"You! You still take it for granted!"

Tsunade reached out and touched Aizen Shinnosuke's forehead, then continued

"Do you think that group of guys are the daimyo family that you killed directly at the door? They are not good men and women who will wait for you to find them at a specific place!"

After pondering for a while, Tsunade finally spoke and said to Aizen Shinnosuke、

"How about this, you bring the two brothers from the Hyuga family with you. Their Byakugan are the best when it comes to finding people!"

"That's it?"

Aizen Shinnosuke was stunned. After talking for so long, he just wanted to bring two more people?

"What? What else do you want?"

Tsunade glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke and snorted coldly.

"Get lost! If the team is disturbed by those guys, you will suffer the consequences!"

""Okay, wait and see!" After playing a trick, Aizen Shinnosuke left Tsunade's side. Then he found Uchiha Fugaku, who was looking down and thinking about something, and the two brothers Hyuga Hiashi, who were resting with their eyes closed.

The four of them were a team, and they shuttled through the woods.

"Shinnosuke, where are we going?"

Uchiha Fugaku took the time to look at Aizen Shinnosuke who was running in the front. Unable to suppress his curiosity, he asked Aizen Shinnosuke.

Hearing Uchiha Fugaku's voice, Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and smiled at him.

"Haven't you always wanted to find them?"

This is a sentence without a beginning or an end. Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi are puzzled. But Uchiha Fugaku understood it immediately.

Then, the two Hyuga brothers only felt that Uchiha Fugaku burst out with a strong murderous intent.

"Really? That's great!"

Then, Uchiha Fugaku kept silent. However, the murderous intent in him almost became real.

At this time, Aizen Shinnosuke finally looked at Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi who were following Uchiha Fugaku, and said

"Before we arrived at the front line, or after that, our dear elder, Shimura Danzo, sent his Root Organization to attack me or the people around me."

"As you can see, I was fine. However, Uchiha Fugaku was attacked. On the night of the Sand Village night attack on the camp, the Root ninjas also attacked Uchiha Fugaku."

"However, they did not succeed. Uchiha Fugaku, with the help of his best friend, Uchiha Akima, successfully avoided the attack of the Root Ninja, but unfortunately, Akima fell into the hands of the Root Ninja!"After listening to Aizen Shinnosuke's explanation, both Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi subconsciously looked at Uchiha Fugaku beside them. Noticing the sight coming from the side, Uchiha Fugaku just snorted coldly and didn't say much.

"Shinnosuke, what do you need us to do! Just ask, as long as we two brothers can help, we will definitely not hesitate!"

The forces under the command of their own elders attacked their own people. This matter was very shocking to both Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi.

However, I don't know why. Hyuga Hiashi now only felt that the blood in his body was surging, and the whole person was very excited.

Beside him, Hyuga Hiashi, who looked similar to Hyuga Hiashi, was also nodding.

Even without Aizen Shinnosuke speaking, Hyuga Hiashi immediately opened his Byakugan. He began to look for the figures of the so-called Root Organization's ninjas.

Seeing Hyuga Hiashi start to explore, Aizen Shinnosuke and the others paused and stopped.

Taking advantage of the time when Hyuga Hiashi was exploring, Aizen Shinnosuke came to Hyuga Hiashi's side.

"I heard that you two brothers have a very good relationship?"

Seeing Aizen Shinnosuke talking to him, Hinata Hiashi responded immediately.

After nodding, Hinata Hiashi said:"Hizashi and I are twin brothers, but I came out a few seconds earlier.......So it became the head of the family!"


Aizen Shinnosuke nodded, then asked Hinata Hiashi

"Japanese Foot......Can I ask what your ideal is?"


Hinata Hiashi turned back in surprise, not understanding why Aizen Shinnosuke would ask him this question at this time.

"Yes, ideal!"

Aizen Shinnosuke pretended not to notice Hinata Hiashi's surprised look and continued

"For example, Fugaku's ideal now is to make the people of Konoha accept the Uchiha. At the very least, they should treat everyone equally. What about you? Hiashi, what is your ideal?"


Hinata Hiashi looked at Uchiha Fugaku and asked the villagers of Konoha to accept Uchiha?......I'm afraid it's impossible in this life?

Thinking back to the Uchiha clan guys I met, who didn't look down on them? Let them be accepted by the villagers of Konoha......

However, it is precisely because of the difficulty of this matter that Hyuga Hiashi has developed some admiration for Uchiha Fugaku.

"Found it!"

Just as Hinata Hiashi was about to speak, a voice came from the side.

The attention of the three people was immediately attracted. Under the gaze of the three people, Hinata Hiashi stretched out his hand and pointed straight ahead.

"Just over there on the road not far from us, there is a ninja squatting there!"

"How many?"

Uchiha Fugaku spoke up immediately, thinking about asking Hizashi


"Only three?"

Aizen Shinnosuke frowned.

It seems that these three guys should be responsible for gathering information? But forget it, no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat, three is three!

With these three openings, the rest are still���Is it far?

"Let's go, Fugaku. You've been waiting for a long time!"

"Ah! I've been waiting for so long!"

In Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, the Sharingan has already opened. However, Uchiha Fugaku has only opened to the state of three magatama. At this moment, in Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, the magatama in his left and right eyes are spinning rapidly. The next moment, Uchiha Fugaku rushed out like an arrow from a bow. The speed of the whole person was so fast that in the blink of an eye, Uchiha Fugaku had"flown" far away.

Aizen Shinnosuke was not surprised by this.

Just as he said just now, Uchiha Fugaku has been waiting for a long time. It's a good thing for him to vent! Aizen

Shinnosuke took the two Hyuga brothers and quickly followed behind Uchiha Fugaku.

But when they arrived, Uchiha Fugaku had already fought with the three people. Aizen Shinnosuke stood on the branch and looked down. Masks with special patterns were worn on the faces of those guys, and each of them was wrapped in a long robe. They looked like Obito in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, wrapped like a dead person!

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