“You, come here.”

I ignored the question of Master Yuan, and Yi Cheng waved his hand to signal Zhao Meiming to follow him.


According to Meiming, she was aggressive. At this time, she was not as imperial sister Fan in the original book, but she was just a girl in her early twenties.

Looking at the child who was less than ten years old, he had to take her away. According to Meiming’s heart, he didn’t know what to say.

“come over!”

Yi Cheng’s tone raised a little, and her sharp eyes glared at her, letting her take a step back sharply, and said instinctively, “Yes!”

This is the coercion unique to Eagle Eye.

Just glance at it gently, you can be afraid of everyone.


In the compartment, Yi Cheng looked at Zhao Meiming and took the lead: “Let’s talk, old woman.”

According to the original statement, Zha Meiming did not marry until the blogger turned, but it existed in the heart of marriage.

Therefore, in Yicheng’s heart, Zhao Meiming has completely binded with the old virgin -although she is just a young beauty.

Yi Cheng’s sharp eyes made Zhaimei shivering, but in addition to fear in the eyes, there was an aggressive at the beginning.


What to talk about?

Talk about why you call me up in the middle of the night?

Looking at the slightly developed figure of Zha Meiming, Yi Cheng’s two generations of psychological age are imaginative.


I coughed a few times to restore my mind, and sorted out the language Yi Cheng, saying, “Listen, I’ll give you two options.”

“Now the water shadow has been stunned by me, and he must be controlled by the illusion that he must not be able to continue serving as Shuiying in Wuyin Village.”

“So, your first choice is to be cut to death by me, or I was taken away by Muye Village as a maid.”


Zhao Meiming’s head black line: Is there any inevitable connection between your two words?

Moreover, what is the maid?

I am determined to be a woman who wants to be a water shadow, and the maid sounds impossible.

When Yi Cheng saw Zha Meiming’s expression, he continued leisurely: “Let’s try the second option.”

“I have made you a hero who has ended the blood mist policy, the five generations of water shadows of Wuyin Village.”

Being a water shadow this is the dream of Mei Ming, she was tempted.

However, Zhao Meiming still doesn’t understand what it has to do with him.

Thinking of this, Zhao Meiming frowned slightly, with a temptation in his eyes.

“Talk about your conditions, kid, I think you are not coming to charity.”

At this point in time, the wood leaf eagle eye came to our Wuyin Village, put down the four generations of water shadows of Wuyin Village, and let a newcomer become a water shadow. If he has no purpose, it is definitely oneNothing is believed.

“Hehe, smart.”

With a smile, Yi Cheng said his own conditions.

“The conditions are simple, there are only two:”

“First of all, you have to let the review of various books and newspapers of Muye Village, and allow a large number of entertainment works in Muye Village to circulate in Wuyin Village, especially political publications.”

This point is very easy to accept, because there is no cultural invasion of cultural invasion in the world of Naruto.

Just kidding, when this concept was proposed, Naruto had ended for many years.

“Secondly, you must start with those big families, split them into countless civilians, separate separation, and prohibit any family from engaging in large -scale clan activities.”

This condition can be worried.

If the previous condition is only very common, this condition is no less than the big family of Zhao Meiming to the entire Wuyin Village.

Not to mention that she doesn’t want to look at Mei Ming, even if she thinks about it, she has no ability.

Not all the eldest son of the Ninja Village and the Captain of the Dark Department are friends.

Not all the heads of the Ninja Village are willing to sacrifice the interests in front of the family for their sons and long -term interests.

What’s more, according to Meiming itself is a member of the big family.

Although it is a mixed -race of the dissonant family and the boiling family, it is not a human inside and outside.

“Impossible, I can’t do it anyway in the second condition.”

Zhao Meiming shook his head, trying to keep bargaining with Yi Cheng.

“You can do it.”

Yi Cheng stared at Zhaimei and made her straight.

After patting his hands, Kakashi dragged the orange orange Yakura directly with Master Yuan.

“Now,” Yicheng’s Tai Dao came out of the sheath and was on the neck of two people. “I believe you can do it.”

After taking a few steps back, the eyes were full of unbelievable eyes.

Yi Cheng can sneak in, and naturally he doesn’t worry about killing people.

Moreover, from the perspective of Yicheng’s indifferent eyes, this is not like false.

what to do?

If you promise, you can’t do it yourself, and the final result can only come over to turn the old account.

If you don’t agree, the two people in front of you will die immediately.

“Even if I promise, I have no ability to do it.”

He hesitated for a long time, and then said slowly.


Yi Cheng shook his head: “No, no, if you are really politically wrist, I won’t choose to let you make water shadows.”

That’s right, but it hurts.

“If you can’t do anything, I can also perform online micro -operation, remotely control you to perform this condition, you see …”

Ignoring the too much sword on the citrus orange yaakura and Yuan Shi’s neck, Yi Cheng’s tone was really polite.

Holding his head, he had no choice but to agree.

“I have no room for choice at all, isn’t it? You didn’t want me to refuse from the beginning.”

Helpless, unwilling and humiliating emotions rushed into their hearts, and posted a fate.

“Congratulations, make the most correct choice.”

Yi Cheng smiled softly, and the backhand withdrew the shelves too sword on the neck of the two people: “In the future, it is best not to participate in politics again, which is trouble for you to set up.”

After that, Yi Cheng took the crowd back to the conference room again.

“Now, I announce that Zhao Meimei will take office in the Five Dynasties.”

“I’m too lazy to ask your opinions, just to inform you of this result. Although you don’t accept it, I will hit you.”

“In addition, Zhaimei has lifted the magic of citrus orange ya warehouse, ended the blood mist policy of Wuyin Village, and allowed Wuyin Village to restore regular heroes.”

“After the citrus yarn was lifted, his face continued to stay as a water shadow, resigned, and passed the position to the end of all this.”

“That’s it. If you dare to go out and talk, I will definitely come back to find the fault.”

“Finally, I hope you can have a psychological preparation …”

After Yi Cheng finished his ruthless words, he made up a word:

“The end of the big family, the spring of the civilians is about to start.”

… …

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