Yamanaka put his hand on Kaigokumaru's head.

"Ninfa, the art of mind reading.

Kaigokumaru didn't resist, his eyes staring dead to the ground, and his mouth kept muttering a few words-"The bet was lost."

Haichi slowly closed his eyes, and after a brief thick fog, he saw a child, extremely thin, dying in the corner of the ruined village after the war...

"I'm so hungry..." the young Kaigokumaru huddled under the rotten wood in the corner, he couldn't remember how long he hadn't eaten, and his mother told him to hide it and not be seen by the enemy, it would be dead.

The mother said, "You wait here obediently, I'll go find you something to eat, and wait for me to come back." Her

mother was so gentle that she could still laugh and talk to him in the midst of the war, and she trembled and crawled out of the pile of wood and disappeared before his eyes.

Kaigokumaru has always been very obedient, his mother let him hide him well, even if there is a fire burning not far away, he does not dare to move half a step, he is afraid that his mother will not find him when she comes back.

He didn't know how long he waited, waiting until the sun came out and set, the moon rose and disappeared, and it was repeated for a few days?

In this long and painful wait, he finally reached out to the dirt next to him, he grabbed a little with his trembling little hand, and sent it to his mouth with difficulty, the earthy smell of the earth instantly filled the mouth, and he coughed violently, like a small animal on the verge of death.

There were footsteps at this moment, footsteps approaching, and finally stood in front of the messy pile of wood in the corner.

Kaigokumaru looked up and saw a woman smiling at him, the age of his mother. She was so good-looking, she was looking at herself and smiling.

"Poor child," the woman said and crouched down, she took away the wood, looked at Orochimaru's thin and pale face, and stretched out her thumb to wipe the dirt from the child's mouth.

"Are you hungry?"

she took out a rice ball from her baggage, white as jade, and grains of rice tempted the four-year-old like poppies.

She handed it to him, and Kaigokumaru snatched it from her hand without much hesitation, not caring about the dirt and dirt on his hands, and he ate eagerly.

"What about your mother?" the woman asked him.

The child shook his head blankly, and heard the woman's voice say in a shallow voice: "Oh, maybe dead." After

days of panic and hunger that had left Kaigokumaru unable to digest the fact that her mother might be dead, the woman in front of her clapped her hands and stood up, looking condescendingly at the child crawling on the ground and laughing.

She said, "From now on, I will be your mother, what's your name?"

the child swallowed the last bite of onigiri, looked at her baggage, and replied, "Kaigokumaru." "

Kaigokumaru," the woman said silently, "you are my son."

With a swaying sea in his sight, Yamanaka Haichi frowned and continued to read Kaigokumaru's memory.

Kaigokumaru followed the woman uneasily, she let him sleep, and when he woke up, he was already in the dark, it was like a black tunnel with no end in sight, the woman led the way in front, and he timidly followed behind.

There was a light on the wall every once in a while, and the light was dim enough to barely see the road, which was the first time that Kaigokumaru had been to the narrow room.

From that moment on, Kaigokumaru forgot the sun and lived all day long at the bottom of the sea where there was no light.

A light suddenly lit up in the inky darkness, and Haichi saw countless children in Kaigokumaru's memory, ranging from four or five years old to teenagers, all of them with gloomy eyes, like untamable beasts, exuding a dangerous aura.

It was a strange feeling, and this cold and dangerous aura should not have appeared in a child of this age.

Something sounded, and these children were like manipulated puppets, waving their weapons and rushing towards their companions, as if they had no companions, and everyone was an enemy.

Ku Wu, shuriken, Senbon, flying rope, noose... The picture is bloody, stabbed, and there is warm blood flowing from the small body, the feeling is too real.

One, and another, there were fewer and fewer children standing, and they fell in pain until only twenty people were left standing in the field.

The voice of someone talking at the edge of the field, Kaigokumaru looked over, it was the woman who asked him to call her mother. She leaned against the wall and watched the children fight indifferently, and then when she reached her intended number, she called to stop.

"It's great, kids, you're lucky and excellent, and tomorrow someone will teach you ninjutsu, and you'll become a ninja." "

As for the dead, they can be used to feed fish, she does not raise useless people.

Wiping the cold sweat running down his forehead, Yamanaka Haichi continued to read minds.

Kaigokumaru has grown up a lot after several years of training, and there are fewer and fewer companions around him who study together, but there will be new ones to join, and everyone is called Kaigetsuhime's mother.

But there is only one mother, but there are too many children, and each of them wants to gain the unique love of their mother, so they redouble their efforts.

On the day he was ten years old, Kaigokumaru was called to a secret room, and in addition to Kaigetsuhime, there was a long-haired man as far as his eye could see, and he slowly turned around, and in the dim light, he saw a white and excessive face.

"Orochimaru?" Yamanaka Haiichi didn't expect to see Orochimaru's figure in Kaigomaru's memory.

Orochimaru smiled grimly, and he raised the thing in his hand to show Orochimaru, it was an injection injection.

He couldn't resist, and under his mother's "loving" injection, he watched the blue injection slowly inject into his body.

"How long will it take to see results?" Hai Yueji's eyes were full of excitement, and she couldn't wait to see the results.

Just listen to Orochimaru hissing and say, "Soon." The

injections traveled through Orochimaru's body, and they fused precisely into his chakra, and he rolled on the ground in pain. However, the two people over there were very indifferent and even laughing, they just looked at him quietly, and no one wanted to alleviate his pain.

Of those twenty children, only Kaigokumaru survived, and by the time he woke up from the room, he was not what he used to be, he had elf-like pointed ears, a mouth, and two rows of thin shark-like teeth, and he felt like a youkai.

He didn't like the way he looked, but his mother liked it, took his hand and said, "My lovely child, you are really the best, my mother's love is you, you are my hope." "

His mother began to treat him very well, so good that all his companions envied him, and after a long time, he was a little in a trance, as if this maternal love had always been there, not out of thin air.

But subconsciously, he felt that he couldn't grasp something, so he practiced hard day and night.

He knew that only if he was good enough and strong enough would his mother's love not disappear, and she would always love him like this.

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