"Forehead......Is there anything we need to do?"

Rope Tree carefully glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke and Tsunade, revealing a worried expression.

"You guys? This matter probably has nothing to do with you!"

Aizen Shinnosuke glanced at Nawase, and then said:"Although I said that Shimura Danzo is stupid, the Hokage is still in the village after all. Shimura Danzo doesn't have such great ability to cover the sky with one hand in Konoha!"

After listening to what Aizen Shinnosuke said, Nawase and others nodded. Orochimaru turned his head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke, his snake eyes full of curiosity. Aizen Shinnosuke naturally noticed this, but seeing that Orochimaru just looked at him without saying anything, Aizen Shinnosuke naturally would not deliberately make trouble.

After dinner, Aizen Shinnosuke and Orochimaru sat on the eaves facing the backyard.

""Teacher, do you have anything to ask me?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked at Orochimaru and asked with a nonchalant expression.

Orochimaru put down the teacup in his hand when he heard Aizen Shinnosuke's voice. Then���Still looking at Aizen Shinnosuke with curiosity

"I have been wondering for a long time, Shinnosuke, you seem to know a lot of things. Even things that we don't know, you seem to know clearly!"

Faced with Orochimaru's question, Aizen Shinnosuke's movements paused slightly. Then, Aizen Shinnosuke fell into deep thought. After a long while, Aizen Shinnosuke slowly spoke under Orochimaru's gaze.

"The teacher can put this......Consider it a prophecy!"


Orochimaru looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with a strange expression.

"So, you didn't bring Konan and Nagato back randomly, right?"

"Of course. After we leave Konoha, teacher, you can teach Nagato well!"


Orochimaru showed a puzzled look on his face. He was a little confused as to why Aizen Shinnosuke specifically mentioned Nagato. Could it be that the child of the Uzumaki clan had something special?

"It's fine if the teacher knows this matter by himself! However, I want the teacher to give me a promise here."

Aizen Shinnosuke then raised his head and faced Orochimaru.

""Oh? You want me to promise you?"

Orochimaru found it interesting. His current identity is the leader of Aizen Shinnosuke. It is not necessary for Orochimaru to make any promises to Aizen Shinnosuke.

However, this makes Orochimaru more interested in Nagato.

"Okay, what do you want me to promise you?"

Orochimaru looked directly at Aizen Shinnosuke and said

"After knowing Nagato's specialness, the teacher can study him, but cannot harm him. Moreover, the teacher must use your best things to train Nagato!"

"Nagato's special? So, you admit that Nagato is special?"

Orochimaru subconsciously stretched out his long tongue and licked the corner of his mouth with interest.

""Nagato, come here!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shouted directly in response to Orochimaru's question. Ten seconds later, Nagato came from the other side.

""Brother Shinnosuke, what do you want to talk to me about?"

When Nagato approached, Aizen Shinnosuke reached out and pushed aside Nagato's long bangs with lightning speed.

In an instant, the pair of purple eyes with circles of patterns inside were exposed to Aizen Shinnosuke and Orochimaru.


Nagato was frightened by Aizen Shinnosuke's action, but after thinking about it, he did not stop Aizen Shinnosuke's action.

However, Nagato was still very afraid of the power of his eyes, so he covered his eyes with his long bangs.

"Could this be......"

Looking at Nagato's eyes, Orochimaru's body trembled.

This was entirely because of excitement. As a well-read scholar, Orochimaru couldn't possibly not know what Nagato's eyes were. Now Orochimaru finally knew why Aizen Shinnosuke said that Nagato was very special.

Orochimaru pulled Aizen Shinnosuke away, and stood in front of Nagato with excitement.

Looking at those purple eyes full of mystery. Orochimaru subconsciously stretched out his hand, but was subconsciously afraid of something, and his hand froze in mid-air.

"How is it, teacher? Do you have any doubts about what I just said?"

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't believe that Nagato, who was taught nothing by Jiraiya in the original work, could be so strong in the future. Now that he has the guidance of Orochimaru, this"good teacher and helpful friend", wouldn't Nagato's strength be raised by more than ten levels?

"Confused? I have no doubts! It just so happens that I didn't teach you anything after you became my disciple. From now on, Shinnosuke, you are no longer my disciple! I recognize your strength, Nagato, let's go!"

Orochimaru pulled Nagato away, leaving Aizen Shinnosuke alone to look at Orochimaru's receding back, recalling in silence that Orochimaru had just said that he was not his disciple.

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't expect that Orochimaru would be like this. Although he did not learn anything from Orochimaru, at least the name should still be kept, right?

But now? Orochimaru actually abandoned him, Aizen Shinnosuke, for Nagato? Really.........

However, Aizen Shinnosuke was just complaining about this, he had no dissatisfaction.

After a few days of rest, Kato Dan and his team were going back to the front line.

This time, Tsunade and Aizen Shinnosuke also followed the team. And beside Aizen Shinnosuke was Uchiha Fugaku who was sulking alone.

""Okay, okay, why are you still angry?"

Glancing at Uchiha Fugaku, Aizen Shinnosuke smiled and put his arm around Uchiha Fugaku's shoulders.

"You still said it!"

Looking at the smiling Aizen Shinnosuke, Uchiha Fugaku became even angrier and ripped off Aizen Shinnosuke's hand on his shoulder.

"Is this what you said at the beginning that someone would go to my father to tell him? You actually brought Tsunade to threaten my father? What on earth are you thinking, Aizen Shinnosuke?"

Faced with Uchiha Fugaku's condemnation, Aizen Shinnosuke shrugged indifferently.

"Just tell me whether you came out or not? Besides, can't you go to the front line now?"

"Is this how I want to go to the front line? What do you mean the Uchiha clan is dissatisfied with Konoha? Are we Uchiha dissatisfied with Konoha?"

"Isn't it? It's no secret that you Uchiha are dissatisfied with Konoha. Everyone knows it!"

Uchiha Fugaku seemed to have heard some incredible news, and pointed his finger at Aizen Shinnosuke's face.

"So you're using this to threaten my father? You're taking me hostage? And you're saying specifically that if I don't go with you, you're going to purge the Uchiha clan on the grounds of treason?"

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