The first time he learned the skill, he realized that he had never learned Flying Thunder God.

As soon as he started, Aoba understood why no one else in Konoha had been able to learn Flying Thunder God for so many years.

It can only be said that this technique requires too much from the ninja itself. From the most basic chakra, to the talent of spatial perception, to the speed of nerve reaction, to the adaptability of spatial shuttle.

If any aspect is not up to standard, this move cannot be practiced at all.

Aoba's chakra is definitely enough. As a high-speed ninja with good speed, he always feels that his nerve reaction ability should be top-notch.

But after looking at the standard of Flying Thunder God, he immediately understood Jiraiya's praise for Minato Namikaze.

Compared with Minato Namikaze, anyone seems extremely mediocre.

Although in the plot, it seems that Minato Namikaze can conquer the world with one move of rolling balls. But that is just because this move is efficient.

In fact, Minato is proficient in various types of ninjutsu. Even the attainment of sealing techniques is extremely high. The best proof is that he can use the Shikigami Fuujin at the last moment.

If the fourth generation had not died and lived to this day. It is hard to imagine how much he would have grown.

And if the fourth generation was in power, Aoba would not be so cautious now. After all, he is one of the few people Konoha can trust. Unlike the current group of scumbags in power, Aoba does not want to reveal anything to them.

The only thing worth being happy about is that Aoba's spatial perception ability is barely up to standard. This is also one of the bottom lines for practicing Flying Thunder God. If this is not up to standard, it is basically impossible.

The ability to adapt to the space shuttle later. It refers to the symptoms of dizziness or even nausea and vomiting after the caster has performed Flying Thunder God for a short and rapid space shuttle.

In actual combat, ninjas are all highly agile professions. You can't just use Flying Thunder God to get behind the opponent and then squat down and vomit. Or fall to the ground with a somersault.

This thing, like motion sickness, is related to a person's physique. For example, the fourth generation is completely immune to this kind of dizziness. No matter how he shuttles, he doesn't feel dizzy at all.

As for Aoba, before completing the first spell, he didn't know if he could adapt.

Nerve reaction ability can also be improved little by little through practice. And even if he has achieved the basic requirements of practice. Whether he can practice it is still an unknown.

But since he has already started, Aoba will definitely not give up easily.

He contacted Flying Thunder God mainly to guard against Obito.

There are many enemies in the ninja world now. Akatsuki led by Nagato, White Zetsu, Black Zetsu, Obito, Uchiha Madara who is waiting to be resurrected, etc.

Among all these opponents, Nagato is currently facing the greatest threat. Uchiha Madara gives the highest pressure. Black Zetsu and White Zetsu make people helpless.

But Aoba is most worried about Obito. The most important factor is that Obito is really inhumane at this time.

This guy killed countless innocent people for Rin. Even the Fourth Generation couple who always treated him as their own son could be killed without hesitation. He is a scum among scum.

The most important point is that this guy is a paranoid. Nagato and Uchiha Madara also have a certain degree of paranoia. But theirs can be said to be more of an idealism.

But Obito is a real paranoid. This guy is completely unreasonable. Once he finds that Aoba may be in danger, he will definitely sneak into Konoha and kill Aoba directly.

With his ability, Konoha's defense is basically useless. No matter how many trump cards Aoba has in his hand, he will be immune to all of them with a hollow transformation, which is really a rogue.

Once he is targeted by him, he will lose a layer of skin if he doesn't die.

Therefore, Aoba urgently needs Flying Thunder God. He needs the ninjutsu of time and space to fight against Obito's Kamui.

Even if he can't kill him, at least he can ensure his own safety.

Kakashi seemed to be infected by Aoba's desperate practice. He actually started practicing as well.

Originally, he should not have been able to use Flying Thunder God. Because he did not have enough chakra.

However, after Aoba made the sealing tool for him, the consumption of his Sharingan was reduced to the minimum.

Without the consumption of Sharingan, Kakashi's chakra was barely enough to perform Flying Thunder God.

He could not travel infinitely like the fourth generation. But he should be able to save his life.

The two confirmed each other, and their progress in practice was...similarly slow. In fact, there was nothing to confirm. Because no one in Konoha knew Flying Thunder God.


It is said that several former Hokage guards of Konoha were able to perform the Flying Thunder God Array together. Unfortunately, that thing is not very useful. It is completely different from performing it independently.

Therefore, it was extremely difficult for Aoba and Kakashi to practice.

But it was not completely ineffective. Aoba has been practicing the control of chakra for many years. He mastered the mark of Flying Thunder God very quickly.

He can now imprint the mark on others the moment he slaps them with his palm. But he still dares not use the real teleportation of Flying Thunder God.

That's right, he dares not.

Aoba, who has practiced to this level, discovered another difficulty of Flying Thunder God. That is the fear before traveling through space.

At the moment of traveling through space, one's body will leave reality and enter a place like a space crack. Then squeeze out from another space point.

That's right, squeeze out. Flying Thunder God is not a portal, and there is no effect of directly opening a space crack. The caster squeezes out of the space crack by himself. This is also the most important source of the dizziness of Flying Thunder God.

But to be honest, before Aoba casts the spell, he always feels like he will fall into a crack in space and can't get out.

He understands that this is a psychological fear. But maybe he has experienced the phenomenon of time travel. He actually has some psychological problems with this kind of space travel. This makes Aoba realize that he may be a little impatient.

He simply put off the practice of Flying Thunder God for a while. Turn around and continue to study the changes in the wind attribute of his Rasengan.

After Kakashi joined. Aoba is no longer short of ninjutsu. But the powerful attack method of the Big Ball Rasengan that can make the final decision still needs to be learned.

Aoba also tried to let Kakashi practice fairy arts. But unfortunately, Kakashi does not have this talent. Even with Aoba's assistance, he almost turned into stone. In the end, he could only give up helplessly.

Time flies.

Kakashi did not continue to worry about what Aoba wanted to do. Because in addition to training, Aoba is now saving money to rebuild his own laboratory. He was no longer the ambitious man he was before.

Until this day, Kakashi found Aoba.

"Akai wants to treat us to a meal?"

"Well, he is the team leader this year. It seems that he has found some good talents. He wants to treat us to a meal to celebrate."

"No problem, we will go together in the evening."

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