Kakashi didn't leave too much time for the five ghosts, the moment his body landed, a backflip immediately stood up, one left and one right two kunai in his hand, he killed back again, the five ghost formation he can't break, but as long as he defeats the ghost-faced man, the formation will naturally be self-defeating.

Kakashi's figure rushed over was particularly fast, and Gounsuke endured the pain in his body while dealing with Kakashi, if not with the help of that power, he was afraid that he would not be the opponent of this child, in the end, he was old, and he had to serve old age.

Gokisuke jumped back one after another, and after pulling a safe distance from Kakashi, he ripped off his black cloak, which drifted away under the blowing of the night breeze, illuminated by the nine-character mantra rosary like daylight within the enchantment, Kakashi clearly saw four masks perched on Gokisuke's body.

The mask lay on Goresuke as if he was asleep, and without the cover of the cloak, his face had a tendency to wake up.

The first thing that comes to wake up is a cat-faced mask with a smile on the painted mask, just like the lucky cats in many shops in the shopping street.

The cat's face was like a fluttering leaf, surrounding Gokisuke, the main place to stay was where the shuriken was stabbed, it was pasted, and there was a chakra slowly surging out of the mask, and the wounds that were shot by the shuriken were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Kakashi looked incredulously, the mask was like a medical ninja, the kind that could be carried around.

The mask seems to be alive, but even if you look at it with the eyes of the chakra, you can't see the flow of Chakra.

What kind of ninjutsu is this?

If the cat face has healing ninjutsu, then what abilities do the other masks have, judging from experience, these four masks should have different abilities.

Although he couldn't grow a new hand, the wound had healed, and Gokisuke looked at his bare wrist, and it was a little difficult to accept for a while.

"The one who forced me out of the mask, you are the first in the past ten years!"

"Should I be happy?" Kakashi made a defensive stance, always on alert for Goisuke's strike.

However, Gokisuke just stood there motionless and confronted him, not even making a single unnecessary movement.

Suddenly, Kakashi was stunned for a moment, the five Onisuke in front of him seemed to have some differences from just now, what was the difference?

His eyes had obviously been staring at him, and he hadn't moved, but now he was indeed a little different from just now.

A bad premonition rose in my heart.

The fox face on the right abdomen was separated from Gokisuke's body at this time, it fluttered lightly, Kakashi stared at this mask, the fox mask's smile was strange, and the empty eye sockets seemed to have a huge abyss that attracted Kakashi to explore, the brain reminded him not to be attracted, but the body involuntarily wanted to get close to the mask again and again, as if there was a huge gravitational force sucking him.

The mist gradually floated around, from the first little bit to the whole surrounding mist, Kakashi was trapped in the milky white mist, as if he could not find the exit.

At this time, there was the sound of the crisp and heavy iron door closing, and the sound of metal hitting was particularly shocking in this moment of bad sight.

In this thick fog, Kakashi vaguely saw his situation, he was actually in a huge birdcage.

He, trapped in a cage?

No, no, this is an illusion, Kakashi tried to solve it with several methods of breaking the illusion, but they were all in vain, so it means that if you want to break this illusion, you can only start from the root, that is, to destroy the fox face.

Now he can't see where the fox face is, and I'm afraid he won't be able to crack this illusion for a while.

He was a little anxious, not knowing how long he would be trapped inside, the more anxious he was, the tighter his nerves became, and suddenly, an invisible finger gently flicked on Kakashi's nerves.

Just when Kakashi was in disbelief, a seemingly thin humming sounded in his ears, a girly and cute voice.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, where is the other?"

The voice was on the left, and Kakashi turned his head abruptly, but the left was empty, and there was not even a ghost shadow.

"Is it among the flowers, at the bottom of the well, or on the eaves?" The girl sings nursery rhymes, and her voice is ethereal.

"Do you let me guess, and if I guess correctly, what thank you will give me?"

The girl was still singing, her voice on the left and right for a while, close at one moment, and far away at a moment.

Kakashi kept searching for the source of the sound, but the fog was so thick that even the birdcage he had just seen became blurred.

Listening to a girl humming a nursery rhyme in such an environment, this feeling is weird and weird, making people plainly give birth to a creepy from the bottom of their hearts.

That invisible finger seemed to grow in Kakashi's brain, and every now and then it would stir a tight nerve that was about to break.

"Oh, I'm looking and looking for it, where are the disobedient children hiding?"

"In the corner, I found a hand!"

As soon as the lyrics were sung, Kakashi's left wrist was struck firmly, the wound was deep, and blood instantly gushed out, a scarlet.

The pain made him frown.

"Oh, I'm looking and looking for it, where are the disobedient children hiding?"

"Hiding behind a tree, well, only found the back?"

Kakashi just wanted to take precautions, but it came too quickly, and before he could turn around, the kunai had already slashed diagonally into the flesh from the top right to the bottom left.

"Ah-" The pain made Kakashi cry out.

Seeing clearly, the kunai that scratched himself was spit out from the mouth of the mask, and this face with the face of a girl was the big flying mask.

The mask is fast, and after a successful sneak attack, it stealths into the dense fog, not giving people a chance to catch it at all.

Kakashi's brain is running fast, this situation is very unfavorable to him at the moment, and the reason why the big flying mask can sneak up on himself comes from the environmental advantage, that is, the environment where the fox face creates fog and birdcage has reached the point of hiding the trail of the big flying out, and then it is convenient to take advantage of the sneak attack.

Coupled with the nursery rhymes before the sneak attack, the psychological defense line is relatively weak, but surrounded by this terrifying atmosphere, it is scared to death, not to mention the physical real injuries behind.

There is no way to trace the location of the mask, and this chakra eye has some of its abilities sealed in the illusion created by the fox face and cannot be observed.

"Oh, I'm looking and looking for it, where are the disobedient children hiding?"

"Hiding on the beam, well, did you only find one leg?"

With a tingling pain coming from his thigh, Kakashi was finally sure that the place where he was about to be injured would be sung from the mouth of Daiki out of the mask, and if this was the rule, it could be used.

Dafei came out of the mask and kept singing, during this time Kakashi's legs and arms were injured, for a person like himself who has few Chakras, he can't keep probing, the cost of trial and error is too high, and he can only choose the method of defeating with one blow.

The ballad was finally sung to the back....

"Oh, I'm looking and looking for it, where are the disobedient children hiding?"

"Hidden in a cage, well, found a beating heart!"

It's now!

The kunai could not be inserted into Kakashi's heart, and at the moment when kunai swung out, Kakashi instantly turned around and grasped the kunai that stabbed him in the back of the heart.

What he is waiting for is this moment that can only kill him in one move, whether it is arms and thighs, they are divided into left and right, he is not sure which side the big flying out will attack, and only the heart is the only one in the human body, and it can quickly kill people.

As a good at hiding the existence of sneak attacks, it must not be from the front when attacking the heart, if so, its location can be deduced through analysis - the place directly behind the heart, it must be there.

Grabbing the kunai that stabbed him in the back of the heart, he was recognized by someone, and the first thing he wanted to do was to abandon kunai and protect himself, but Kakashi didn't give it this chance.

The hand that held Ku Wu on Chakra was rapidly gathering, and Raiche's thunder attribute Chakra was transmitted to the mask through Ku Wu, paralyzing the body of the mask so that it could no longer hide its figure freely.

Behind the mask, another Kakashi also used Ratchet, this time Ratchet hit the mask, and with a few clatters, the big flying mask shattered into countless tiny fragments and fell to the ground, along with the kunai.

Dafei's mask was shattered, and a crack appeared on the fox face outside the fantasy realm, and the crack traveled around the mask, shattering into slag under the surprised gaze of Gounsuke.

"How so?"

The mist gradually cleared, and even the birdcage that trapped Kakashi disappeared little by little.

Fox Face and Big Fly Out were destroyed, directly turning the situation around.

With a "boom", the shadow avatar disappeared, Kakashi did not hold on, knelt on one knee, his chakra itself was less, not only did he use the shadow avatar just now, the body and the avatar also used Rachel together, which was too much consumption for him.

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