What he saw was a giant tree soaring to the sky. What made him angry was that the ninjas of their Konoha village were hung on those vines. Some of them were pierced by the trees, and some were entangled by the trees. Being squeezed, the blood dripped down the vines to the ground, dyeing large areas of land red, and some ninjas who had not yet died, uttered bursts of screams and painful wailing, showing a A hellish scene.

The tree vines finally stopped growing, and the ninjas who survived the tree vines were also a little relieved. Because they had to flee for their lives just now, they had no time to take care of him. At this moment, after they were able to breathe, they were shocked by the scene before them.

"Cheat...deceptive...how is it possible...how is it possible..." All the ninjas seem to have lost the ability to think, their expressions have become sluggish, and they whispered to themselves in disbelief, forgetting that they are there at this time. where.

"Demon...you...you are a demon...why? Why do you want to do this?" At this moment, Kakashi lost her former composure and calmness, and there was unconcealable grief and hatred in her eyes. The emotion became trembling with grief and anger, and he roared to Chen.

And it was Kakashi’s roar that awakened the Konoha ninjas who had fallen into a sluggish state. Then, without exception, they all became the same as Kakashi, with immense grief and hatred. His gaze turned to Uchiha Tatsumi, the culprit who caused the tragedy, a look of hatred that he could not wait to eat his flesh.

In response to Kakashi’s questioning, Chen showed a disdainful expression on his face, and laughed: "Can’t you stand this? Only a few people died. We must know that our Uchiha clan was massacred at the beginning, and finally It led to the extermination. Only me and Sasuke survived. All of this was caused by the suspicion of Konoha’s senior management. Now, I want to return all the unfair treatment suffered by the Uchiha clan to Konoha. It's just the beginning now!"

"The Uchiha clan was slaughtered by Uchiha Itachi. Why should Konoha be blamed? You are just making an excuse for your evil deeds!"

"Forget it, for you guys who don't know the truth, I am too lazy to spend my tongue. I am here today to destroy Konoha. Since you love the village so much, try to stop me!" No matter what you say today Yes, Chen really didn't bother to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly formed a seal with both hands, and suddenly jumped into the sky.

"Fire escape. The fire is extinguished!"

Tatsumi, who was in mid-air, released an A-level fire escape ninjutsu toward the Konoha ninjas after completing the jieyin-the fierce fire extinguished!

A sea of ​​fire with a diameter of more than 20 meters, overwhelmingly rushed towards Kakashi and others. Although it was only an A-level ninjutsu, it exerted an S-level power in Chen’s hands, standing Kakashi and others in the distance could feel the waves of heat.

"Damn it, the fire is too big!"

At this time, Kakashi and others would naturally not sit back and wait in the face of Chen’s attack, ignoring the sadness in their hearts. Dozens of ninjas who have the water attribute chakra stepped forward tacitly and stood at the forefront of the crowd. Unite to form a seal.

"Water escape. Water front wall!"

More than a dozen ninjas use the water front at the same time, the scene is naturally very spectacular, but at this time no one has this leisurely sigh, because the water front composed of more than a dozen people is actually just worthy of extinguishing the fire. equal.

Two large-scale ninjutsu collided together. The water wall was extinguished by the fire but vaporized and turned into water vapor in the sky. All of a sudden, the entire battlefield was covered by dense white fog, and it was night now. , Which also hindered their vision. Therefore, Konoha's ninjas did not relax their vigilance after offsetting the attack of Luo Chen, their eyes were fixed in the direction where Chen was, to prevent Chen from suddenly attacking.

"Be careful, he's here!"

I saw that in the white mist, a conspicuous red light was rushing towards this side at an extremely fast speed. It turned out that Chen Zheng was holding the streamer filled with Chakra and killed him.

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for customization! ! Ask for a reward!

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Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Nine: Telling the Truth

"Be careful, he's here! Ah~~~"

A sharp-eyed Konoha ninja spotted Tatsun who was approaching them, and immediately issued an alarm to his companions, followed by a scream, because Tatsun had already arrived in front of him, and he hadn't taken any measures yet. At that time, Chen was killed.

Chen did not give the Konoha ninja a chance to breathe, holding a streamer, and at a very fast speed, broke into the Konoha ninja's camp, waving the blade in his hand, and constantly harvesting the life of the Konoha ninja, the Konoha ninja at the scene None of them were his enemies. Wherever they went, there was a **** blossom, accompanied by screams, and fallen corpses.

"Damn it! Disperse!"

Because Tatsumi has already entered the crowd, and Konoha’s ninjas are all around him, Konoha’s ninjas dare not release ninjutsu easily because they are afraid of accidentally hurting their companions. He performed a ninjutsu in the ground, and every swing of the sword can bring out a slash of flames, causing Konoha to suffer heavy casualties. If this continues, it won’t take long for Uchiha Tatsumi to take the Konoha ninjas present. They were all killed, and as a last resort, Kakashi could only let the Konoha ninjas retreat first.

"Secret method. The technique of doubling!"

Just after Konoha ninjas all moved away from Tatsun, a deep voice rang, and Tatsun saw a huge palm slapped his head toward where he was.

"whispering sound!"

Chen sneered disdainfully, and then activated the Flying Thunder God technique and disappeared in place. The palm of his hand slapped on the spot where Chen was just now. After a piece of sand was raised, it gradually became smaller, and Chen returned. On Kyuubi's head, with his hands on his chest, with a playful smile on his face, he looked at the direction of the Konoha camp.

The fog on the battlefield was gradually blown away by the strong wind, and the sights of both sides became clear. I saw that in Konoha’s camp, the number of people has increased, which is a lot more than before. It seems that they have just arrived. The reinforcements are now waiting in full battle, staring at Chen on the opposite side solemnly.

In Konoha’s camp, the fifth generation of Naruto Senjutsu Tsunade stood at the forefront of the crowd, gritted her teeth and glared at Chen. Standing next to her are the elite ninjas of Konoha’s Anbe and various secret arts families. The best in it.

At this time, Konoha's village's combat power appeared in front of Chen and formed a confrontation with Chen.

"Tsunade? It's finally figured out..."

"Uchiha Tatsuo? It's really you, why do you want to kill Konoha?" Tsunade glared at Tatsun on Kyuubi's head and asked sharply.

"Why? When you Konoha pushed our Uchiha clan to a dead end, I also want to ask why... Our Uchiha clan established the Konoha Hidden Village together with your Senju clan during the Warring States Period and ended the war. , Has the supreme feat, and then shed blood and tears during the war to defend the village against foreign enemies, guarding the village, and making great contributions to the village, but the result is an extermination! I also want to ask why this is?"

"Damn! You Uchiha clan were obviously slaughtered by your own clan, Uchiha Itachi, why should we blame Konoha? If you want to avenge Uchiha clan, you should go to Uchiha Itachi. That rebellious ninja, why should he be cruel to us Konoha?" A Konoha ninja behind Tsunade shouted at Tatsumi after Tatsun finished speaking.


After hearing the ninja's words, Tatsun smiled, and said to Tsunade with a sneer expression: "Haha, Tsunade! It seems that you still don't know anything about that year, you Naruto is really good. I'm depreesed!"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

After hearing Tatsun's sarcasm, Tsunade frowned and asked Tatsun a question, and in his heart he was thinking, "Damn! I guess it's correct, the Uchiha clan's case really hides something, and It's definitely not that simple, how many things are still hiding from me by Teacher Sarutobi!"

"Huh! Want to know? Let me tell you!"

After Chen coldly hummed, he was not eager to do it, but started to tell Konoha ninjas the secrets of the year. Since Konoha has been dealt with, there is no need to hide those things. After all, he is not like Itachi. For those who are willing to bear all crimes for peace, he just wants Konoha's people to say nothing!

While Tatsun was telling the truth that the Uchiha clan was not annihilated, the expressions of the Konoha people below changed again and again. They ninjas didn’t even know that the tragedy back then had hidden so many facts on their faces. Full of incredible expression.

"Unexpectedly, the truth about the Uchiha clan being exterminated in the first place turned out to be like this. So Uchiha Itachi made his way to the Uchiha clan for peace in the village. This..."

"For the sake of peace in the village, not only did I kill all my own people, but also took the blame alone and became a traitor? It is simply unimaginable..."

"Not only to the people of the tribe, but also to my own parents... what a pain it is. In the end, in order to keep secrets, it became the rebel of the village and was spurned by the people in the village. This is really unimaginable. The peace we enjoy It turned out to be the result of the pain Uchiha Itachi endured..."

After Chen revealed the truth, Konoha’s ninjas were all talking, regretting, blaming themselves, and of course some disapproving: "Humph! Who knows if what he said is true, just make up a story. Did you lie to us?"

However, Tsunade obviously believed in Tatsun's words. When Uchiha was annihilated, she felt that things were not that simple, and Uchiha Tatsumi had no reason to make up such a story to deceive them.

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Chapter One Hundred and Ninety: Start the War Again

After learning the truth about the Uchiha clan's tragic extermination, Tsunade apparently believed Tatsun's words. Although he expressed guilt for Uchiha Itachi, he also expressed anger and puzzlement towards Uchiha Tatsumi in front of him. Since Tatsumi has long known that the truth was that the Uchiha clan wanted to launch a rebellion and destroyed himself, and it was not Konoha’s hand, why did Uchiha Tatsumi put this account on Konoha’s head, Do you just want to vent your anger with Konoha? What does he think of Konoha...

"Since, as you said, the demise of the Uchiha clan is also on your own, trying to launch a coup d'etat and cause war. Uchiha Itachi made such a decision to protect the peace of the village, so why are you attacking the village now? ?"

"Huh! Take the blame? If it weren't for the suspicion and persecution of Konoha's high-levels, how could we Uchiha want to launch a coup. At the beginning, we Uchiha and you Qianshou united together to establish Konoha hidden village. Contributed! However, you Thousand Hands Clan forced Uchiha Madara, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan back then, and because of the grievances between the Senju Clan and Uchiha clan at the time, they were afraid of the power of Uchiha Clan in order to appease Uchiha. The first family has given the Uchiha family a special post called the Konoha Special Police Force. On the surface, it seems to be a symbol of trust in Uchiha, but in fact it is just to keep the Uchiha family away from the government affairs of the village. It is also about the Uchiha family. As for the measures taken by the village under surveillance, the Kyuubi incident was even suspected, so that the entire Uchiha clan was deported to this remote corner, almost in a state of isolation!"

"This... how is this possible..."

"Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened before..."

"Why would the village make such a decision?"

Konoha’s ninjas couldn’t help but look at each other after listening to Tatsun’s secrets of the year. There were all doubts and disbelief in their minds. They did not expect the seemingly beautiful Uchiha clan to have experienced such a thing. They really didn't know how to answer, and they were silent for a while.

Most of them are ordinary civilians, unable to understand the thoughts of those in power, and only the Konoha ninja who owns a family showed a thoughtful expression.

Looking at the Konoha ninjas with weird expressions below, Tatsun showed a disdainful expression on his face, and continued with a sneer: "It is your Konoha's suspicion and discrimination that deny the merits of the Uchiha clan, even the basic politics. All rights were deprived, and in the end they were completely isolated. The whole clan was under Konoha’s surveillance, step by step, pushing Uchiha to a dead end, and even his survival was threatened, so he was forced to launch a coup. It was Konoha’s high-level persecution that caused the current result. This is Konoha’s debt to the Uchiha clan. Today, I will let Konoha village pay it back!"

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