"Got it, dead old man!"

"That's good!"

At this moment, the loess behind Dokage said, "But, Dokage-sama! Have we been tolerating Uchihatatsu like this?"

"Hey~~ Don't worry! The appearance of this person has already broken the balance of the Ninja world, and the bad boy Raikage, who has planted such a big somersault in front of Uchiha Tatsumi, will definitely not give up, not to mention," The aim of the "Eagle" team seems to be for the tail beasts of various Shinobu villages! Wait...I think we will receive invitations from bad boys soon, and Konoha, Sandyin, and Mistyin, this The Three Ninja Villages must be making the same idea!"


Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 155: Shock of Ninja World III

In the country of rain, in a secret stronghold in Yuyin Village, there is still a huge golem. It is a finger, standing with an image. This is the secret meeting held by all the members of the Akatsuki organization. The bodies of these people are not here. , But through some means to transmit his own image.

At this time, the red sand scorpion had already died when he caught a manjuli, and at this time, in his original position, stood a ninja with a whirlpool mask on his face that couldn't see the true face. This person is the Uchiha in the original book. At this time, his name is Afei, and his identity is a substitute member of the Akatsuki organization. If you are not someone who is familiar with the plot, you will definitely not know such a funny character, but it will be Akatsuki organization. Behind the scenes.

"Hey! Zero, what's the big deal? We even called all the core members of the Akatsuki organization as a substitute member. We are now looking for the four-tailed man Zhuli!" After all the people arrived, the ghost said first, and The Itachi next to him closed his eyes and meditation, without showing.

"Humph! Of course there is something to order to gather you here, but before that, I will announce one thing first. That is... Erwei Ren Zhuli's arrest operation... failed!"

"Huh? I remember that Erwei Ren Zhuli was responsible for the zombie partner of Fei Duan and Jiao Du, but failed? What's wrong with Fei Duan? If you can't, then you should do your logistics well, tail Just leave the matter of Orc Zhuli to me! Hmm!"

"Didara, no one will treat you as dumb if you don’t speak!" He glanced at Deidara from the same angle as Feiduan, and said in a gloomy way: "Your group was sealing a tail of the crane, It seems to have been cleaned up very badly, even the scorpion guy was killed, I remember that the other party seems to be... those guys from Konoha! Kakashi and the squad of Kakashi and the Nine-Tailed Juli!"

At this time, as a substitute member, A Fei, the future BOSS Uchiha brought the soil, said in a funny tone: "It's very strong! That team... Senior Deidara was beaten by them!"

"Fly! Tell me more, my patience bag is about to explode! Hmm!" When Deidara heard ALFy's words, it was like a cat with its tail stomped on, her whole body exploded, and she yelled at A Fey next to her.

"Okay, okay! The patience bag is a bag made for patience. Senior Deidara's should be an explosive bag, right? It explodes all at once!" A Fei waved his hand at Deidara, as if he wanted to appease Deidara's emotions, but what he said made Deidara even more angry!

"Asshole ALFY...you fellow..."

Just as Deidara was about to get angry, Tiandao Payne, the zero of Akatsuki's organization, said: "Didara, please be quiet, what's the difference between your appearance and what Afei said!"

"Hey!" Seeing that Ling had spoken, Deidara snorted uncomfortably, turned around and didn't care about ALFY.

But ALFY didn't seem to let Deidara go, and continued to die: "Ahaha~~ Senior Deidara was scolded..."

"A Fei, you shut up too, you talk too much, you have to know to respect the predecessors!"

"Ah... I'm sorry!"

Hei Jue, who watched A Fei's weirdness, sighed and said, "Hey~~ Is it really okay to let him join our organization? Is this really able to collect the remaining people?"

"Oh~~" Tiandao sighed and continued: "Okay, this is the end of the small talk. Let's talk about the purpose of our party this time. The missions of Fei Duan and Jiao Du are not considered failures. Someone first In one step, the Erwei Renzhuli was taken away from Yunyin Village, so they did not encounter the Erwei Renzhuli, and of course they could not complete the task of capturing Renzhuli."

"Oh? Someone got on board first? Who did it? And, what's the purpose of the other party? Is it just a coincidence?"

"Is it a coincidence that we don’t know. We don’t know what their purpose is. However, we have found out the identity of the other party. They are the "Eagle" team that has suddenly emerged in the Ninja World in recent years. Only four people are known. Although the number of members is very small, each of them is an elite ninja with special abilities and blood inheritance. Since two years ago, this team has been active in various places in the ninja world. Accepting S-level or higher pursuit missions in the underground exchange, the strength should not be underestimated!"

"What? It's just a few bounty hunters. This is the same as the zombie duo. Could it be that they captured the two-tailed force for the bounty mission? Just leave it to the corner to solve this kind of thing. Now, it should be easy to solve! He is good at this! Hmm!" Deidara said.

"Is it easy? If you knew what they did, you wouldn't think so!"

"Oh? Did something else happen? The leader of the eagle team, it seems to be one of Itachi's younger brothers, Uchiha Tatsuo? Did he do anything surprising?" Hearing Payne's words, He was very curious about Itachi's younger brother, but from the perspective of his ability to easily rebound Itachi's pupil skills, this person's strength must be higher than Itachi.

"Yes, he did do something surprising again, no... it can even be said to be something that shocked the entire Ninja World, that is... he turned the entire Yunyin Village into a sea of ​​fire, and even more so. Yun Ren of Yincun had more than half of his deaths and injuries, and suffered heavy losses. Even Yunyin's fourth-generation Raikage broke a left arm and was almost killed by him! The entire Yunyin Village was almost destroyed by him!"


"how is this possible…"


Tiandao Payne's words shocked all Akatsuki members present, and subconsciously exclaimed. Even Uchiha Itachi opened his eyes, with unconcealable shock in his eyes.

"Destroyed Yunyin Village? Are you kidding? That's one of the five hidden villages. Even if Brother Scorpion and I joined forces, I didn't dare to face it. That kid Uchiha Tatsuno unexpectedly..." Deidara said in surprise.

"Huh! That's right, and according to the information, it was Uchiha Tatsu's hand alone, which subverted the entire Yunyin Village with his own power! Such a person... Do you think he was because of the bounty? Who can afford such a large price to destroy Yunyin Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages?"

Little tail: 475137322...

Chapter 156: Akatsuki's attention

"However, if their goal is also to capture the power of the tailed beasts, then what is their purpose? They will never be like us, in order to gather the nine big-tailed beasts, and then create a war machine to shock the entire Ninja World. Achieving the goal of peace in the Ninja world, right?" Bai Jue, who had not spoken, suddenly interrupted.

"Seriously, this goal is really bad! Hmm!" Deidara couldn't help but vomit.

"We don’t know the purpose of their collecting the Orcs’ Pillar Power, but the emergence of the "Eagle" team has hindered our organization’s mission. More importantly, the Two Tailed Human Pillar Power has fallen into their hands in order to complete the organization. We must take back the two-tailed man’s strength, so this squad must either be absorbed or eliminated. In any case, we have to contact this squad, and then obtain more information about them to see if they have any. For what purpose, if you have lofty ideals like us, then invite them to join the Akatsuki organization, if not, then let us sanction them!"

"Huh? Punish them? That guy can destroy the ninja of Yunyin Village alone. I don't think any members of the Akatsuki organization can deal with them. How do you plan to sanction them?" Heijue asked Payne. .

"Huh! Since one group can't handle it, then the two groups will act together. If it doesn't work anymore, then I will take the action personally. No one can escape God's ruling!" Payne said in an unquestionable tone, as if Yuying The members of the squad were nothing more than a bunch of chicken dogs in his eyes, and he didn't care at all.

"So that's the case, did Zero do it himself? Then there is nothing to worry about! But before that, let me meet him! It sounds like they seem to be a group of interesting guys! And Uchiha Tatsuno was able to destroy it in one fell swoop At Yunyin Village, then he must have a very destructive ninjutsu, I hope it will not be worse than my instant art! Hmm!” After hearing what Payne said, Deidara raised his left hand and said with interest .

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! Don't be interested in those strange things, I don't want to be involved in dangerous things!" And ALFY standing next to Deidara, after Deidara said that. , Immediately gestured with both hands continuously, and said unhappily.

"Next, which side should I go to? Hmm!" Deidara said to himself, ignoring ALFY's complaint.

"Wait a minute, senior! Where did you say go to that side?"

"Isn't that obvious? The nine-tailed man Zhuli led by Kakashi, or Uchihatatsu's side!"

"No, no, no, I don't want to go on either side! Speaking of which, isn't our target the tail beast? Uchiha Tatsuno is not the tail beast!" A Fei shook his head and waved his hand to express his reluctance to go.

"However, Uchiha Tatsuro has Niu-tailed strength in his hands! There is also the enemy who injured me by Niu-tailed Chuli before, and the right hand that was destroyed by Kakashi! Hmm!"

"Really, once this person decides, he won't be able to listen to anything..." Seeing the fanatical face of Deidara Afei, he put his hands down reluctantly, and whispered in a low voice.

"What did you just say?"

"Yeah! No! No!"

"Huh! Let's go, ALFY!" After Deidara snorted coldly, the image disappeared instantly and left the secret stronghold, while ALFY, who was in the same group, reluctantly followed, the image also disappeared. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Deidara seems to be heading for Uchiha Tatsumi, is this okay?" After Deidara and Afei left, the ghost said playfully.

"Oh~~ Forget it, don’t worry about Dedara, I hope he can save his life in Uchiha’s hands, otherwise it would be a shame! Today’s meeting will end here, but I still want to remind you , Since Uchiha Tatsu’s goal is also human strength, then he is likely to regard our Akatsuki organization as a goal, I will send someone to disarm them as soon as possible to see their wishes, but before that, you should pay attention to it yourself. !"


"Yeah! Withdraw all!"

Then, all the influence on the Outer Golem disappeared, they all left the stronghold, and went to deal with their own affairs.

At this time, the protagonist of the whole world of Ninja is talking about Uchiha Tatsuno! Ignoring the boil of the outside world, I was leading the other members of the Eagle Team towards Otonin Village and the old lair of Oshemaru.

"It's amazing. It's incredible. I didn't expect my Ghost Deng Shuiyue to do such an earth-shattering thing one day and destroy Yunyin Village, one of the Five Ninja Villages. It's almost like dreaming. Ah!" Shuiyue, who was on his way, couldn't calm down at all, she kept sighing.

"Okay! Destroying Yunyin Village seems to have been done by Chen alone? What's the matter with you? What's your enthusiasm?" Xianglin couldn't get used to the appearance of Shuiyue Xiaoren Dezhi, and began to choke. road.

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