"Well, now that the matter of the Rain Country is over.......Duan, tell me about what’s happening on the front line in the Kingdom of Wind!"

"It's Lord Hokage!"

Hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice, Kato Dan bowed and stood up.

"At the beginning, the ninjas of Sand Village in Wind Country were unstoppable under the leadership of their elder Chiyo, and even broke into the territory of our Fire Country.

But now, under the leadership of Lord White Fang, we have successfully driven the ninjas of Wind Country back to the territory of Wind Country.

In addition, Lord White Fang also proposed a decapitation operation. Led by Lord White Fang, several other experts were selected to carry out a decapitation operation on the commander of Sand Village.

However, no matter how strong Chiyo of Sand Village is, he is still a Kage-level strongman. Therefore, this decapitation operation ended in failure."

Hearing Kato Dan's report, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

"I feel relieved that White Fang and Duan Ni are leading the Sand Village. However, I don't think the decapitation operation that Duan Ni just mentioned is necessary.

The people in the Sand Village are not fools, and such an operation is meaningless. In the end, the final victory or defeat depends on the fighting power of both sides!"

"I understand, Hokage-sama!"

Kato Dan nodded, then turned to look at Tsunade who was sitting next to him. Tsunade noticed that Kato Dan was looking at her, and was a little surprised. She put down her arm that was supporting her head in confusion.

"In addition, I also hope that Tsunade-sama can go to the front line to help us. If possible, please bring the ninja named Aizen Shinnosuke with you!

If I heard correctly, Orochimaru-sama said that Aizen Shinnosuke's medical skills are not worse than Tsunade-sama, right?"

"That's right, but to be precise, one of Aizen Shinnosuke's medical skills is worse than mine, and that ninjutsu is even better than mine."

"That's great!"

Hearing Tsunade say this, Kato Dan was finally relieved.

There was nothing important in the next meeting, and no one else, including Jiraiya and the other two, spoke. It was not until the end of the meeting that Sarutobi Hiruzen turned his head and looked at Jiraiya, and said to him,"Come on, Jiraiya, let me hear what the reason is that makes you agree with Aizen Shinnosuke's choice."

Sarutobi Hiruzen took Jiraiya and went straight to the roof of the Hokage Building. The two stood in front of the guardrail of the Hokage Building, looking at Konoha below, and Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke first

"Tell me, what was the reason that made you agree to Aizen Shinnosuke's absurd behavior?

Looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen who had become somewhat old, Jiraiya slowly spoke under his gaze.

"Old man, you are my teacher. I believe this very much, so you have to promise that no one else will know about our conversation except you and me!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't expect that he was so serious just to ask Jiraiya for an explanation. However, this also shows that this matter is really not as simple as he imagined.

""Okay, I promise you in the name of Hokage. No one else will know about this except the two of us!"

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen was willing to swear in the name of Hokage, Jiraiya nodded in satisfaction and then said,"Actually, after the war in Rain Country ended, I didn't come back with Orochimaru and the others right away. Because at that time, I was called away by the Great Toad Sage......."

"Big Toad Sage? You mean, the big toad in Myoboku Mountain?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Jiraiya. He knew a little bit about the Big Toad Sage. However, he didn't know too much. He just knew that there was such a person.

"Yes, it was the Great Toad Sage. In fact, when I first went to Myoboku Mountain, the Great Toad Sage predicted that I would become the teacher of the Child of Prophecy, and would travel all over the ninja world, and even the book I wrote would become a best-selling book sought after by the Chunin!"

"You? Jiraiya? Can you write a book?"

If it was said that Jiraiya would become a powerful ninja, then Sarutobi Hiruzen would still be willing to believe it. After all, he still had confidence in his disciple.

But he, Jiraiya, the last in the ninja school.

The guy who always ranked last in the exams, actually could write a book? Then Sarutobi Hiruzen would rather believe that Shimura Danzo was a good person!

Jiraiya did not expect that his teacher was so pessimistic about him.

However, he did not explain.

Instead, he continued:"After the affairs of the Rain Country were over, the Great Toad Sage asked me to go.

It said that the prophecy has changed.

The original child of prophecy is no longer the child of prophecy, and the new child of prophecy is.........


Sarutobi Hiruzen is not a fool. Jiraiya has said this much, it is impossible for him to know nothing.

"Huh~ Are you saying that Aizen Shinnosuke has become the child of prophecy in the future? Why are you so sure? This kind of thing, generally can't be said openly, right?"

That's a prophecy, isn't this kind of thing usually left as a riddle for the person involved to guess? Why is Jiraiya so sure that the new child of prophecy is Aizen Shinnosuke?

"Because the Great Toad Sage said that the new child of prophecy has many strange weapons, and his ninjutsu is also very strange!"

"Weapons? Strange ninjutsu? Just based on these two? You are sure it is Aizen Shinnosuke?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little confused. He had never seen Aizen Shinnosuke's weapons. But Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu was really strange.

"But now that you mention it, Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu is really quite strange. I've never seen it activated in the form of a card before!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't have a clear understanding of Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu, but he knew that Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu was activated in the form of a card.

"Oh, there is more to it than that. You may not know this, old man! All of Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu are unprinted ninjutsu!"

"What? Untapped Ninjutsu?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes widened suddenly, looking at Jiraiya in disbelief.

"That's right, the non-hand seal ninjutsu. The cards used by Aizen Shinnosuke are his ninjutsu, and his ninjutsu does not require hand seals!"

"how come......Unmatched Ninjutsu......Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was really angry now. That was a non-seal ninjutsu. From ancient times to now, have you ever heard of a ninjutsu that didn't require a seal?

Who would have thought that all of Aizen Shinnosuke's ninjutsu were non-seal ninjutsu.

"Because Lord Mito wants us to keep this matter secret, but now as it is an emergency, I am making an exception and telling you!"

"And then? What else are you hiding from me?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Jiraiya with a gloomy face, while Jiraiya shrugged indifferently.

"Don't forget that the current identity of Aizen Shinnosuke is very special. The son of prophecy, the Great Toad Sage, told me that the road ahead for Aizen Shinnosuke is full of killings. It asked me to pay more attention, to stop him, but also to support him!"

"Support him? So this is why you stood up just now, Jiraiya?"

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