The setting sun was like blood, but the ground was really covered with blood.

After the battle, only corpses were left on the ground. No one knew whose parents or children they were. Now they were just a cup of yellow earth.

Shinnosuke Aizen stood on a high place, his eyes constantly scanning the ground. In today's battle, Konoha won again.

That was inevitable, with the bug of Shinnosuke Aizen. In addition, Chiyo was no match for Hatake Sakumo in terms of weapons.

The defeat of Sunagakure was inevitable.

As the victorious party, Konoha naturally had the right to take back the bodies of its companions in the village first.

As for the bodies of Sunagakure, Konoha's ninjas did not hit them twice, which was already considered as Konoha's kindness.

"What are you looking at?"

Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head and saw that it was Hatake Sakumo who was walking towards him.

"It's Master Sakumo!"

Hatake Sakumo came to Aizen Shinnosuke's side. He looked around first, and then his eyes fell on Aizen Shinnosuke.

"You are here alone, what are you looking at?"

Aizen Shinnosuke pointed to the people below who were collecting the bodies of their companions.

"They......I really don't know when the war will end!"

Hatake Sakumo looked in the direction of Aizen Shinnosuke's finger and looked at the corpses on the ground. It would be a lie for Hatake Sakumo to say that he didn't feel anything.

On Aizen Shinnosuke's side, he heard Hatake Sakumo's sigh. Aizen Shinnosuke immediately asked:"Lord Sakumo, why can't we just scare them all at once?"

"Beat the ninjas of other countries until they are hurt and scared. Then, won't they dare not attack us again?"

Hatake Sakumo heard the voice and turned his head to look at Aizen Shinnosuke.

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke with a determined face, Hatake Sakumo smiled bitterly.

"Did it hurt?"

Hatake Sakumo seemed to sigh, and after a long while, he shook his head.

"How is it possible? Let's not talk about whether the Hokage will allow this. Just for what you said, we need great strength, at least as strong as the first generation. But now we......"

Hearing what Hatake Sakumo said, Aizen Shinnosuke understood immediately.

That's right, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara. Those two are both strong men rarely seen in a thousand years, but Senju Hashirama is too idealistic.

Otherwise, where would the five hidden villages be in the current ninja world?


Suddenly, Hatake Sakumo changed the subject and put his hand on Aizen Shinnosuke's shoulder.

"Maybe you can do what we can't do?"


Aizen Shinnosuke pointed his index finger at himself and looked at Hatake Sakumo in disbelief.

"That's right!"

Hatake Sakumo nodded and said

""Your ninjutsu is very unique, and I can see that you are not someone who will keep to your own place. I think that in a short time, the ninja world will be turned upside down by you!"

Aizen Shinnosuke stared at Hatake Sakumo. He remembered that Hatake Sakumo's eyes seemed to be really awesome. However, Aizen Shinnosuke did not expect that they were so awesome. He could actually see his own essence? And even see the future?

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

Hatake Sakumo asked Aizen Shinnosuke with a smile, and then Hatake Sakumo saw Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head under his gaze.

"That's quite right......."

Hatake Sakumo then smiled

"Come to think of it, my child has just been born. Who knows, maybe he will ask you to be his teacher in the future?"

""Child? Kakashi?"

Aizen Shinnosuke asked subconsciously.

"You know everything? Have you seen them mother and son?"

What Aizen Shinnosuke didn't expect was that Hatake Sakumo heard everything he said subconsciously. Hatake Sakumo immediately held Aizen Shinnosuke down and asked him:

"I haven't seen it, but I've heard about it. The news that Lord Sakumo's wife has given birth is no secret in Konoha!"

Hatake Sakumo lost his momentum when he heard what Aizen Shinnosuke said.

"Really? I heard the news!"

This is the first time that Aizen Shinnosuke has seen Hatake Sakumo show this expression. Aizen Shinnosuke feels very novel.

""It's okay, Lord Sakumo. The war will be over soon, and then you'll have plenty of time to spend with your wife and Kakashi!"

Shinnosuke Aizen subconsciously comforted Sakumo Hatake, but suddenly, he remembered that he had never seen Sakumo Hatake's wife. Even in the anime, Kakashi grew up with his father, and there was never a picture of Kakashi's mother.

Suddenly, Shinnosuke Aizen felt a shock in his heart.

Recalling that the whole Konoha knew that Sakumo Hatake's wife had given birth, a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of Shinnosuke Aizen's head.

Even though the temperature was still okay, Shinnosuke Aizen felt his hands and feet were cold.

""Lord Sakumo, I have something else to do, I'll go over first!"

Shinnosuke Aizen knew that he couldn't stay here any longer.

Regardless of Hatake Sakumo's expression, Shinnosuke Aizen ran back to the Konoha camp at his fastest speed.

Subconsciously, Shinnosuke Aizen wanted to find Tsunade.

However, after only two steps, Shinnosuke Aizen stopped.

This matter cannot be told to Tsunade. Not to mention whether Tsunade will be entangled in the source of the information, even if she is not entangled, Tsunade will not be able to rush back.

Tsunade is now the commander of the medical ninjas on the front line. Unless the war is over, Tsunade is unlikely to leave the front line.

In this case......

Shinnosuke Aizen immediately thought of another person, and then he ran in another direction.

When he came to the door of that person's tent, he happened to meet him coming out.

"Shinnosuke? Why are you here?"

Yakushi Nono was shocked when he saw Aizen Shinnosuke panting.

That's right, the person Aizen Shinnosuke was thinking of was Yakushi Nono.

"Can you really trust yourself?"

Aizen Shinnosuke came straight to the front of Yakushi Nono and stared at Yakushi Nono fiercely.

"If you don't believe me, will you come to me?"

Yakushi Nono was still smiling. Aizen Shinnosuke didn't know whether this was a habit she developed as a spy or a smile she showed sincerely.......None of this matters now.

Aizen Shinnosuke took out a peach card and stuffed it directly into the arms of Yakushi Nono. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt that it seemed unsafe, so he took out another peach card and gave it to Yakushi Nono.

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