"Well! Come and eat something!"

Aizen Shinnosuke placed fried eggs and vegetable porridge in front of Tsunade, and then brought a plate of side dishes.

""Thank you!"

Tsunade was actually very hungry. She had been running all the way here at a very high speed.

After taking two mouthfuls of porridge, she immediately uttered a"hmmmm" sound.


Tsunade nodded, then picked up an omelette and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Sister Tsunade, are you the only one back?"

Aizen Shinnosuke sat next to Tsunade and said to her

"Yes, I will come alone. That old bastard Danzo insisted that he was injured and couldn't travel at night. If I wasn't so anxious, I would have punched him and come back!"

Tsunade's heart was all on the food at the moment, and she even took time to answer Aizen Shinnosuke's questions.

"Then tomorrow......What are you going to do?"

Until Aizen Shinnosuke asked, Tsunade's hand finally stopped eating. Then Tsunade turned her head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke.���, asked

"What are you going to do?"

Aizen Shinnosuke said when he received Tsunade's question.

"This incident will probably cause a rift between the major families and the Third Hokage, but this incident alone is not enough to bring down the Third Hokage.

If we want him to have no chance of rising again, we have to make him make a huge mistake. That mistake must be so big that no one in Konoha can stand it!"

Tsunade glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke and then said

"What is wrong?"

"This mistake is only possible on the battlefield!"

""Tell me!"

Tsunade raised her head to Aizen Shinnosuke, signaling Aizen Shinnosuke to continue.

"If there is a group of ninjas who plunder other villages under the order of Sarutobi Hiruzen, and there is another group of ninjas who are only seriously injured, but because of the lack of medical ninjas, they cannot get timely treatment and can only wait to die......."

Before Aizen Shinnosuke could finish his words, Tsunade had already put down the bowl, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Aizen Shinnosuke's dog head with lightning speed.


Tsunade put her face in front of Aizen Shinnosuke, the two of them were very close.......Aizen Shinnosuke can even feel Tsunade's breath

"Do you want to take the lives of the villagers to do this?"

"This is not a question of whether I want to or not!

Aizen Shinnosuke quickly shook his head and denied Tsunade's statement.

"It's the truth!"

Aizen Shinnosuke said immediately

"I've learned about the Land of Rain. Their leader, Hanzo Salamander, is good at using poison. In fact, his level of poisoning is better than some poison masters in the Sand Village. Even the elder of the Sand Village, Chiyo, is not as good as him.

If we really go to war with them, then poisoning on the battlefield will obviously be the most common thing. At this time, medical ninjas are needed. But, in the whole of Konoha, besides you, do we have any other strong medical ninjas?"

Aizen Shinnosuke pointed at Tsunade.

"Not at all! In the entire Konoha, the only one who has the ability to remove the poison of the Salamander Hanzo is me! My Peach Card can not only heal damage, but also remove all negative states!"

Until then, Tsunade finally released her hand that was pressing on Aizen Shinnosuke's head.


Tsunade gave the order, and Aizen Shinnosuke immediately said

"We lack medical ninjas, this is an indisputable fact. Once there are too many ninja casualties on the battlefield, I think you will definitely ask the Third Hokage about the issue of training medical ninjas!"

"How can you be sure?......I will definitely ask this question? What if I don't ask it?"

Tsunade turned her head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke. She didn't know where this guy got his confidence from.

Aizen Shinnosuke smacked his lips and said to Tsunade

"That's for sure. Could it be that you would watch those Konoha villagers who could have been treated by medical ninjas die in front of you?"

Tsunade thought about it and realized that if that was the case, she would definitely not stand by and watch. If she had the chance, she would definitely tell everyone about it.

"Then what?"

Tsunade asked

"Then when you ask this question, the Third Hokage will definitely refuse!"

"He dares!"

Even Aizen Shinnosuke knew that this was a good thing for Konoha. Sarutobi Hiruzen would have to be crazy to refuse this!

"This is not a question of whether he dares or not, but an inevitable fact!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shook his head and continued

"As a medical ninja, you should know this very well. The training of medical ninjas requires a lot of resources. Although Konoha is now thriving, it is a wartime period after all. Konoha does not have so much time to train medical ninjas!"

Tsunade's brows furrowed instantly when she heard what Aizen Shinnosuke said.

Indeed, she had thought too simply about this matter. Medical ninjas are not so easy to train, otherwise she would have trained them herself. Moreover

, Tsunade could guess that according to the habits of those old guys, instead of wasting time and resources to train medical ninjas, it would be better to put these resources on ordinary ninjas.

In that case, maybe a few more enemies could be killed!

"Damn it!"

Tsunade, who had thought everything through, gnashed her teeth.

This was a dead end, there was no way out.

"So, we just need to let everything develop. When the war is over, Sarutobi Hiruzen himself will be charged with many crimes!"

"No, if it means exchanging the lives of ordinary villagers for an opportunity, I would rather not have it!"

"This is not a question of whether you want to or not. I have said that it is inevitable. Although you can save, I can save as well. But how many can the two of us save? One hundred? One thousand? Or ten thousand?

Human power is limited! This is not something that the two of us can change! Sister Tsunade, the reason why I tell you this, in addition to telling you that this is an opportunity to overthrow the Third Hokage,

I also want to tell you what Konoha is missing now, that's right. Now we are indeed lacking medical ninjas, and the Third Hokage and his men are not doing anything.

Then, when you come to power, you can start to change what Konoha lacks now! Comparing the two sides, doesn't Sarutobi Hiruzen have even less chance of making a comeback?"

Tsunade took a deep look at Aizen Shinnosuke, and finally sighed helplessly.

Then, Aizen Shinnosuke washed the dishes on the side. Tsunade sat at the dining table, drinking tea while watching Aizen Shinnosuke washing the dishes.

"To be honest, sometimes I wonder if you are a child. Look at what you said just now, but you are obviously younger than Nawaki. But whether it is your thoughts or words, you give me the feeling of a peer! Moreover, you are the same age as Orochimaru!"

Hearing Tsunade's voice, Aizen Shinnosuke paused while washing the dishes.

"Sister Tsunade is overpraising me. I can't compare to Master Orochimaru! He is really smart! As for me, I am just a little smart at best!"

"Humph, I told you you're fat and you're out of breath. Clever? Whose cleverness dares to scold the current Hokage in the Hokage's office? I guess you're the first and the last one!"

Faced with Tsunade's ridicule, Aizen Shinnosuke said without turning his head

"I can't say for sure. When you become Hokage, if you don't do well, I will not only scold you, but I will do it myself!"

"You dare! Watch out or I'll punch you on the head! Humph, you really don't know how powerful your sister's iron fist is!"

Tsunade held the teacup and snorted at Aizen Shinnosuke.

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