Uchihatatsu glanced at the kunai in his hand, and found that a small groove appeared on the kunai. Chen couldn't help but stunned slightly.

"It seems that your skills have improved recently!" mocking Shigeru Hagi, Uchiha Tatsuno casually discarded the kunai in his hand. After all, Fan Tie, how could it be compared with the magic weapon with sharp chakras in his hands?

"Huh!" Shigeru Hagaki snorted coldly, "How can I dare to compete with you if I don't have any progress?" He said that he was bullying him again, trying to take advantage of the fact that Uchiha Tatsuno had no weapons in his hands to make the first move and gain the upper hand. .

Uchiha Tatsuno understood his strategy, but he didn't panic at all. He stared at Shigeru Hagi with cold eyes, extended a finger, and fixed his eyes on the short knife in Shigeru Hagigi's hand. Before he fell, he took a step forward, and that finger was accurately placed on the blade of the white tooth. On the back of the sword, the forcible attack of Shigeru Hagaki deviated from the original trajectory.

The blade of the white tooth was broken by Uchiha Tatsumi, making a painful buzzing sound. The strength in Uchiha Tatsumi's hand was transmitted to Shigeru Hagaki's body along the blade of the short sword.

The sudden powerful aura caused the chakra running in the meridians of Shigeru Hagaki to stop, and the white light that had originally engulfed on the blade of the white tooth dissipated in an instant. The original appearance of this short knife was revealed.

Shigeru Hagaki wanted to retreat with a missed hit. As a result, under the traction of this air force, he couldn't help but cast his momentum and slashed deeply across the chair behind Chen.

At the place where the knife is entered, the iron will be cut like mud in an instant.

Chapter 561: Fight with White Fang II

How can ordinary wooden chairs withstand the hardened white tooth blade? There was no obstacle at all where he entered the knife, and he was cut straight open by Shigeru Hagaki.

With a sound, Shigeru Hagaki smashed the stool that was divided into two by him, turned around and kicked Uchiha Tatsuo.

"Konoha Whirlwind!"

Shigeru Hagaki was spinning at his feet, and his whole body turned 360 degrees and kicked Uchiha Tatsumi one side.

He only heard a dull sound, Chen didn't even bother to do evasive movements, and even if Shigeru Hagaki kicked him, Shigeru Hagaki only felt that he had kicked his foot on an iron plate. The instep of the foot that kicked the side faintly hurts.

Two steps back, the foot lightly tapped on the ground, not daring to use too much force, slowly alleviating the pain in his foot.

He was on the ground with one foot, the other was hung, and he held the knife in one hand, like a one-legged swordsman standing on the edge of the cliff, he was about to fall.

Uchiha Tatsun did not take advantage of the victory, but drew out the Meteor Meteor Knife that had lost the power of ghosts and gods from the system space.

Seeing the sword in Uchiha Tatsumi's hand, Shigeru Hagaki's pupils couldn't help but shrank slightly. How could he forget this sword? At that time, Uchiha Tatsun was holding this big sword and summoning the huge meteorite from the outside world. Even if he was facing the meteorite, he still had lingering fears. He didn't want to face it the second time and it made him feel terrified. Meteorite.

"Are you crazy!" Hagiu Maoshuo yelled at him, for fear that he would summon a meteorite in the next second.

You must know that this is Konoha Camp. Both he and Uchiha Tatsumi were very restrained from their attacks before, and did not let the aftermath of the attack overflow, so this fragile tent is still intact.

Fearing that Uchiha Tatsun would summon a meteorite in Konoha Camp, Hagaki Shigeru couldn't care about the pain that still remained on his feet, deceiving him, and attacking Uchiha Tatsun again with his sword.

"Dingling" two knives, which are also magic weapons, collided with each other, Uchiha Tatsumi's stronger strength caused Shigeru Hagaki's legs to rub black footprints on the ground. Under the pressure of Uchihatatsu's powerful attack, Shigeru Hagaki could only retreat steadily.

Although Shigeru Hagaki's strength has improved to a higher level than before, he still has a badly wounded body after all. Moreover, Shigeru Hagaki became stronger, and similarly, after Uchiha Tatsu regained his pupil power and realized the heart of the strong, his strength also became stronger.

After this long and the other, Shigeru Hagaki has already fallen behind. In that battle, Shigeru Hagi could still suppress Uchiha Tatsumi in sword skills, but now he can't do it at all. Can only fall on the defensive side, constantly resisting only Uchiha Tatsu's crazy offense.

In just a short cup of tea, the two have no less than fifty moves against each other.

After all, Shigeru Hagi was not Uchiha Tatsumi, he did not seal the ten tails in his body, nor was he as full of vitality as the cells of the first generation. He is nothing more than an ordinary person, even if his strength is much stronger than an ordinary person, he still can't escape the shackles of a mortal.

After resisting Uchiha Tatsuo's offensives again and again, Hagaki Shigeru couldn't help but start to slow down, and even the movement of parrying Uchiha Tatsuo seemed so stiff.

On the other hand, Uchiha Tatsun, there is no change from before, still holding the sword with one hand, and violently attacking Hagishi Shigeru, his strength has not changed at all. He didn't even gasp for the atmosphere, still maintaining a steady breathing.

With a stab at Uchiha Tatsumi's attack, Shigeru Hagaki took advantage of this moment and took advantage of three steps behind him, leaning sideways on the edge of the table and panting heavily. He tremblingly took out a special bolus pill from the ninja bag and swallowed it into his mouth.

The Bingliang Pill melts in the mouth, and a strong stimulus stimulates the cells of Hatake Maoshuo's whole body. Under the stimulus of this stimulus, the original depleted chakra volume of Hatake Maoshuo becomes full again, and even remains the same. Chakra is constantly recovering.

He clenched his fists and felt the long-lost feeling of fullness of Chakra, even at this moment Shigeru Hagi thought he was back to the peak state again.

The amount of chakras of the Hagi family is at the bottom of the entire Hokage World family. Regardless of the strength of Shigeru Hagi that surpasses the shadow level, his chakras are very small, even comparable to ordinary ones. The shadow is comparable to that, if you put a few extra-large ninjutsu, the Chakra in your body will disappear.

Fortunately, Shigeru Hagaki is best at swordsmanship. The white tooth blade made of chakra conductive metal is more suitable for Shigeru Hagaki than other short knives, because it does not require too much investigation when manipulating it. Carat to maintain the stability of the blade. This also greatly liberated Hagaki Maoshuo's combat effectiveness.

However, even so, the amount of Chakra in Shigeru Hagaki's body is pitiful. Especially in order to resist Uchiha Tatsu's attack, this cost doubled the amount of chakras than usual. How can he make so many Chakras, who has not healed from a serious injury?

Only by taking Bingliang Pills can he barely sustain it under Uchiha Tatsu's offensive.

Feeling that the chakra in his body was about to overflow, Shigeru Hagaki made his move first, and once again approached Uchiha Tatsumi, swung down the short knife in his hand, turned from defense to offense, and constantly attacked Uchiha Tatsumi.


After the two swords collided countless times, they finally stopped, but the price was that Shigeru Hagi couldn't hold on. He half-kneeled on the ground and barely supported it with one hand holding the short sword.

In the past, you can clearly see that the white tooth blade has been cut out by Uchihatatsu's Meteor meteor knife. Under Uchiha Tatsu's offensive, even the Blade of White Fang could hardly remain intact.

Fortunately, the white tooth blade did not break. Although there are obvious gaps on the top, it is not important. The white tooth blade has an advantage, that is, as long as the blade continues to absorb the essence of the iron, the white tooth blade can recover again. Coming over, it became as sharp as ever, even faintly perhaps even stronger than the previous knife.

That's why Hagigi Shigeru had only the White Fang Blade in his life, the knife that followed him for the longest time. Not only can it transmit chakras, but it also has the ability to repair it automatically, and the last ability happens to be the most critical ability that Shigeru Hagigi values.

Chapter 562: Fighting

The reason why the Blade of White Fang was broken in Hagi Kakashi and failed to be recast was because the blade was broken, and the memory metal could not fully remember the pattern of the broken blade, and the second was because of commemorative reasons.

This knife was in the hands of Shigeru Hakata, and it was so confrontational with Uchiha Tatsumi. The two swords were no more than hundreds of moves against each other, and the blade of the white tooth in Shigeru Hakata's hand was only a slight gap. Some curled edges.

On the one hand, Shigeru Hagaki's strength, on the other hand, the blade of White Fang is really tough.

After taking a breath, Haaki Shigeru once again looked at Uchiha Tatsumi.

It just so happened that at this time Uchiha Tatsuki made a seal with both hands, and at the moment when Shigeru Hagaki looked at him, he pointed out with one hand and pointed towards Shigeru Hagaki a little bit.

"Illusory Art of Dark Walk!"

In an instant, Shigeru Hagaki's eyes became pitch black, and in front of the darkness-walking technique created by the second generation of Naruto Senshoujian, no matter who it was, he would be plunged into darkness for the first time. Shigeru Hagaki stuck a short knife on the ground, making a seal with both hands.

"Illusory solution!"

It didn't become bright in front of me.

"Illusory solution!"

The situation is still the same, and Shigeru Hagaki still feels that his eyes are dark and he has not been relieved at all.

"Give up, how could the second-generation Hokage's technique be cracked so simple!" Uchiha Tatsumi smiled mockingly at Shigeru Hagaki's meaningless efforts.

"Is the second-generation Naruto technique?" After hearing Uchiha's voice, Shigeru Hagaki calmed down instead. Although his eyes are completely dark at the moment, he can still be faintly judged by his many years of feeling. About to feel the movement of everyone present. Although it is not as capable of capturing the movement of the whole person as with the eyes, but still able to feel the coming of the crisis.

Shigeru Hagaki pulled out the white tooth blade from the ground, and Chakra covered his whole body, crackling like he was wearing a thunder and lightning armor. With a knife in one hand, if it weren't for those closed eyes, people might think that standing here is a **** who controls thunder and lightning.

Under the stimulation of thunder and lightning, Shigeru Hagaki's ability to control his body once again improved, and the body's sensory system began to become more sensitive.

As the saying goes, God closes a door for you and will definitely open a window for you. After losing his visual ability, Shigeru Hagaki's other sensory abilities have been greatly improved. It is particularly prominent in the sense of touch and hearing.

Outside the tent, the breeze was blowing, and the sound of rolling up the tent curtain, Shigeru Hagi, could also be clearly sensed.

With the blessing of this keen sensory ability, Shigeru Hagaki stood up. His legs trembled. The leg that was injured by the kick at Uchiha Tatsu no longer felt pain, and his ability to move once again returned to normal.

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