"He ran away!"

Uchiha Fugaku saw this and subconsciously thought that the Root ninja had run away.

While shouting, Uchiha Fugaku flipped his hands and was about to start making hand seals.

However, Uchiha Fugaku was only halfway through the hand seal when Aizen Shinnosuke reached out and held him down, and at the same time, he said

"Why are you in such a hurry? Follow me!"

Before he finished speaking, Aizen Shinnosuke caught up with the Root Ninja. Then came the two brothers Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi.

Finally, Uchiha Fugaku tapped the back of his head with embarrassment, and then chose to follow.

After a period of crossing mountains and ridges, Aizen Shinnosuke and the others followed the Root Ninja named Mingzheng Taito and came directly to a cave. Aizen Shinnosuke took a rough look at the surrounding situation, and he found that the location of the cave was just on the only way back to Konoha.

Uchiha Fugaku and the two Hyuga brothers looked at the cave in front of them respectively, and their expressions were indescribably wonderful.

They just followed that guy over mountains and ridges, and they actually found the hiding place of the Root Ninja?

In fact, they were not the only ones who were confused.

In the cave, the captain of the Root organization was waiting for Tsunade and the others to arrive. At this moment, he was also looking at Mingzheng Taito who had suddenly come to him with a confused look on his face.

"Captain, Tiancan......It seems like I've been hit by an illusion!"

Below, another Root ninja looked at Mingzheng Taidong, and then spoke to the captain on the platform

"Shut up!"

Kawaguchi Ajin felt like the sky was falling, but his subordinates were still making sarcastic remarks.


However, now is not the time to talk about this. Kawaguchi Yato formed seals with both hands and immediately solved the illusion on Mingzheng Taidong.

As the illusion was solved, Mingzheng Taidong was confused at first. But when he came to his senses, he looked at Kawaguchi Yato standing in front of him in surprise.

"Captain? We are......Aren’t we back in the village?"


Facing Mingzheng Taidong's question, Kawaguchi Ato slapped him in the face.

"Go back to the village? What village? I think you want to die! Not to mention that we haven't completed the order of Danzo-sama yet! And you are a waste! After being hit by the illusion, you actually ran to us?"

After hearing that he was actually hit by an illusion just now, looking at the furious Kawaguchi Ajin in front of him.

Mingzheng Taidong finally came to his senses this time. He had unknowingly......Surprisingly......Lead the way for those guys?

"Captain! Run! It's coming!......"

Mingzheng Taidong hadn't finished speaking when he found that his body was no longer under his control. He actually drew his knife and was slashing at his captain.

"Bastard! What are you doing!"

Kawaguchi Yajin frowned and shouted at Tiancan who dared to attack him. Just by listening to his voice, one can imagine what kind of angry face is under the mask.

"Captain! Go! My body......Out of control!"

Hearing the voice of Tiancan, the captain suddenly remembered

"Aizen Shinnosuke! Come out! I know you are there!"

After punching Tencan in the abdomen and making him unable to move, the captain immediately shouted loudly, and his voice echoed throughout the cave.

Hearing the captain shouting out the goal of their mission, the other Root ninjas subconsciously drew their weapons and looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came from afar.

Then, everyone saw four figures walking out of the cave.

And the one standing in the middle was the person they were looking for - Aizen Shinnosuke!

"It's really you! Aizen Shinnosuke!"

The captain frowned and looked at the newcomer, his voice was very gloomy.

"You recognized me so quickly, it seems that when we first went to the front line of Wind Country, you were in the dark, right?"


Facing Aizen Shinnosuke's question, the captain just snorted coldly.

The next second, he directly drew out the katana from his waist. He raised his arm high and shouted,"Follow the order of Lord Danzo! Kill them!"

With the captain's order, other Root ninjas rushed towards Aizen Shinnosuke and others like hungry wolves seeing food.

On Aizen Shinnosuke's side, Uchiha Fugaku also imitated the ninjas of the Root organization. He shouted and rushed forward.

When Uchiha Fugaku came in just now, he saw the mask in the crowd that he was very familiar with.

It was them who attacked him at the beginning!

If Uchiha Mingma hadn't protected him at that time. Where is Uchiha Fugaku in the world now?

Thinking of his friends who died in the battle, Uchiha Fugaku felt that a ball of anger was constantly surging in his heart.

Now, he just wants to vent!

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

A huge fireball spit out from Uchiha Fugaku's mouth, and the Root Ninjas who were in the front couldn't dodge it. They were directly hit by Uchiha Fugaku's Great Fireball Technique, and suddenly, a smell of barbecue spread in the cave.

However, after dodging Uchiha Fugaku's ninjutsu attack.

The other Root Ninjas had already touched Uchiha Fugaku. Then, the two sides started a hand-to-hand fight.

Four or five guys were left to deal with Uchiha Fugaku, and the others rushed to Aizen Shinnosuke, Hyuga Hiashi, and Hyuga Hizashi who were in the back.

Among the three of them, Aizen Shinnosuke was the most important.

Therefore, the captain led most of the troops and rushed directly to Aizen Shinnosuke. As for the two Hyuga brothers, the result was the same as that of Uchiha Fugaku.

Only four or five people were separated to look at them respectively.

"Oh? This is......You're going to attack me!"

Aizen���Nosuke smiled playfully, and tapped the ground twice with his left foot.

""For Konoha!"

The leader of the Root organization who was at the front shouted, and the sword in his hand slashed towards Aizen Shinnosuke at lightning speed.

""Duizi·Black Glaze!"

Aizen Shinnosuke's hands turned black, shining with an inexplicable luster.

When the Root Captain's sword chopped Aizen Shinnosuke's arm, the sound of metal clashing between the two actually burst out.


The Root captain, who was knocked back by the huge force, looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, and his eyes under the mask showed shock.


Before the Root Captain could catch his breath, Aizen Shinnosuke waved his hands.

The next second, a pile of small gravel appeared in front of Aizen Shinnosuke. Then, those gravel, under Aizen Shinnosuke's control, attacked them.

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