Chapter 203: The Shocked Konoha

The battle between Sasuke and Danzo is finally over. At the moment when both sides almost reached their limit, Sasuke's pulse through Zichen can be described as a shocking defeat and victory to end Danzo.

And Xianglin, who has been hiding in the dark, has been paying attention to Sasuke's body. When he saw Sasuke being counterattacked by Danzo at the last moment, his heart raised his throat and wanted to set off to rescue Sasuke. After seeing Sasuke take out the pulsation, she resisted the urge for a long time. In the end, Sasuke who drank the pulsation did not disappoint her, and Danzang was resolved in an instant, and Xianglin also walked out of the dark. , Rushed to Sasuke's side, and asked caringly: "Sasuke, are you okay!"

During the fierce battle, Shigeo and Suizuki, after hearing Xianglin’s shout, looked in the direction of Xianglin’s line of sight, it was indeed Sasuke. At this moment, Sasuke seemed to be embarrassed, but he was not in good physical condition. There are no obvious scars either.

Everyone in Anbe noticed the abnormality of the three of them, and followed their line of sight. They saw a young man dressed in white and holding a grass pheasant sword standing in the distance. It was not Sasuke or who he was.

"That's... Betrayal Uchiha Sasuke, Danzo-sama..."

"Could it be...impossible! How could Lord Danzang lose to this traitor!"

The three of Shigego directly ignored the discussion of the Anbe people, and each jumped out of the crowd and returned to both sides of Sasuke, and once again opposed the Anbe leaders.

"Danzo, it's dead! If you still want to stop me, come on!" Sasuke looked at the people in front of him indifferently and said, and the surrounding area of ​​his body also slowly turned into a fuzzy figure of Suzuo. , Just seeing the current situation of Sasuke, Susuo by his side seems to be able to instantaneously become real at any time.

"The curse mark on my body has been eliminated. Could it be that what he true!"

"Nani! No, how could Lord Danzang lose to this traitor!"

"This matter is of great importance. Please quickly inform the two advisors. Today's situation is no longer within our control!"

"Quick, let's get out of here first and meet the people outside!"

After Sasuke’s words, the noisy voices instantly fluctuated throughout Anbe, shock and disbelief filled the hearts of every Anbe member, and with the subsequent retreat words, everyone in Anbe seemed to have found it. With an urgently needed reason for retreat, each of them used their own means to quickly evacuate, meeting with the ninjas of Konoha Village. Just now they have done their best to surround and kill Suige and Shigego, but they have not been able to take them two. Now, with the addition of a Uchiha Sasuke who may have killed Danzo, they can't stop Sasuke at all, and Dan Zang did not appear, and they also lost their backbone, so they still retreated temporarily, and waited until the street order was renewed, and then came to siege and kill Sasuke and them in their outfits.

"Sasuke" looked at Sasuke, who was standing next to him without any serious problems, and Xianglin pushed the glasses on again.

"Danzo has been solved by me, now go to meet Chen. Danzo's death can shock the roots for a while, waiting for them to regroup together will be no small trouble for us, leave here first." Sasuke relieved After Susanohu, he touched his forehead with his right hand and said slowly. Sasuke calmed down, and when he looked forward again, he found that his vision became more blurred.


Sasuke was so anxious that he was blinded by both eyes, so it would be better to just kill him. Without further delay, he took Shuiyue and others towards Chen's direction. He just wanted to get to Chen's side as soon as possible.

After Sasuke and others left, the base of the huge root became empty, leaving Danzo's body, lying alone in the base. His men did not even come to collect him and evacuated.


On the other side of the battlefield, a tail beast jade from Nine Tails showed its power to destroy the sky and the earth in front of Konoha's people. Konoha's ninja seemed to be stunned, looking blankly at the village that had been divided into two. , Muttering to himself, couldn't believe what he was seeing, a strange scene appeared on the entire battlefield for a while, quietly, no one dared to make a noise.

"The village... the village..."

"Why... why is this..."

"The village was separated by...this..."

Although the target of the Nine Tailed Beast Cannons was not aimed at Konoha’s ninjas, they were located in the orbit of the Tail Beast Cannon. When the Nine Tails ejected the Tail Beast Cannon, although they had already evaded, but They underestimated the power and speed of the Tail Beast Cannon. Some ninjas who could not dodge were directly swallowed by the Tail Beast Cannon, and some slow-reacting were severely injured by the impact of the Tail Beast Cannon and lost their ability to move for a while. , Konoha ninjas looked embarrassed by this big move of Kyuubi.

"Tsunade-sama, are you okay?" An Anbe member, at the moment the Tail Beast Cannon fired, he was the first to escape, but the impact formed by the Tail Beast Cannon made him very embarrassed, and his whole body was covered with it. After getting rid of the dust, after the turmoil of the Tail Beast Cannon, he immediately came to Tsunade's side as a guard.

At this time, Tsunade ignored the Anbe. He was kneeling on the ground, looking at the destroyed village with a dull expression, and finally woke up with an extremely angry expression on his face, shouting in the direction where Chen was. Said: "Unforgivable...unforgivable, Uchiha Tatsuno!"

Tsunade stretched out his thumb, stained a little bit of blood on the wound where he had knocked the corner of his mouth just now, and quickly formed a seal.

"Psychic art!"


A burst of smoke emerged out of thin air, and then a giant blue and white slug appeared in front of him.

" seems that the village is facing a crisis." As soon as the slug appeared, he first saw Tsunade and then the surrounding environment, and couldn't help but speak. It's just surprising that such a behemoth has a gentle voice like a woman.

"Stop talking, you immediately follow all the ninjas in Konoha, and then heal everyone through my chakra!" Tsunade gave no nonsense, and directly gave orders to the slug.

"Everyone? Tsunade-sama, your Chakra...Are you going to?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go!"

"I see!"

The slug also knew that the situation was urgent, and didn't say anything. His body squirmed for a while, and then the huge body turned into small slugs dozens of times smaller in size, squirming towards the injured ninja in the village of Konoha.

After the slug acted, Tsunade closed her eyes first, and then opened them suddenly. The aura of her whole person changed, and the Baihao seal on her forehead disappeared at this moment.

Seeing this, the Anbe was startled and said in secret: "The Hundred Hao seals on his forehead disappeared in surprise, he has released the art of creation and regeneration and assigned Chakra to Lord Slug, in order to protect the ninjas in the village..."

Ignoring the fright of the Anbe, Tsunade struggled to stand up from the ground and slowly walked towards Chen, with endless anger in his eyes, vowing to tear the enemy in front of him to pieces.

And Chen did not feel nervous at all when facing Tsunade who was already so angry that he still had a playful sneer. Seeing Tsunade walking towards him step by step, he did not attack first.

Chapter 104: Naruto's Helix Pill Shuriken

On the Konoha battlefield, Tsunade is walking step by step in front of Tatsun, and Anbe, as the guard of Hokage, naturally follows closely behind. The Konoha ninjas who were shocked by the tail beast cannons also recovered at this time. , Gathered behind Tsunade, staring angrily at the chief culprit in front of the village's tragedy. They gritted their teeth one by one, wishing to tear up the intruder in front of them and swallow them alive.

"I am Konoha's fifth-generation Hokage. You who ravaged the treasures and dreams of your ancestors are absolutely unforgivable, Uchiha Tatsumi!" Tsunade walked to Tatsun's face, glared at Tatsun, and then roared at Tatsun. : "I'm going to have a break with you here in the name of Hokage!"

"Hey! Make a break? This is exactly what I wanted. Kinaba Village was originally a village founded by the Uchiha and Senju clan. Now I divide the village into two. It’s far from enough. I want to destroy all this rotten village that has humiliated us Uchiha! Do you want to break it with me? Come on!"

The two parties were already in the same situation, and it was impossible to alleviate it. As soon as Chen's voice fell, Konoha's people began to act. Just about to launch an attack on Chen, the nine tails at Chen's feet also raised their front paws, wanting Tear the ants in front of you to pieces.

At this moment, a voice came from a place not far from Chen. a "The technique of killing wood escape thorns!"

Just listening to the sound, a few wooden vines suddenly emerged from the ground under the feet of Nine Tails, and entangled towards Nine Tails at a very fast speed, first with the feet, then the body, and then the two front paws. , In the end, even the neck was wrapped around the wooden slats. Before everyone recovered, the huge Kyuubi uniforms restricted Kyuubi's ability to move... It looks like this!

Kyuubi was entangled in the wooden sticks and desperately tried to get rid of it, but the unimaginable toughness of the wooden sticks made it impossible to get rid of it. He could only let out an unwilling roar, glaring at the two ninjas not far away.

Seeing that Kyuubi was actually trapped by Mu Dun, Chen was stunned for a moment, then showed a clear expression, and said with a sneer, "Mu Dun? It should be the fellow Yamato Tenzo! But... it just depends on it. Does Mu Dun at this level want to trap Kyuubi? It's naive!"

Chen looked in the direction of the voice just now, and she found that Yamato who had met him in the stronghold of Oshemaru once stood there, holding the handprints that activated Mu Dun with both hands, staring solemnly at Kyuubi. , It seems that Kyuubi's struggle has caused a lot of pressure on him, and the one standing beside him is Konoha's Kuki, Naruto Uzumaki!

Yamato's Mu Dun not only made Chen a little surprised, but even the ninjas in Konoha Village were surprised by this sudden scene.

"It's Yamato. Didn't that guy practice with Naruto? Since he is here, what should Naruto do..." Kakashi immediately thought of Yamato when he saw Mu Dun, and quickly searched for Yamato's figure. , I finally found him, but there seemed to be a familiar figure standing beside Yamato.

"Even Naruto is here? Well, after this period of training, Naruto has improved a lot in strength. He is also a member of Konoha. Let him contribute to Konoha! Let's With so many people here, plus Yamato’s Mu Dun, dealing with Nine Tails is like a tiger with more wings. We will definitely be able to defend the village!"

But at this time, Yamato Tenzo was not as relaxed as Kakashi imagined. After using Mu Dun to unexpectedly trap Kyuubi, Kyuubi’s resistance was beyond his imagination and seemed to be able to break away from him at any time. Mu Dun’s bondage, but he still clenched his teeth. In order to provide opportunities for the ninjas in his village, he could only export Chakra desperately to maintain Mu Dun, which was faintly loose under the struggle of Kyuubi. Naruto beside him shouted: "Naruto, hurry up!"

"Captain Yamato, I know, I'll be fine soon!"

Although I was very confused about the Kyuubi in front of him, Naruto had no time to figure out the situation. The situation is urgent now. The most important thing is to get rid of Kyuubi. The two seemed to have a plan in advance. After Yamato yelled, Naruto The action started immediately. First, two shadow clones were separated, and then a spiral pill was condensed in the hands of one shadow clone, and then Naruto’s own wind escape chakra was added, a white shuriken rotating at high speed, The shadow avatar of the person gradually took shape in his hands.

"Yosei! Let's try my newly invented ninjutsu, Fengdun Helix Maru Shuriken!"

After Helixmaru Shuriken was formed, Naruto yelled, and then left and right with the other shadow clone, pulling the shadow clone holding Helixmaru Shuriken, and ran towards Kyuubi. Getting closer and closer, after getting closer to Kyuubi for a certain distance, Naruto and the shadow clone used force at the same time, and the middle shadow clone holding the Helixmaru shuriken was thrown toward Kyuubi's head.

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