Naruto training king

Chapter 34 As expected of my son, Fugaku Uchiha

Dusk has fallen quietly.

Uchiha Sasuke stood on the golden river, forming a seal with his hands.


"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he spit out a medium-sized fireball toward the river.


Violent white mist rose, and when the flames disappeared, a depression was briefly left on the river surface.

Looking at the gap that was gradually filled, Sasuke smiled happily: "I succeeded."

At this moment, Qingmi's voice came from the shore.

"Don't forget to go find Naruto after school tomorrow."

Sasuke looked back following the voice, only to find that Kiyomi had already put the book away and turned to leave.


After that, Sasuke didn't have time to clean up the mess, so he trotted towards home.

Just as he ran into his yard, a hand grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up.

Uchiha Mikoto looked at his wet appearance and couldn't help but sigh: "Dad won't get home for a while, you go take a shower first."


Half an hour later, a clean Sasuke stood in front of Mikoto, and she applied cold ointment to his face.

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and Sasuke glanced in the direction of the door.

Then he immediately ran over, grabbed Uchiha Fugaku's hand and pulled him outside: "Dad! Come with me!"

Sasuke's voice was full of urgency, so Fugaku glanced at Mikoto to ask what was going on.

But Mikoto didn't speak, just smiled and shook her head, and then Fugaku let Sasuke pull her away.

The father and son came to the artificial lake at the training ground. Sasuke let go of Fugaku's hand, took a step forward, and then quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Suddenly, a perfect fireball was spit out by Sasuke and hit the water.

Seeing this fireball, Sasuke, who was still a little nervous, immediately relaxed, and then immediately turned back and looked at Fugaku expectantly.

Looking at Sasuke's eyes, Fugaku was slightly startled. After thinking for a moment, he remembered what Sasuke wanted.

So Fugaku smiled and nodded: "Well done, you are worthy of being my son, Uchiha Fugaku."

Sasuke almost jumped with joy. He controlled his emotions and said to Fugaku with full confidence: "Dad, teach me some other ninjutsu, I will definitely learn it!"

However, Fugaku shook his head: "You are still young, and the Go Fireball Jutsu is enough for you to use. Instead of learning new ninjutsu, you should think about how to apply the Go Fireball Jutsu to your own battles. "

"Okay, Sasuke, if you don't go back, your mother will be angry."

"Yeah." Sasuke nodded, took Fugaku's hand and walked towards home.

When they got home, Mikoto had already prepared the meal. At this moment, Sasuke found Itachi helping Mikoto serve the food.

"elder brother!"

Sasuke hurriedly ran over, hugged Itachi and said, "Brother, I have learned the powerful fireball technique!"

Itachi put down the plate in his hand, took off his gloves and touched Sasuke's hair: "It's amazing, Sasuke."

Sasuke wanted to say something more, but Mikoto took off her apron and came over to interrupt them: "Okay, even if you two brothers have something to talk about, you have to eat first."

However, after the meal, Fugaku did not leave any time for them. Sasuke puffed his face angrily and watched Fugaku and Itachi leave.

At this moment, Mikoto poked his cheek with her finger and asked with a smile: "Sasuke, how about helping mom wash the dishes?"


On the other side, Itachi followed Fugaku to the study. As soon as he closed the door, he heard Fugaku asking.

"Itachi, are you confident about the Chuunin exams in one month?"

"90% sure." Itachi replied humbly, but he didn't say it too fully.

Fugaku nodded, not caring about Itachi's modesty: "When you become a chuunin, I will propose to the Third Hokage that you join the ANBU."

"Anbu? Isn't that where Brother Shisui works?"

"Well, you have been running around outside for so many years, so you must be very aware of Uchiha's current situation."

Itachi hesitated, but nodded.

So Fugaku continued: "Since the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the top management of Konoha has been strictly wary of Uchiha. They just drove us here from the center of the village. There are also ANBU monitoring outside the clan at all times."

"And you are the son of the clan leader and the outstanding genius of the Uchiha clan. If you are sent to work under the Third Generation, he will think that this is a signal of Uchiha's goodwill towards him, thus greatly lowering his vigilance."

"Lower the Hokage's vigilance?!" Itachi suddenly opened his eyes and asked in disbelief, "Father, are you going to do this?"

Fugaku crossed his arms and looked at the darkness outside the window. He was silent for a long time before opening his mouth.

"I have agreed to the tribe's proposal for a coup. Now, Uchiha must accumulate strength for this goal. It is time for Uchiha to use force to take back the rights he deserves!"

Fugaku turned around and looked into Itachi's eyes with a pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan: "Itachi, while you work for the Sandaime, you also have to shoulder the responsibility of becoming the son of the Uchiha clan leader. So... you have to act as a spy. Join ANBU.”


The Uchiha clan wants a coup, and he wants to become a spy!

At this moment, Itachi's memory returned to that afternoon at the lake. Izumi held his hand and said to him: "Itachi, I believe you can become Hokage!"

But can Hokage, who came through a coup, really bring peace?

Itachi tried to change Fugaku's mind and said eagerly: "But Brother Shisui is also in the ANBU..."

"I don't believe Shisui."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fugaku.

Itachi looked into Fugaku's eyes, and what he clearly wanted to say was: with his and Shisui's efforts, the village's top officials would be able to trust Uchiha again.

However, Fugaku didn't realize Itachi's true thoughts, and just thought that Itachi wanted to evade the spy mission.

"Shisui is the grandson of Uchiha Kagami, and Kagami was once a member of the Second Hokage's escort team, and even a friend of the Third Hokage. Shisui is at risk of falling to the Third Hokage at any time!"

"Uchiha cannot accept such risks, so this mission can only be completed by you, my son."

Fugaku walked up to Itachi, put his hand on his shoulder, and suppressed Itachi's trembling left hand.

"I know your dream is to become Hokage. When Uchiha gets back his due rights through a coup, I promise you will become the next Hokage. By then, whatever you want to do can be done."

"Itachi, my son, you are the person I trust most."

Fugaku's voice rang in Itachi's ears, hitting his brain like an illusion.

I don't know how much time passed, but Itachi nodded vigorously with all his strength, and Fugaku also showed a happy smile.

"As expected of me, Uchiha Fugaku's... son!"

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