When Jiraiya heard Shima Sage say that they were going to have dinner, he immediately recalled Shima Sage's"big meal".

In an instant, Jiraiya felt his stomach begin to churn unconsciously.

"No, thank you for your kindness, Shima-sennin. But I have something important to do, so I really can't enjoy it!"

After saying that, without waiting for Shima-sennin to persuade him to stay again, Jiraiya disappeared

"Everyone is so anxious!"

Zhima Sennin jumped down from mid-air, looked at the place where Jiraiya disappeared, and snorted in dissatisfaction.

"Well, Jiraiya-chan has already said that this is an important matter, so don't talk about him anymore."

Sennin Fukasaku jumped to the side of Shima Sennin and said to him in comfort.


However, in the end, Shima Sennin snorted coldly.

On the other side, after Jiraiya left Myoboku Mountain, he appeared directly in the camp at the border of Konoha.

""Master Jiraiya!"

The people in the camp looked at Jiraiya who suddenly appeared and greeted him.

"Please pay attention, I will leave first��!"

Jiraiya nodded and then rushed to Konoha.

After two days of traveling, Aizen Shinnosuke and his companions finally returned to Konoha. Jiraiya had caught up with them the night before.

""Aizome Shinnosuke!"

As soon as he saw the gate of Konoha, Aizen Shinnosuke heard someone calling his name. Aizen Shinnosuke looked in the direction of the voice and saw a yellow-haired man and a red-haired man standing at the village gate and waving at him.

When he came in front of Minato Namikaze and looked at the two people who were so close, Aizen Shinnosuke felt sick. Behind him, Nawaki also ran out.

"Why do you only call Shinnosuke and not me? Don't you recognize me?"

Facing the condemnation of Nawaki, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina suddenly smiled bitterly.

""Okay, stop messing around. By the way, Kushina, let me introduce someone to you!"

As he said this, Aizen Shinnosuke pulled Nagato out from behind him.

"Shinnosuke, who is he?"

Kushina looked at this guy with the same hair color as her and asked curiously

"He is also a member of the Uzumaki clan, but he used to live in the Land of Rain with his parents. But not long ago, his parents were killed by ninjas from the Hidden Rock Village."


After listening to Aizen Shinnosuke's explanation, Kushina stepped forward and held Nagato's hand.

"Don't be afraid! Konoha will be your home from now on. Shinnosuke is right, I am also from the Uzumaki clan. We are all family!"

This was the first time that Nagato saw a red-haired person other than his family. Nagato looked at Kushina with some curiosity.

Aizen Shinnosuke turned his head to look at Nagato, and could clearly see the purple eyes under Nagato's hair.

In addition to Namikaze Minato and others, other villagers also came to the gate to pick up people. Of course, there were more people who could not come back. However, although the villagers of Konoha were sad, they did not say anything. Because they all knew that those people died on the battlefield to protect their Konoha, and they were all heroes.

Afterwards, Aizen Shinnosuke handed Konan and Nagato over to Namikaze Minato. And he himself followed Orochimaru and the other two into the Hokage's office.


Tsunade kicked the door of the Hokage's office open as usual, which scared Sarutobi Hiruzen and others in the office.

"Old man!"

Looking at Tsunade who broke into the room, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was sitting in his seat, closed his eyes in pain.

"Tsunade, doors are meant to be opened."

"I know, didn't I just kick it open?"

Tsunade looked indifferent, and Sarutobi Hiruzen really didn't know what to say.

After entering the door, Tsunade looked around, but didn't see the person she wanted to see the most.

"Where is our elder Danzo? Why isn't he here?"

Seeing Tsunade mention Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face darkened even more. The matter of the Rain Country Daimyo is not over yet. Both the people of the Fire Country and the Rain Country are asking Sarutobi Hiruzen to hand over someone.

"He was imprisoned, all right. Let's not talk about him. Let me ask you what's going on with the name of the Rain Country?"

This matter must come to an end, otherwise Konoha will always be at a disadvantage. Otherwise, how could the Sand Village use the name of the Rain Country as an excuse to go to war with Konoha?

"What is the name of the Rain Country? We don't know it."

Tsunade spread her hands, indicating that they knew nothing.

"Nonsense! Tsunade, you are still making nonsense until now!"

Looking at Tsunade who said she knew nothing, Utane Koharu slammed the table and stood up, pointing at Tsunade and yelling

"What do you want from me? We are the jonin fighting on the front lines. Should we know about the Daimyo of the Land of Rain?"

Utatane Koharu originally wanted to overpower them with her power, but she didn't expect that Tsunade would leave them speechless with just one sentence.

"Okay, Koharu. Tsunade is right, they really shouldn't know about this!"

Mitomon En, who was sitting with Koharu Utane, had cold eyes under his glasses, staring at Aizen Shinnosuke at the back. Mitomon En said that Tsunade and the others didn't know, but his eyes fell on Aizen Shinnosuke. Obviously, he was targeting Aizen Shinnosuke. Aizen Shinnosuke didn't tolerate him.、

"What? Elder Mitomon En looked at me like this. Could it be that he thought that even Tsunade and the others didn't know. Would I know?"

"Oh, who knows? After all, before the Daimyo of Rain Country was killed, there was news that you insulted the Daimyo of Rain Country!"

Mitomon Yan said casually, and after that, he took a sip of the tea in front of him.

"Yes, I am also curious about what the elders of Mitomon En said. Why do I, a Genin who just graduated from the Ninja School a few years ago, dare to insult the Daimyo? And you, you praise the Daimyo more than your own father!"

"Boy! What are you talking about!"

Mizuto Kado Yan, who was drinking tea, was very angry at what Aizen Shinnosuke said. He pointed his index finger at Aizen Shinnosuke and almost couldn't catch his breath.

"Teacher, we really didn't know about this. When the daimyo of the Rain Country was killed, we were settling the Hidden Rain Village! At that time, Aizen Shinnosuke was always by my side."

"Humph, with just one sentence from you, who knows whether what you said is true or not? Moreover, if I remember correctly, Orochimaru, you are Aizen Shinnosuke's guiding jonin, right? Who knows if you deliberately made excuses for him?"

Looking at Mito Kado En who talked about Orochimaru after talking about himself, Aizen Shinnosuke just thought that this old guy was really crazy.

They rushed back from the front line and came directly to this office to report the news. As a result, the news has not been reported yet, and these two are condemning them one by one?

Especially Orochimaru, he is the commander of the front line, right? Are you really not afraid?

Orochimaru obviously did not expect that Mito Kado En would talk to him like this. For a moment, Orochimaru was so angry that he laughed.

"Since Elder Yan doesn't believe us, then I think there's no need for that report or anything like that."

After saying that, Orochimaru turned around and left without giving Sarutobi Hiruzen a chance to speak.

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