Soon, Orochimaru and his men knew what the so-called opportunity that Aizen Shinnosuke mentioned was.

News came from the front line of Konoha. Not long ago, the front line of Konoha was attacked by the Rain Ninja led by Hanzo of the Salamander.

In this attack, the commander Danzo Shimura not only did not play any role, but in order to protect the injured him, he directly lost many ninjas.

"I'll go early! I'll go early! Didn't Danzo say he knew about military affairs? Didn't he say he knew about military affairs? Is that what he told me? Twenty-seven jonin! Twenty-seven jonin! They died on the front line? Moreover, this was not a formal battle, but just a sneak attack! Just a sneak attack caused Konoha to lose twenty-seven jonin!"

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who received the news from the front line, was almost crazy. Originally, he sent Shimura Danzo to the front line to improve his political achievements, but now it's different. Not only did he not achieve any achievements, but Shimura Danzo, this waste, even caused Konoha to suffer huge losses by himself.

"Hiruzen! First of all, the most important thing is not to be angry, we have to quickly send someone to replace Danzo. The letter said that Danzo was seriously injured and could no longer continue to serve as the commander of the front line. Moreover, Hanzo of the Salamander retreated not long ago. If he comes back again, we will be in a passive position!"

"Are you still passive now? Tell me, am I not passive now?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen slapped his desk loudly. He was also angry with his friend for the first time.

But soon, Sarutobi Hiruzen suppressed his anger and called an Anbu in.

"Go and call Orochimaru and the others to me!"


The Anbu who received the order quickly disappeared

"Lord Orochimaru! The Hokage summons you!"

At the training ground, Orochimaru, who was talking to Aizen Shinnosuke, looked at the Anbu who suddenly appeared in front of him and nodded.

"I understand, I'll go now!"

After the Anbu disappeared, Orochimaru turned his head and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke.

"Did you know this day would come?"

Orochimaru was still a little curious about this matter. He didn't know why Aizen Shinnosuke knew so clearly that something would happen on the front line under the leadership of Shimura Danzo.

You know, as the second-daime's personal guard, Shimura Danzo had the strength, otherwise the second-daime wouldn't have liked him.

Aizen Shinnosuke just smiled and didn't explain.

What was he going to say? Could it be that Aizen Shinnosuke told Orochimaru that he knew that Shimura Danzo didn't have a bandage on his head and guessed that he would get into trouble in World War II?

""Oh, so mysterious!"

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke who was unwilling to say anything, Orochimaru laughed and ran quickly towards the Hokage Building.

On the other side, Tsunade and Jiraiya who were resting at home also received the news of the summons from Sarutobi Hiruzen.

When Orochimaru rushed to the Hokage Building, Tsunade and Jiraiya also arrived downstairs of the Hokage Building. The three of them looked at each other without saying much to each other, and soon there was a knock on the door of the Hokage's office.

"Come in!"

Orochimaru and the other two walked into the office and saw the angry Sarutobi Hiruzen sitting behind the desk. Then they turned around and saw the two elders on the other side with very ugly faces.

"Old man, tell me! What did you call us for?

Looking at the angry Sarutobi Hiruzen, Tsunade spoke to him unceremoniously.

"Danzo was seriously injured on the front line and can no longer serve as the commander of the front line. So the three of you will take your men and set off immediately to replace Danzo and prevent Hanzo from attacking again! At the same time, declare war on the Rain Country!"

"Humph! Danzo......Orochimaru warned you at the beginning! He told you to find a better commander, and this is the one you found? You are the only one who dares to use that guy Danzo!"


Sarutobi Hiruzen's face was as gloomy as a ghost, so ugly. After scolding Tsunade, Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't say anything in the end, but took a deep breath.

"Regarding this matter, I myself did not expect that Danzo would make such a big mistake! But now the most important thing is the frontline, and other things will be discussed after the war is over!"

Tsunade's face was also not good, after all, it was all because of Shimura Danzo's fault. Many people have lost their lives, and 27 jonin have died. Then those genin and even chunin, those will only suffer more casualties!

Under the command of Sarutobi Hiruzen and others, Konoha's huge war machine is running at full capacity. In less than two hours, 3,000 ninjas were ready.

And the leader was Orochimaru and his three men.

""Let's go!"

At the gate of Konoha, Orochimaru gave an order and rushed out of the village with 3,000 people.

On the rooftop, Aizen Shinnosuke, Nawaki, and Minato stood there, watching Orochimaru and his men go away.

"Why can't we go together?"

Sheng Shu looked at the team going away, feeling a little dissatisfied. He also wanted to fight the enemy, just like his grandfather.


Hearing the sound of the rope tree, Aizen Shinnosuke directly slapped him with his backhand

"You should know your grandma's condition very well, right? You want to go to the battlefield at this time?"

Speaking of his grandma, Nawaki's mood suddenly dropped.

Uzumaki Mito's condition is really getting worse day by day, although she can still hold on now. But everyone knows that Uzumaki Mito doesn't have much time left.

"By the way, Jiraiya-sensei and the others are gone. Mito-san is also in the hospital, so is Kushina the only one at home? It's so empty, she won't be scared, right?"

On the other side, Minato Namikaze was obviously worried about Kushina.

This was the kid who said he didn't like Kushina in the corridor of the ninja school. He also slowly fell in love with her after a long time together, and now his heart is completely on Kushina.

Now he has moved into the Senju clan at the invitation of Nawaki, and Nawaki is very satisfied with this brother-in-law. In fact, Nawaki is more satisfied with Aizen Shinnosuke, but who made him have no feelings for Kushina?

Hearing Minato Namikaze's voice, Aizen Shinnosuke's expression was also a little solemn.

Because in the plot, Kushina was kidnapped by the guys from the Hidden Cloud Village during the Second Ninja World War. Although it seemed that it was when Minato Namikaze graduated, which was about to end the Second Ninja World War, Aizen Shinnosuke was absolutely hesitant about the time in the anime.

After all. If we really follow the timeline in the anime.

When Minato Namikaze and his friends graduated, Mito Uzumaki had been dead for who knows how many years. Then Kushina should have been the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki by then. Did the ninjas from the Hidden Cloud Village come to kidnap Kushina? Wasn't that pure suicide?

And there is one more thing. In the huge Konoha, Minato Namikaze was the only one who discovered the traces left by Kushina. Shinnosuke Aizen didn't know whether to say that people in love have a tacit understanding with each other, or that all ninjas are idiots.

At Naruto Uzumaki's age, there were trace studies taught in the ninja school. As a result, during the Second Ninja World War, no one, whether it was the Jounin of the Hidden Cloud Village or the Jounin and Anbu of Konoha, discovered it. There must be more than a thousand people gathered together? Even a yellow-haired person is useless when added together. To be honest, they are trash, right?

"Let's go! Let's go back and take a look!"

Looking at the blood-red sunset in the sky, Aizen Shinnosuke suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, and then he picked up Namiki and Namikaze Minato and ran towards the clan's territory of the Senju clan.

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