Chapter 222: Konoha's Two Advisors

In a secret base far away from the Konoha battlefield, Konoha’s villagers and wounded are crowded in this small shelter. Medical ninjas are busy stopping the bleeding of the wounded, and Konoha’s villagers’ faces They were all full of panic, but nothing happened. It seemed that this was not the first time this happened. Some civilians even took the initiative to help medical ninjas grab the wounded, and some children also put away the jokes at this time. Heart.

"I just heard that the people who attacked Konoha turned out to be the two little ghosts of Uchiha's clan, Uchiha Tatsumi and Uchiha Sasuke. Danzo is right. I really shouldn't have let Hizumi leave Uchiha's two. A remnant of sin, so much that it caused this situation today! All of this is due to the weakness of Sun Slash and the benevolence of women!" In a corner of the refuge, an old hoarse voice suddenly drew everyone's attention. He seemed to feel very regretful and dissatisfied in his tone.

"These two rebellious, the village treated them very well in the past. I didn't expect to raise two white-eyed wolves. Now they are ungratefully attacking the village. What a crime!"

When everyone saw it, they turned out to be Konoha's two major advisors, which are equivalent to Konoha's elders, Zhuan Xiaochun and Mito Menyan, these two elderly people, they are old, although they still serve as Konoha's Hokage advisors. However, after Chen attacked Konoha, they also entered Konoha Refuge in the same way as the Konoha civilians.

The one who had just spoken was obviously the only woman in the Konoha elders, who turned to sleep with Xiaochun. He is a direct disciple of the second generation of Naruto and is good at medical ninjutsu. He is also one of the three elder consultants of the fire country Konoha Ninja Murakami with a certain political power (the other two are Mito Menyan and Danzo). The proposal for the selection of Naruto candidates was decided, and Konoha played a pivotal role in the tragedy that Konoha planned to eliminate the Uchiha clan. Turning to sleep, Xiaochun possesses the palm fairy technique and the mitigation extraction technique. As the teammates of the third generation of Hokage, he and Mito Menyan have very high qualifications in illusion.

"Oh~ It’s too late to say anything now, and it’s a last resort at the time. Uchiha Itachi used the village’s intelligence as a threat. If we attacked Uchiha Tatsumi and Uchiha Sasuke, then Uchiha Itachi. Rebellion will sell Konoha's intelligence to the ninja of the enemy country, and in that case, the village will be placed under the enemy's ninja's butcher's knife without any precaution."

"In my opinion, the Uchiha clan is inherently rebellious, and even Uchiha Itachi should have been eradicated at the beginning. In this way, the rebellious Uchiha clan will disappear into the Ninja world, and this will not happen. It's up, speaking of it, Danzo's men were incompetent, and Uchiha Itachi escaped!"

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. Now that things have happened, you don't have to complain anymore. As for Uchiha Tatsumi and Uchiha Sasuke, I believe that Tsunade will take care of it. Let's wait patiently for the news here!" Hearing Zhuan Xiaochun's complaint, he was also a disciple of the second generation of Hokage, and Mito Menyan, who was a Hokage consultant with the same identity as Zhuan Xiaochun, said. Compared to turning to sleep, Xiaochun seemed to be more calm and calm.

"Huh!" Zhuan Xiaochun knew that it was really not suitable to talk about these things in this kind of place, and after a cold snort, she didn't say anything.

At this moment, a ninja dressed as an Anbe appeared in the refuge, and came to the two of them in an instant, and said to them: "Advisor, I have urgent things to report to you!"

Both of them could hear the anxiety contained in that Anbe's tone, and couldn't help but glance at each other, feeling each other's doubts.

"You... are Danzo's subordinates? Did Danzo ask you to come to us to discuss some countermeasures together?" Zhuan Xiaochun regained his gaze on the Anbe member in front of him and asked indifferently.

"Yes, I am a member of the "root" organization affiliated to Danzang-sama, but I am not sent by Danzang-sama because Danzang-sama has already..."

"Huh?" Hearing the root member's words, coupled with his tone, Zhuan Xiaochun and Mito Menyan, couldn't help feeling a little uneasy, as if something bad had happened.

"Danzo-sama...has been killed by Sasuke Uchiha!"

"What? How could it be possible!"

Obviously it was unbelievable to get such news from the mouth of the root member in front of him, and he couldn't even control his expression, it was full of surprise.

It should be known that Danzo is not only their companion, but also a disciple of the second generation of Hokage like them. His own strength is good, and the roots he controls are composed of elite ninjas from various families in Konoha. Now he is dead. In the hands of a Uchiha junior, they can't help but feel a trace of sadness while shocking them. After all, their team of partners are now only two of them.

"With Danzo's strength and with so many elite ninjas at your roots, how could it be possible for Sasuke Uchiha to kill Danzo by the rebellion?" Zhuan Xiaochun became anxious in her heart. Without the composure just now, he quickly asked the man at the root.

"Uchiha Sasuke is very strong. He has opened the kaleidoscope to write round eyes and can skillfully use the kaleidoscope pupil technique. Moreover, the strength of the two ninjas who came with Uchiha Sasuke was beyond our expectations. When the two ninjas intercepted, Sasuke Uchiha approached Lord Danzo. They fought, and Lord Danzo finally lost and died in the hands of Sasuke Uchiha!" The root member always confessed. What happened.

"At that time, our manpower was not enough. It was already very difficult to play against the other two members of the Eagle team. If we add Sasuke Uchiha, we will not be opponents at all, so the captain made a decisive decision and let us withdraw first. !"

"Damn Uchiha kid! Keeping it is also a scourge. You can't let them leave Konoha today, otherwise there will be endless troubles. You should inform your captain and let him summon all the root members immediately and go to the battlefield. The remnants of Uchiha besieged!"

"Yes!" After the root member received the instruction, he wanted to do it. Now that the leader of their roots is dead, then their roots have lost their backbone, so it is natural not for Konoha's other two high-levels. Will defy.

Chapter 223: Bad News

And just as the man at the root was about to leave, they felt that a chakra full of evil and ominous suddenly broke out on the battlefield in the distance, causing their expressions to change.

"This chakra...could it be that the nine-tailed manjuli...What is Tsunade doing? It actually made the manjuli on the battlefield. What should I do if there is something wrong with the manjuli?"

Hearing the news of Dan Zang's death was enough to shock my heart, but I didn't expect that this thing would happen again now, so Zhuan Xiaochun couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

After getting angry, Turning Koharu turned around and said to the root member who had not had time to leave in front of him: "Hurry up. While killing Uchiha Tatsu and Uchiha Sasuke, first control the strength of the Nine-tailed man. In order to bring him back, there must not be any mistakes made by the nine-tailed man Zhuli!"


After the root received the order, he didn't hesitate anymore, and left the place to perform the task.

However, as soon as the person at the root left, an Anbu Ninja wearing a mask came into the refuge. What made people notice was the person behind the Anbe Ninja.

"Medical ninja, hurry up, come over and treat Naruto-sama!"

"Ozuna Te? How did you become like this? To what extent has Uchiha Tatsun done to the village? How come you are so weak as Naruto?" Turning to sleep, Koharu saw that he was lying on the back of the Anbu Ninja. Tsunade's heart exploded suddenly.

"..." Tsunade is extremely weak now, and can't find the strength to answer. Although his mouth moved, no one can hear what he is saying.

"Master Naruto was already unconscious just now in order to protect Chakra from other people in the village, and Uchiha Tatsu..." The masked Anbe Ninja said to a halt, then let out a long sigh of relief and said, "Uchiha Tatsuo. The village has almost been turned into ruins, and Yamato Tianzang has also died in his hands!"

"Yamato Tenzo? Isn't that the kid who knows how to escape? How about that person Zhuli? Don't let Zhuli retreat quickly, if even the people of the village Zhuli are captured, then Konoha is really done! Zhuanqin Xiaochun scolded angrily in a frightened tone.

"When Naruto Uzumaki came back with Tsunade-sama with his subordinates, he had already dealt with Uchiha Tatsuo. The aura that was just now, 80% of the power of the nine tails burst out, and Naruto Uzumaki is probably no enemy. I'm losing consciousness, I want it to retreat... it's impossible." Anbe Ninja said embarrassedly.

At this moment, Zhuan Xiaochun said that he was anxious and frustrated, but from the narrative of Anbu enduring, he also knows that the wild horse on the battlefield is out of control, completely out of control, even Tsunade is weak in this way, and the fierceness of the war can be overcome. I know, just as Xiaochun was depressed when she turned to bed, she suddenly thought of someone in her mind, "Where is Jilaiye? At such a crisis in the village, did he disappear?"

"Master Jilaiya was arranged by the Five Generations of Hokage to collect information about the leader of the Akatsuki organization some time ago. It is estimated that they are still in Yuyin Village at this time..."

"Report! Sir, Kyuubi Renzhuli has lost control, and now he has the eighth tail! Yamato Tenzo is also dead. If this continues, we might lose control of Kyuubi, if it were the ninth tail. If it also comes out... I am afraid that there will be two nine tails on the battlefield..." Just when Koharu turned to sleep and was about to get angry, another Anbu ninja rushed in panic and reported.

"How come... it's really difficult now! If it weren't for the refuge, I'm afraid I would have followed in Danzo's footsteps! It was already very tricky after an hour, and now even Renzhuli is out of control..." Turning to bed, Xiaochun shook her head, spinning back and forth in the small room of the refuge, no one could see the anxiety in her heart.

"This is the end of the matter. I hope Renzhuli can withstand Uchihatatsu's offensive. If he can't come back, Renzhuli has failed again. Konoha's fear is not going to be saved, and I, a consultant, I think I've done it." Turning to sleep, Xiaochun wrinkled her head and muttered to himself. He has no doubts about the mood of the handguard, but her greed for power will not be shown in front of those hands.

"Huh? That power has disappeared?" Feeling the strange turn to bed, Xiaochun hurried to the window next to Konoha and looked at the direction of the village. Neishin, who was already anxious, couldn't calm down at this moment. Know how to win..."

At this moment, even though Xiaochun turned to sleep and felt the disappearance of the tail beast breath, she still could not accurately understand the specific situation, because the seal on the strength of the human column would work at a specific point in time, and as a high-level, she naturally also It is clear that in order to cope with the Kyuubi, the Naruto will definitely have a backhand on the human pillar power. Therefore, even if the human pillar power temporarily loses the power of the tail beast and transforms into a human form, the specific situation...she is in the refuge but does not know.

Not long afterwards, I saw another Anbu ninja rushing into the door of the refuge. Turning to sleep, Xiaochun hurriedly looked back, but it was not the two who had been sent out, "What's the matter! Hurry up!"

"Advisor...Renzhuli...The nine-tailed force in Renzhuli has been temporarily suppressed, and now he has lost the power of tail beastization!" In the impression of Anbe Ninja, their adviser never seemed to have such a gaffe. Even when Nine Tails attacked Konoha more than ten years ago, he had never seen it.

"Do you think that Renzhuli has turned into a human form now, I don't know? I want you to tell the point, what is going on on the Konoha battlefield!" Zhuan Shu Xiaochun rebuked some angrily.

"After the Nine Tails were transformed into Nine Tails, Zhu Li did not gain the advantage in Chen's hands. On the contrary, after the eighth tail was exploded, he didn't know what force he was affected, and he actually restrained the tail beastization. Transformed into a human form. The person who lost his tail beastly was naturally not Uchiha Tatsu's opponent, and he was defeated in an instant..." The visitor told the general situation about Naruto in one breath.

"Fell? What about that person? Zhu Li? Turning to sleep, Xiaochun seemed to hear the key to the problem at once, and hurriedly asked.

"Your advisor, don’t worry. Just when Ren Zhuli was in crisis, Master Jilaiya suddenly rushed back and saved Ren Zhuli in Chen’s hands! And there were two old men standing on the shoulders of Master Jilaiya. Toad, it seems that Chen still has a slight advantage in Chen's hands!"

"Huh~" Chang Shu turned to sleep in a sigh of relief, and Xiaochun waved his hand to the anbe ninja, "Check again!"

"Is it with the immortal mode as soon as I appeared? It seems that I know the depth of the enemy, but since I came with two toad immortals, I should be able to cope with it." Gang turned sullenly. At the moment, Xiaochun's complexion finally eased a little.

"Report!" Turning to sleep, Xiaochun just wanted to sit down. Before he sat down safely, he saw another ninja rushed out of the door. Turning to sleep, Xiaochun took a look. It turned out that he had just sent out to investigate Konoha's situation. That name.

"Come on! What happened to the battle in Konoha Village!"

"Jilaiya... Master Jilaiya... he died in battle!!"

As soon as the voice fell, the body of Xiaochun who had not sat down in the air before turning to bed, seemed to lose strength in an instant and fell limp...

Chapter 224: Jiraiya's Hero Story

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