Shigeru Hagaki was slightly startled, and he realized after hearing the sound. It turned out to be in the Konoha Camp. If the battle were to start here, the consequences would be disastrous.

Immediately he hurriedly said: "There is nothing here, you guys quickly disperse, one hundred meters, no! Go back five hundred meters, hurry!"

"Master Maoshuo!"

"Execute the order! The whole camp retreats five hundred meters!"

The two elites Shangnin wanted to say something, Shigeru Hagi made a decisive order to seal what they wanted to say. Because he had already seen the impatience in Chen's eyes, if he procrastinated for a little longer, he didn't know what unexpected things Chen would do.

After receiving the order of Shigeru Hagi, the two elite Shangren wanted to say something, but under the supervision of the order, they could only arrange for everyone to retreat. The two had already made a decision. After organizing the retreat of the troops Come and help him in the tent of Shigeru Hagaki.

Chapter 558: Unreliable Method

Obviously, the two of them heard a little bit of something wrong in the words of Shigeru Hagi. Had it not been for the extremely terrifying enemy in his tent at this moment, Shigeshu Hagi would not have said such a thing. .

After secretly making up their minds, the two began to organize an emergency retreat.

However, what they didn't know was that the enemy turned out to be Uchiha Tatsun. What they didn't expect was that with the strength of their two elites, Shinobu, they couldn't see enough in front of Tatsun.

When the two began to organize their retreat, the atmosphere in the camp did not ease at all. I saw Uchiha Chen stepping out.

"Boom!" It sounded like the footsteps of the thunder landing on the hearts of the three of them. The three of them who had been seriously injured couldn't help but spit out blood and took a step back, and then they barely stood. Keep your heels steady.

"Are you coming for real?" Shigeru Hagaki took a deep breath. Now there is no way to alleviate the situation. Even if the two parties have negotiated before, the transaction between the two parties can basically be regarded as invalid. If this fight starts , Any treaty doesn’t work anymore.

Although the atmosphere was still very tense, at this moment Nara Lukisa keenly noticed something wrong.

Because he saw that the companion Yamanaka Kaiichi who was supporting him was not oppressed by the slightest aura. Especially just now, the three of them couldn't help vomiting blood and regressed, but Yamanaka Kaiichi, who was even worse than them in physical fitness and strength, was still motionless, his aura was calm, and he didn't respond.

Turning his head to look at the mountain, he asked softly: "Haiyi... don't you feel anything?"

"How does it feel?" Yamanaka Kaiichi was puzzled, as if he didn't understand what his companion said: "Feeling? No feeling."

He shook his head and saw that something was wrong with his teammate, and he suddenly thought of the key point of the problem. Get closer, leaning against Nara Lukuji calmly and asked, "Did you find anything?"


Seeing the unchanging face of Yamanaka Kazuchi, Nara Kajiu couldn't help but feel a little weird in his heart, and said, "Is it because Yamanaka Kajiu had fallen to the enemy?" Thinking of this, Nara Shikajiu immediately erased this completely impossible idea. Rear.

From the beginning, it was obvious that the two did not know each other. There were other people present when they contacted each other, and there was no such thing as privately surrendering to the enemy. Besides, it wasn't that Nara Luhisa belittled his companions, and Yamanaka didn't have any abilities worthy of Uchiha Tatsumi's attention.

So why did Uchiha Tatsuo deliberately miss Yamanaka Kaiichi?

"Does it want to cause us infighting?" Nara Lujiu's brain began to spin quickly, constantly wondering about the possibility of this matter, but no matter what his brain's IQ is, it is absolutely impossible to guess that Tatsun is from a later life. The reason I skipped Yamanaka Kaiichi because his daughter will become his own woman in the future.

"Right! It was the same before!" Nara Lukisa's brain flashed, thinking that the situation before in the Kingdom of the Wind seemed to be a little the same as now, Chen seemed to have glanced at Shanzhonghai intentionally or unintentionally when he was fighting. , And then let them go.

It's just that no one cared at that time, so they didn't think much about it. Looking back on it now, it seems that when Uchiha Tatsuh saw Yamanaka Kaiichi, there was more or less a trace of embarrassment in his eyes.

Although I can't figure out why this is, this does not prevent Nara Shikahisa from making some articles.

It is precisely because he believes in his teammates that he will do this.

"Haiichi, I may have a way to avoid this dispute." His eyes glanced at Uchiha Tatsumi subconsciously, and found that he hadn't noticed that he still had the Empress of Yamaaka, Lujiu similarly leaned to Haichi's ear and whispered softly. .

"What!?" Yamanakao was taken aback for a moment, and his voice could not help but raise a few points. Seeing that I was attracting everyone's eyes, I couldn't help but smile and said: " continue..."

Uchiha Tatsuno frowned, not understanding what the two of them were talking about, but subconsciously a little vigilant in his heart. The most famous thing about the Nara family is their brains. Most people who underestimate the Nara family will definitely suffer a lot. Don’t look at them as troublesome and troublesome. If you really want to be serious, they will definitely eat. It's a big loss.

Yamanaka turned his head and paid attention to Uchiha Tatsu's movements. Seeing him confronting Shigeru Hagaki again, he quietly gestured in front of Nara Shigeru.

"What the **** is going on! Make it clear, what to do!"

Seeing this for a long time, Shika Nara thought for a while, struggling to raise a hand and gesticulate in a place where Koriichi could be seen in the mountains.

This is a gesture that only they can understand. Different from Konoha's unified gesture code, they also have a set of special sign code between the pig, deer and butterfly, which is to prevent the loss of language communication to ensure smooth communication. , Generally, they will not be used, except in emergency situations.

"I found out... that guy named Uchiha Tatsun seems to be a little special to you. Under his deterrence, we didn't dare to act rashly at all. We even spit out blood in our mouths just now because of his murderous aura. You are the only one who is different. Under the aura of Uchiha Tatsumi, there is no movement and no induction. I just wonder if you want to be special."

Seeing Nara Kajiu's gesture like this, Yamanaka Kaiichi shook his head and made a series of gestures with a serious expression on his face.

"I have nothing to do with him!"

Nara Shikaji nodded, "I believe in you."

"The key now is that we don't even know what Uchiha Tatsuh likes. Since there is a possibility that he is special to you, can we write some articles on this?"

"What do you want to do?" Yamanaka Koichi took a deep look at Nara Shikahisa and made a series of gestures.

"You come forward and persuade that Uchiha Tatsumi, agree to his terms, and see if you can wipe this thing away."

"Are you sure? Why does it sound so unreliable? I don't have any intersection with that guy!"

"Five to five, I'm not sure, anyway, this is just a test, and I don't know why he looks at you differently. But there is always no big problem trying."

"Okay!" Yamanakahiro made a strange gesture with one hand down a little, looked at Nara Shigeru for a long time, and slowly walked out from behind Shigeru Hagaki.

Chapter 559: Unexpected

Yamanaka Kaiichi slowly walked out from behind Hagaki Shigeru, stood in front of Hagaki Shigeru, and stretched out his hand slightly to bring Hagaki Shigeru to this area behind him.

The atmosphere of the original rattling sword even saw that the two of them had already raised their hands and were ready to fight. After being disrupted by the mountain, the atmosphere instantly disappeared, and the atmosphere became stagnant again.

When Shigeru Hajime saw Shanzhonghai stand up, he first glanced at Lujiu behind him subconsciously, and saw that he nodded to him in a concealed way. Then he relaxed, and then relaxed his body, under the lead of Shanzhonghaiichi. Stand behind him.

At this time, Shigeru Hagaki had the time to observe other things.

The movements of Yamanaka Keiichi his eyes were watching, he was surprised to find that he had not been oppressed by Uchiha Tatsu's aura.

Even he himself is still under Uchiha Tatsu's aura now, his body's ability to move is much stiffer than before, but Yamanaka Keiichi can't see the slightest sign of being overwhelmed.

"Could it be that...could it be that he..." Shigeru Hagaki shook his head and put the idea behind him. Let alone that they didn't know each other, the love they had for so many years would not be enough for the mountain to hide. Produce that kind of behavior.

Shigeru Hagaki felt a little sorry for his distrust of his companions, but he was now wary.

He patted a hand behind him, but Nara Luji moved over. He chuckled at Shigeru Hagaki and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, Masaru-sama, you have to believe in Hiichi."

Shigeru Hagi nodded, indicating that he understood what Lujiu said.

"I don’t know why. That Uchiha Tatsuh seems to be a little special to Hyichi. It was also the same when I was in the Kingdom of Wind. It seemed that he saw Hyichi and decided to let us go. Although I don’t know what the reason is, I I think there must be hidden information that we don’t know. If the bet is right, this may be a very important opportunity."

"No wonder!" Shigeru Hagaki showed a suddenly enlightened expression, "That's right, I said how it was so coincidental, what happened before, now think about it, it is indeed the case."

" far can he do it?" Shigeru Hagi looked at the back of the mountain, his eyes flickering.

"It depends on the situation, I am not very sure, I just hope that my guess is not wrong." Lu Jiu sighed.

Yamanaka Kaiichi broke the original tense momentum and raised his eyes to Uchiha Tatsu. When he looked at the deep three-hook jade writing wheel, his heart trembled, and the whole person seemed to be sucked in. Like a bottomless abyss.

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