"I will kill you*!"

Aizen Shinnosuke was in no mood to bargain with Hanzo. He took out two cards and threw them at Hanzo.

Hanzo saw that Aizen Shinnosuke not only ignored him but also dared to attack him. He snorted coldly and pointed at Aizen Shinnosuke and said:

"Since you don't listen! Then I can't give you the antidote! Just watch your companions die screaming!"

As Hanzo said this, he moved his body to try to avoid Aizen Shinnosuke's attack.

However, no matter how Hanzo moved, the two palms made of chakra seemed to lock him and followed him.

"Strange Ninjutsu......This guy......"

Once again, Hanzo noticed the two chakra hands rushing towards him. This time, Hanzo quickly formed seals with both hands. Then, he shouted,

"Fire Style: Great Fire Extinguishment!"

Hanzo Salamander spit out a large-scale fire style ninjutsu, trying to use it to get rid of the two chakra hands that were haunting him. However, fire style ninjutsu had no effect at all.

In Hanzo Salamander's horrified eyes, the two hands finally grabbed him.

Then, one hand merged into his body. The other hand returned to Aizen Shinnosuke's body.


Salmon Hanzo thought he was hurt, but after waiting for a while, he found that nothing happened. Not to mention being hurt, he didn't even feel any pain.

"Hmm, I don't know what you are up to. But......"Summoning Jutsu - Salamander!"

After finding out that he was fine, Salamander Hanzo was immediately furious. Because he felt that his action of dodging the ninjutsu just now was just like a clown.

He, Salamander Hanzo, a dignified demigod of the ninja world. How could he be"humiliated" by a little brat in his teens? The furious Salamander Hanzo immediately performed the summoning jutsu. He wanted to let that guy named Aizen Shinnosuke know the true strength of his demigod of the ninja world!


"He looks like a fool, doesn't he? He's shouting so loudly!"

Jiraiya looked at Hanzo and pointed at him and said

"how come......Where is my ninjutsu?"

Looking at the surroundings where nothing happened, Hanzo Salamander used the summoning technique again. However, the seal was correct and the chakra in the body was still sufficient.

However, he just couldn't summon his summoning beast Salamander.

"Shinnosuke's ninjutsu is really powerful. It can directly seal the opponent's ninjutsu. It seems that the effect is more than just cutting off the enemy's arm!"

Orochimaru also came out at this time and patted Aizen Shinnosuke on the shoulder.

This time, Hanzo heard it clearly. It turned out that it was not his problem. It was his ninjutsu that was sealed by that guy, which caused him to be unable to summon the ninjutsu no matter what.

"Damn Konoha brat......"

The eyes of Hanzo were red with anger, and he stared at Aizen Shinnosuke.

Aizen Shinnosuke didn't have the time to talk to him.

Aizen Shinnosuke threw a new card at Hanzo, and Orochimaru and the other two rushed up.

"Humph! Even without the Salamander! You are no match for me! Chain Double Attack!"

Salamander Hanzo waved his weapon and rushed towards Tsunade and the other two.

The first thing that collided with Salamander Hanzo was the card that Aizen Shinnosuke had just thrown. Salamander Hanzo didn't even try to dodge this time, waving the sickle in his hand, trying to cut off Aizen Shinnosuke's card.

"Water escape technique: Water prison technique!"


But Hanzo never expected that Shinnosuke Aizen could actually perform ninjutsu? Using his strange cards to directly cast ninjutsu? The

Water Prison Technique was almost instantaneous. Hanzo was tied up tightly in a cage made of water the moment he broke Shinnosuke Aizen's card. He couldn't even move.

"Fire Style: Flame Bullet!"

"Wind Style: Big Breakthrough!"

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!"

Orochimaru and the other two also used ninjutsu in a rare way.

Jiraiya spit out Fire Style: Flame Bullet, while Orochimaru and Tsunade beside him used Wind Style: Great Breakthrough at the same time.

This time, the wind helped the fire. The already large fireball became even larger at this moment, heading straight for the Salamander Hanzo.


Hanzo's eyes almost popped out. These guys had no moral principles at all. Four guys actually beat up a fifty-year-old man.

When the smoke cleared, Hanzo fell directly to the ground. There were large areas of burns on his body, and his clothes could only cover the important parts. The most important thing was that he had suffered a fire escape ninjutsu head-on, and now he didn't even have the strength to sit up.


But even though he couldn't sit up anymore, Hanzo still managed to hold on to his body, raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke and the other three standing opposite him.

"Stop talking nonsense! Hurry and hand over the antidote to me!"

Tsunade grabbed the remaining collar of Hanzo and threatened him with her fist.

"You're dreaming!"

Salamander Hanzo's attitude remains tough

"If it weren't for this guy's strange ninjutsu, do you really think I would lose to you? Humph, I'm going to die anyway. Then you Konoha people can't live either! It's just right, you can use the lives of thousands of Konoha ninjas to bury me!"

"You guy......"

Tsunade gnashed her teeth and looked at Hanzo, who looked like a dead pig that was not afraid of boiling water. Tsunade and the others really had no way to deal with him, and now their companions needed Hanzo's antidote.

In terms of natural momentum, Tsunade felt���I fell into a disadvantage

"In this case, just kill him! Tsunade, you and Shinnosuke go to save people. In the end, hundreds of people will be exchanged for a demigod of the ninja world. Anyway, it won’t be us who will suffer the loss!"

As Orochimaru said, he was about to attack Hanzo of the Salamander.

But the next moment, he was stopped by Jiraiya.

"Orochimaru! Stop messing around!"

"You are the one who is making trouble!"

Orochimaru shook off Jiraiya's hand, then looked at the still stubborn Salamander Hanzo and said

"He thinks he won't give us the antidote, so we might as well kill him. Then let Tsunade and Shinnosuke take time to save people. It's better than wasting time with him and ending up with nothing!"

As he said that, two snakes stretched out from Orochimaru's sleeves. They spit out their tongues and stared at Hanzo with ill intentions.


Jiraiya once again grabbed Orochimaru's hand, and this time his brows were furrowed, and his expression became extremely serious.

"I think what Orochimaru said is right. Even if we let him go, our companions will not be rescued and will die anyway, so why not let some Amegakure take the blame for them?"

Aizen Shinnosuke came up and agreed with Orochimaru's idea on this matter.

"Shinnosuke! Are you fooling around too?!"

"Lord Jiraiya! You are the one who is making trouble! Are you trying to let the enemy go? Then what happened to those Konoha companions who died in his hands before? Is it a joke?

Aizen Shinnosuke was not afraid of Jiraiya at all and shouted at him.


Jiraiya looked at Shinnosuke Aizen and was speechless for a moment.

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