"I just came to see those two people. They are in there, right?"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't even look up at Uchiha Fugaku. He just raised his legs and wanted to walk into the tent.

"Shinnosuke, wait! You can't go in now!"

Just when Aizen Shinnosuke was about to go in, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly reached out and stopped Aizen Shinnosuke. Even Hyuga Hiashi and Hizashi Hizashi, who were standing by, looked at Aizen Shinnosuke warily.

"What do you mean? I can't go in?"

Aizen Shinnosuke frowned when he saw the actions of these three people.

"That's right, you can't go in now!"

Uchiha Fugaku nodded decisively, and the other two Hyuga brothers became more alert.

Suddenly, Aizen Shinnosuke's heart sank.

"Get out of here!"

Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly jumped up, pushed aside Uchiha Fugaku who was blocking him, and then rushed directly past the obstruction of Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hizashi, and rushed directly into the tent. After Aizen Shinnosuke broke into the tent, he found that there were not only Imu and Jungkyu here. There were more guys wearing Konoha forehead protectors.

However, they all had fierce faces. When Aizen Shinnosuke rushed in just now, they even had murderous intent and wanted to teach Aizen Shinnosuke a lesson.

However, after finding out that it was Aizen Shinnosuke who came in. The murderous intent on them dissipated a lot, and then they turned their heads one by one and focused their attention on Imu and Jungkyu.

"You are......"

Aizen Shinnosuke asked subconsciously

"You are Aizen Shinnosuke, right?

Aizen Shinnosuke looked in the direction of the voice and saw an ordinary-looking old man approaching him. Aizen Shinnosuke looked him up and down and finally nodded.

"That’s right, I’m Aizen Shinnosuke, who are you? And who are they?"

"Don't be so excited!"

The old man looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, who was alert, and smiled with a few teeth left in his mouth.

"Let me introduce myself, the current torture captain of Konoha: Toyama Yiping!"

""The torture captain?"

Aizen Shinnosuke still had some impression of this organization, but the torture captain he remembered was named Morino Ibiki.

"So you are torturing them?"

Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head to look at Yimu and June on the other side. It seemed that they were trapped in the arms of illusion. Both of them had their eyes closed, but their faces showed painful expressions.

"Yes, after all, no matter what, they are all Chiyo's relatives. The information they know is much more than that of the ordinary Sand Ninja!"

Yuanshan Yiping nodded to Aizen Shinnosuke, and then continued:"It just so happens that they were all captured by you, so you can take a look at the results of our interrogation here!"

After saying that, Toyama Yiping returned to his seat.

For the next period of time, Aizen Shinnosuke felt that this was the most unforgettable time he had ever experienced in his life. In just a few hours, this group of guys in the interrogation team faced the gritted teeth of Imu and Junyue.

All kinds of means were used, and they even wanted to rape his wife Junyue in front of Imu.

However, at least they still have a bottom line. Of course, Aizen Shinnosuke was not sure whether it was because he was here.

But even so, the other means were enough to make Aizen Shinnosuke feel sick. When the guy named Toyama Yiping announced the end of the interrogation.

Aizen Shinnosuke could no longer hold on, and rushed out of the tent, then found an empty corner and began to retch.

"Can't hold on any longer?"

The voice came from behind. Aizen Shinnosuke turned around and saw that the person coming was the old man Yuanshan Yiping. He lit a cigarette and sneered at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Killing people is not the right thing to do. Is it necessary for you to make it so disgusting?"


Yuanshan Yiping glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke in surprise, then paused for a moment and nodded to Aizen Shinnosuke with a look of understanding.

"Indeed, you are still just a little kid. For you, there are many things in this world that you have not seen yet!"

Yuanshan Yiping sighed and said to Aizen Shinnosuke:"If our disgust can be exchanged for important information and thus reduce the casualties of our companions, then.....Even if the whole ninja world thinks we are disgusting, it doesn't matter!"

After saying that, Yuanshan Yiping left. Aizen Shinnosuke was left alone. He looked at Yuanshan Yiping's back and fell into deep thought. After thinking for a while, Aizen Shinnosuke finally turned around and returned to the tent where Iki and June were imprisoned.

"It is you......"

When Aizen Shinnosuke walked into the tent, Imu thought it was the Konoha interrogation team again. But when he saw that it was Aizen Shinnosuke, Imu lowered his head immediately.

"Are you really the son of the elder Chiyo of Sand Village?"

Hearing Aizen Shinnosuke's question, Imu said without even raising his head:"Why? Are you here to pry open my mouth too? Dream on!"

Hearing Imu's words, Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head

"Since you are Chiyo's son, then Scorpio......It's your son, right?"

When they heard the name Scorpion, Imu and Junyue, who had always looked tough, finally showed some emotion on their faces.

As a mother, Junyue was even more excited. She glared at Aizen Shinnosuke fiercely:"How could you......How do you know about Scorpio?......"


Looking at his emotional wife, Yimu quickly scolded her, then turned his head abruptly and stared at Aizen Shinnosuke:"Are you Konoha people so despicable and shameless? You can even kill a child?"

Facing the simultaneous questioning of the couple, Aizen Shinnosuke immediately wanted to retreat.

But at this moment, Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly thought of what Yuanshan Yiping had just said: 'If our disgust can be exchanged for important information and thus reduce the casualties of our companions, then.....Even if the whole ninja world thinks we are disgusting, that's fine! '

Suddenly, Aizen Shinnosuke made up his mind.

"Yes, if you continue to be stubborn.......I think you and your children haven't seen each other for a long time! I don't mind being a good person and letting you meet each other!"

When Aizen Shinnosuke said this, his face was full of smiles. I don't know if you really think he is a good person.

Aizen Shinnosuke also found that as long as he threw himself into the so-called moral bottom line. The burden in his heart was gone, otherwise, he would not laugh when he spoke.

"you this......"

"You don't have to thank me so much, I know I'm a good person!......I hate to see my family separated from each other!"

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