Naruto training king

Chapter 28 My head feels so itchy, I feel like I’m going to have a brain.

After the training, the three of them went back to their homes.

Hinata Kiyomi casually dealt with dinner and then read all the books that could be found in the clan. After taking notes on things that might be used, he went out to Konoha's library.

Konoha's library is large, but also very messy. There is no classification of books and no one to manage it, only a genin who looks after the door.

In this era, books are far less important than ninjutsu scrolls. It is estimated that the world will not pay attention to science until Uncle Snake's reincarnation in the earth shines.

These books are both useful and useless. They are thrown together in a mess, and those who look for them already want to study shadow cloning first.

It wasn't until almost nine o'clock that Qingmi left the library. While eating supper, he bought a copy for Hinata and asked Shirayuki to send it over.

After eating, going to bed, getting up to go to class, training after school, checking information, feeding Hinata...

This step-by-step life lasted for almost two weeks, and Qingsi finally clarified the doubts in his heart.

Illusion, in a broad sense, refers to a technique that disturbs the enemy's spirit by creating illusions to assist in combat. Essentially, the target of genjutsu is the chakra in the brain nerves.

But even the Hyuga clan, which has clairvoyant eyes, cannot see clearly the structure of the human brain, so how do other people perform illusions?

If you want to study genjutsu, you can't avoid the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, because Uchiha's genjutsu is the earliest genjutsu that appeared in the history of the ninja world.

Similar to the Byakugan, the Sharingan also has three abilities: observation, copying, and hypnosis. Among them, the hypnotic eye is the origin of illusion.

A certain second-generation Hokage who wished to remain anonymous once talked about how the Sharingan works.

When an Uchiha tribesman is subjected to strong emotional stimulation, the brain will secrete a special substance that combines with chakra to act on the eyes, causing the eyes to undergo strange changes.

And this is the Sharingan. At the same time, along with the Sharingan, there is also a power called eye power.

The technique activated by Sharingan is called pupil technique. Using Sharingan or activating pupil technique requires consuming pupil power and chakra.

Everyone in the ninja world knows that when fighting Uchiha, avoid looking directly into the eyes. This is the most effective way to avoid the Sharingan illusion.

From this point, we can draw an important conclusion: performing illusions requires a medium.

Because it cannot directly attack the chakra in the brain nerves, the Sharingan indirectly attacks the chakra in the enemy's brain nerves by attacking the enemy's vision.

Although when it comes to illusions, Uchiha comes to mind, but illusions are not unique to the Uchiha clan. Almost all ninjas know one or two simple illusions.

For example, Kurenai Yuhi is a Jounin of Konoha who specializes in genjutsu.

One of the illusions she uses most often is called Magical Tree Binding. Its effect is to make the user disappear first. The phantom of the tree grows from the opponent's feet and binds the opponent. The user then emerges from the tree to attack.

From the battle between Kurenai Yuhi and Itachi Uchiha, it can be seen that Itachi can reflect this illusion through the Sharingan, which shows that Magical Tree Binding is also an illusion performed through the eyes as a medium.

But no one could beat Uchiha in visual illusions, so people developed other illusions, such as sound illusions that attack hearing.

Due to the special structure of the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan, the world seen by Hyuga ninjas is completely different from the world seen by ordinary people, so they cannot attack the enemy's vision through the medium of eyes.

But for other aspects of genjutsu, such as genjutsu that uses sound as a medium, because there are so few ninjas who use this type of genjutsu, Qingmi has basically found no information.

As for the Byakugan Genjutsu that Hinata Kiyomi can use, in a strict sense, it skips the intermediate link of the medium. It does not need to attack the five senses, but directly controls the chakra in the enemy's brain nerves.

Because he is freed from the limitations of the medium, Qingmi can perform illusions as he wishes. And this kind of control is extremely overbearing. For now, in a single challenge, Qingmi can't think of any way to avoid the attacks of Byakugan and Genjutsu.


Hinata Kiyomi breathed a long sigh of relief, closed her notebook and walked to the window, stretching her body after sitting for a long time.

Byakugan·genjutsu must be hidden as a trump card. Anyone who sees it will die before there are other trump cards.

Just because Qingmi couldn't think of a way to solve it himself doesn't mean that others can't either. Never underestimate human creativity!

But then again, because Byakugan Genjutsu is different from genjutsu in the conventional sense, Kiyomi has no predecessors to stand on, so he can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

what can we do about it?

The next day, Ninja School.

"get out of class is over."

As Iruka left the classroom, Hinata closed her history textbook and took out the book she would be using for the next class.

At this moment, she suddenly found that Qingmi was still reading seriously.

Strange, doesn’t Qingmi never take history classes?

Hinata thought for a while and then asked: "Qingmi, get out of class is over!"

"get out of class has ended?"

Qingmi raised his head and glanced at the noisy classroom, then stretched out and sighed: "My head feels so itchy!"

"What are you reading?"

"Here." Qing Si closed the book and revealed the seal.

Hinata tilted her head slightly, looked at Kiyomi's desktop, and continued to mutter: "Human anatomy medicine...Does Kiyomi want to become a medical ninja?"

Qingsi put the closed book in the drawer and nodded: "I have this idea, so I will study on my own first and see if I have any talent in this area."

"If it's Kiyomi, we can definitely do it."

Qingmi was slightly stunned, then said with a smile: "Oh? Even I don't have this confidence myself, but you actually believe in me so much."

Hinata nodded seriously: "Because I believe that my courage was brought to me by Qingmi."

"Haha... Then I'll leave it to you."

The classroom was as noisy as ever, and the girls gathered around Sasuke and were jealous.

At this moment, Sasuke's tireless voice came from the front: "That's enough! I said I don't like you guys!"

"Then what kind of girl does Sasuke like?"

I don't know which girl it was, but she boldly asked among the crowd.

Sasuke glanced at the girls around him and said, "I like girls with long hair, but you all have short hair. Is that enough?"

Perhaps they were worried that Sasuke was really angry, and the girls ran away after getting the answers they wanted.

Watching them leave, Sasuke finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Phew!"

Seeing his relieved look, Naruto couldn't understand: "Sasuke, why do you want to drive them away? Isn't it a good thing to have so many friends?"

Sasuke glanced at Naruto and uttered two words: "Idiot."


There is a very interesting story about "Magic·Tree-Binding Killing".

It is mentioned in the official novel "Konoha Shinden no Yuen Ninjutsu" that this technique was a ninjutsu created in Senju Hashirama's era.

Initially, it was to make the opponent think that he was controlling the Wood Release Ninjutsu. Through this illusion, the enemy fell into an illusion and thought, "Is it the legendary Senju Hashirama who is fighting now?" or "Is he in the enemy's army?" Is there Senju Hashirama here?" Such fear.

Please read it, don’t keep any books, there will be whatever is on the shelves.

The last two chapters may have been a bit dull, because they are in the transitional stage of the plot and will soon introduce a new climax. Hinata-chan has taken a big step towards the goal of becoming bad.

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