shoulder, and winked: "Naruto, you are still crying at such an adult, how can you compete with me for Hokage in the future?"

Naruto raised his hand to wipe his eyes and shouted in a crying voice: "I didn't cry, the tears fell by themselves."

"I...ouch! Akamaru, why did you bite me!"

The angry voice of the tooth made Naruto laugh, and he wiped his tears and smiled happily.

Shikamaru smiled and said, "If you don't come and blow out the candles, I won't be able to stop Choji."

Choji's eyes widened immediately: "Shikamaru, you can't accuse me unjustly, I haven't reached out yet."

"I'll come right away!" Naruto pulled Ya who was standing next to him and walked to the cake.

Qingmi, who was standing aside, raised his hand to turn off the light, and the warm yellow light of the candle shone on every child surrounding him.

Looking at the small flames, Naruto felt warm in his heart.

He hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Um...should I make a wish next?"

Shikamaru nodded: "Hurry up and close your hands and make a wish in your heart."


Naruto stood in front of the cake, closed his eyes, and made his wish sincerely.

Then he took a strong breath and blew out all the candles on the cake, and the room suddenly fell into a brief darkness.

Darkness, Naruto was all too familiar with.

But in the darkness at this moment, there are heavy or light breathing sounds, and if you listen carefully, there is also a heavy and powerful heartbeat.

This is his home, and he has obviously spent countless dark days here, but Naruto feels that everything around him is so strange.

He suddenly remembered the time when his third-generation grandfather took him to watch the sunrise a long, long time ago.

The third-generation grandfather put his hand on his head, pointed at the dark blue sky and earth around him and said as the sun was about to rise.

"Naruto, this is called the morning light, it represents hope. When the morning light appears, the darkness is no longer scary."

At that time, Naruto just nodded thoughtfully, but did not understand the meaning of the third generation grandfather's words.

Until now.

Naruto raised his head. Even though the thick curtains blocked the sunlight from the room, there was still some light shining into the room through the curtains, dyeing everything around him an unreal dark blue.

This is called morning light...


Naruto laughed happily, and then everyone in the room laughed together.

At this moment, Sasuke walked up to Qingmi and raised his hand to turn on the light: "Why don't you turn on the light?"

Qingmi crossed his arms and looked at Naruto's smile and said softly: "Because I hope time can flow slower at this moment."

After laughing, Ya immediately patted Naruto on the shoulder and asked: "Naruto, what wish did you make?"

"Idiot, your wish won't work if you say it." Shikamaru complained angrily.

Naruto put his hands on his hips, looked at everyone in the room, and said loudly: "No, my wish will only come true if I tell it!"

"I hope that on this day next year, everyone can still be by my side! I hope that more and more friends will be by my side on future birthdays!"

At this moment, Qingmi walked over with a smile: "Naruto, you are so greedy, you actually made two wishes."


Naruto was stunned for a moment, and then he spread his hands out as if he was cheating: "But no one stipulates that you can't make two wishes."

Ya touched Naruto with his elbow and said while suppressing a smile: "Qing has already put in a lot of effort to give you this surprise. If there are too many people, we must not exhaust him to death."

After hearing his words, Naruto was silent for a rare moment, his blue eyes full of seriousness: "Qingmi, thank you!"

Kiyomi quickly waved his hand and changed the subject: "Okay, okay! Let's share the cake quickly, Choji can't wait!"

"Why are you making trouble with me again?"

"It's up to you whether you want to eat it or not."



At the same time, Kakashi took a bouquet of chrysanthemums and placed it in front of Minato and Kyukina's tombstones.

"Teacher, Master. Naruto has started school, and he has made a group of very good friends..."

In the early morning, I woke up to a series of extremely miserable screams, followed by a burst of engine bombing. I asked Duke Zhou: "How can I go back to sleep?" Duke Zhou said: "When the pigs go to the underworld to report their news, when the road construction work is over, and when you go to the toilet to fill the water, I can go back to sleep."

Then I fell asleep until 12 o'clock...

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