"Don't worry, I won't do what you guys do, just do it for me! With my strength, I still disdain any conspiracy against you! Since we have become companions, then don't doubt it anymore."

"Humph!" Although Chen didn't know what Chen was going to do, but Chen said the truth, if Chen was going to disadvantage them, they would not have any room for resistance at all. Thinking of this, Xianglin snorted coldly, or according to Chen's advice. What he said, let his guard down.

"Well, wait no matter what happens, don't resist! Do you know?" Chen reminded them again after seeing them all relaxed.


"Then, let's get started!" Chen said that he changed his mind, and collected all the private people in front of him in the space. Because of the previous reminder, no one from Sasuke and the others resisted. Everything went smoothly. In the blink of an eye, they Disappeared in the same place, and Chen also entered his own space after putting them all into the space.

At this time, in Chen's original space, because of Chen's strength, Chen's space area has grown to the size of five or six football fields. Due to the influence of the Guerel mine, the surrounding land has grown lush and lush. Big tree.

"Here?" Everyone who just entered the space looked at the surroundings in the space in astonishment. The Gobi that was still in the outside world just now changed a place in the blink of an eye. This made them unresponsive for a while, even Sasuke. No exception.

"Very surprised, isn't it?" At this moment, Chen's voice rang behind everyone, making them quickly turn around and look behind them.

"Boss, what the **** is going on here? Why did we appear here all of a sudden? What exactly is this place?" After seeing Chen, Shuiyue asked quickly.

"Don't panic, this is a space I created by myself. Everything here is under my control, including time, space, and quality!"

"Moonreading?" Sasuke frowned upon hearing Tatsun's words, and said in confusion.

"It is understandable, but this world is not an illusion, but a real existence..." Next, Tatsun explained to Sasuke and the others his original space and space function!

"Quite understand? In the next period of time, you will stay in this space well to improve your strength. I will put some powerful ninjas into this space from time to time. What you have to do Just defeat them, and when the time comes, I will call you all out from here, that's it!"

After Chen finished speaking, he ignored everyone's reaction, and took Sasuke directly to leave the space, leaving only the three people who had not digested Chen's words.

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Five: End of the Volume

"Do you have no problem putting them in the storage?" Sasuke asked Tatsun, except for the space.

"Don't worry, there is no danger in that space for the time being, and after they drink the pulse, they will be fine even if they don’t take food for a long time. What we do in the future will have to rely on their power, so They must improve their strength to be beneficial to us!"

"It's up to you. Now that they have found all of them, what should we do next?"

"Go back to Otonin Village in Otoshima, there will be the starting point for our rise, and now we still need to use the power of Otoshima, and Otoshima is a good master, in the next time, you will do your best Learn all the skills of Dashewan, it will benefit you a lot!"


"Let's go!" After choosing the direction, Tatsuno greeted Sasuke and walked first in the direction of Tanokuni, while Sasuke followed him closely.

After returning to Tianzhiguo, Dashewan got the news, and then sent a pharmacist to invite Tatsu and Sasuke to meet him. Tatsun and Sasuke did not refute Dashewan's face, and followed the pharmacist to see Dashewan.

"Hehehe~~Tatsu-kun, Sasuke, are you back?" Da She Wan said with a sad smile at Sasuke and Tatsuyin in front of him.

"Yeah! The thing is done, of course I will come back, are you worried that I will abduct Sasuke?" Tatsun dumped this and said playfully.

"No, I'm not worried about this. I can still trust Chen Jun. In other words, didn't Chen Jun go and summon Shuiyue and Zhongwu? Why didn't they come back with Chen Jun?"

"Shuiyue and the others have already left. I have some things to do for them, so they didn't follow me. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just a little curious."

"So, is there anything else? If not, then I will go down first. I haven't had a good rest these days. I'm already feeling a little tired."

"Wooga, I'm really sorry, since Chen Jun is tired, let's go and rest first!"

Chen didn't talk any more nonsense, and after making some courtesy with Da She Wan, he stepped back and returned to his residence.

"In three years, the plot will enter the story of the storm. At that time, the strong people walked all over the floor, and there were more than dogs! And at that time, the Akatsuki organization also started a plan to collect the tail beasts, but well, I will definitely not let it. They succeeded so easily!"

On the next day, Chen said farewell to Oshemaru. His reason was to travel around the Ninja World, and he said that he would return to Otonin Village within three years. And Sasuke stayed in Otonin Village and accepted the guidance of Oninomaru. Although his strength can compete with the elite Shinnin, he relied on the kaleidoscope to write round eyes to reach that level, so his own strength There is still room for improvement, and his kaleidoscope has already opened his eyes. He followed Chen's instructions as the kaleidoscope as a trump card, but did not announce it, so Oshemaru didn't know about it. As for the skyrocketing strength of Sasuke, Chen used Sasuke to drink it. The reason for passing the pulsation was fooled.

After some courtesy, Chen went on the road alone.

At the same time, because the four heavenly elephants appeared in the country of craftsmanship, Qingming was resurrected to fight against the five ninja kingdoms, and Gaara was captured. Konoha sent Konoha’s twelve Xiaoqiang as reinforcements to support. After successfully defeating Qingming, the ancestor of the country of craftsmanship, Naruto also traveled with Jiraiya.

I am fainted, this chapter is used to end this volume, but I can’t figure out how to write it after thinking about it for a long time. The plot is out. …

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Six: Return

It’s too late to feel when I swipe through my fingertips, turning everything into soft fingertips. Looking back, my head looks like frost and snow, and my face looks like mountains and rivers. Yes, it's like the flowing water of a small river. When you inadvertently say, "Wow, wow, wow, wow. It's been a few hours, days, months, and years!"

"Time flies like an arrow, time flies like an arrow", people have long realized that time is gone in a hurry and will never return. Reluctantly, there is no magic to stop time, so time can only pass by quickly.

In three years, sometimes it's not outdated in the blink of an eye.

Compared with three years ago, the ninja world has not changed much. On the whole, the ninja world is still in a peaceful and peaceful state.

It’s just that Akatsuki’s frequent operations over the years. This mysterious organization has been tracked down by some interested people and has obtained some information about this organization, but apart from Konoha’s Jiraiya, no one seems to be aware of them. the goal of.

At this time, outside of Tianzhiyuan, a group of four people are rushing towards Otonin Village.

Among the four, the leader is a man with black hair, a very beautiful appearance and a trace of indifference on his face, with a long knife stuck in his waist, and one with white hair, mouth full of fangs, thin and thin. Behind his body was carrying a big knife similar in size to his body, and the other was a burly man with orange hair and a simple smile on his face. He looked very kind and kind, the last one. It is a female ninja with long red hair and a pair of glasses on her face.

These four people are Tatsuki who left Otonin Village three years ago, and Sizuki, Shigego, and Xianglin who were trained in the space by Tatsuki three years ago. Three years later, the appearance of all of them has happened. It changed a little and got rid of its childishness.

Shuiyue and others were brought into Chen Space for cultivation three years ago, but after a year, Chen released them from the space and took them to travel and practice everywhere, even though it was a year, However, Chen can adjust the time ratio in the space. Although it is not adjusted to the level of 10:1, Shuiyue and the others still stayed in the space for three years.

When they entered the space, their strength was still very weak. The strongest Shigego was only at the level of extreme tolerance, and Shuiyue was only the strength of the elites, and Xiangyu was even more unbearable, and the strength was only just promoted. Zhong Ren.

But three years ago, after they drank the pulse given by Chen, their strength rose greatly. In addition, Chen has been capturing some strong men from time to time over the years, using a kaleidoscope to write round eyes to make them lose consciousness, and then throw them into space. Inside, as Shuiyue their opponents.

Now their strength is much stronger than the original. The one who has made the most progress is Shigego. He already has the strength of the elite Shangnin. If the curse seal is turned on, the strength will reach the quasi-shadow, and Shuiyue will be promoted to Shangnin. , And Xianglin was almost to the degree of extreme tolerance, but her ability was only a support, not a combatant in the squad, so she didn't need too strong strength, as long as she could protect herself.

Two years ago, after Chen released them from the space, they have been following Chen, and have been traveling with Chen in the world of Shinobi, but they didn't just travel and play like this. After releasing them, Chen took them to find an underground exchange and registered their identity. After that, he directly took up the A-level or higher quest to hunt down the ninjas on the A-level or higher reward order. In this way, while traveling, fighting against the powerful ninjas on the reward order, and collecting all kinds of intelligence in the ninja world. It was not until they got the information that it was said that the fifth generation of Fengying in Shayin Village, Gaara was taken away by two members of Xiao's organization after the sandstorm, they rushed back.

At this time, Shuiyue walked to Chen's side and said to Chen, "Hey! I said, Boss, why do we want to echo Ninja Village? Is it not good for us? And Dashemaru is very dangerous!"

"Shut up! I have my plan." Chen didn't even look at Shui Yue, but said in a cold tone.

"Shuiyue, it seems that you are very afraid to see Lord Dashemaru? Since you are so courageous, then don't follow us, you can hide outside the village and wait for us!" Xianglin on the side saw the water Yue looks like this, can't help but ridicule. The two of them are like a pair of enemies.

"Stupid...When did I say I was scared...it's you, I think you seem to be very happy! I see... You must have not seen Sasuke for too long, so you can't wait to rush back to Otonin Village. , Right?" Hearing Xianglin's ridicule, Shui Yue retorted unwillingly.

"Wait...wait, you...what are you talking about nonsense? It's...it's not like that!" Suiyue broke his mind, Xianglin's expression immediately became weird, and his words became uncomfortable, as if he wanted to hide something. .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I was right!" Shuiyue put his face in front of Xianglin, and said with a joking expression.

"Baga!" Seeing Shuiyue's playful expression, the fragrant phosphorus burst into flames, raised his fist, and hit Shuiyue's head directly, and Shuiyue's head immediately resembled a water bag filled with water. It exploded the same way, but it didn't suffer any physical harm.

Shigego, who was walking in the back of the team, watched the two men's play, a faint smile appeared on his face, as if he had become accustomed to it.

Seeing that the two of them were planning to continue playing around, Chen stopped them: "Okay, don't make trouble. The front is Otonin Village. It is estimated that Dashemaru has already heard the news of our return."

"Huh? Is it there?" Shui Yue raised his head to look forward after condensing his head again. Sure enough, the gate of a village appeared in his sight.

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