"Stop looking! What can Jiraiya teach you? Peeping?"

Tsunade waved her hand nonchalantly while Jiraiya was thinking. It's not that she looked down on Jiraiya, Tsunade knew Jiraiya's methods.

His methods were not that powerful, but the methods he used most now were the result of his training at Myoboku Mountain. If you let Jiraiya teach someone, Tsunade really didn't believe he could teach anything.

"Then let's go together, it's just right that the three of them can form a team! Everyone is familiar with each other, and it's more convenient!"

Orochimaru nodded, accepting the matter. Jiraiya did not refuse this. However, from his expression, it can be seen that he really likes Minato this child, and does not want to let go.

"Don't be discouraged, Lord Orochimaru is just our guiding jonin. Strictly speaking, he is not a master. If you are unwilling, you can directly worship Lord Jiraiya as your master. There is no conflict!"

Aizen Shinnosuke shrugged and said to Minato Namikaze

"Additional apprenticeship? How about this? Since Rope Tree is going to apprentice to Orochimaru anyway, why not Minato apprentice to me directly? Then, you apprentice to Tsunade. However, your guiding jonin will still be Orochimaru, how about this?"After hearing what Aizen Shinnosuke said to Namikaze Minato, Jiraiya's eyes turned, and then he said to Aizen Shinnosuke and the other two.

"In this case, you three are our disciples! You can say that you are from the same lineage! Hahahaha......"

After saying this, Jiraiya put his hands on his waist and laughed up to the sky.


Tsunade rolled her eyes at him. But as Jiraiya said, Rope Tree was going to be Orochimaru's apprentice anyway.......


Tsunade slapped the back of Rope Tree's head casually, and Rope Tree looked back at her sister in confusion. Then she saw Tsunade pointed at Orochimaru.

"Kneel down and become my disciple!"

Rope Tree rubbed the place where he was hit by his elder sister just now, knelt on the ground obediently, and kowtowed to Orochimaru in a proper manner.


Orochimaru was so happy to be called"Master" that he quickly helped Naoki up from the ground with a smile.

On the other side, Jiraiya and Minato Namikaze didn't have so many rules. In fact, Minato Namikaze was about to kneel down, but Jiraiya stopped him with one hand. The two of them were arm in arm and didn't know what they were plotting.

Anyway, Jiraiya was smiling happily.

"What about me? How about I kowtow to you too?"

Aizen Shinnosuke looked back at Tsunade and suggested with a strange look on his face.

"What? I've said before that I don't want to be a master. But if you want, just call me sister like Sheng Shu."

""Sis Tsunade!"

Since he didn't have to kowtow, Aizen Shinnosuke was more than happy. He nodded and called Tsunade"Sister Tsunade". Tsunade nodded to Aizen Shinnosuke in a very stylish manner, acknowledging this younger brother. Tsunade then followed Jiraiya's example, and took Shinnosuke in her arms in a very heroic manner and said:

"I noticed when you were fighting Orochimaru just now that you are good at ninjutsu, but not so good at close combat.

So, since I am your sister now, and you want to learn the Yin Seal, then you can just move in. While we are in the village, let me train you well!"After hearing Tsunade's words, Aizen Shinnosuke's expression became more and more strange. It's not that he has a dirty mind, but when Tsunade spoke, Tsunade smiled like a pervert.


However, since Tsunade is willing to guide her, then Aizen Shinnosuke has no reason to refuse.

After all, she is one of the future three ninjas, and it is still worth Aizen Shinnosuke's humbly asking for advice. In the evening, Aizen Shinnosuke once again cooked a large table of food.

The only difference this time is that the people at the table have a closer relationship with each other. So, there is no longer the sense of unfamiliarity this morning.

Uzumaki Kushina ate her meal in small bites, looking at Tsunade and the other two and Aizen Shinnosuke and the other two. She was obviously just going to take a nap with Uzumaki Mito, why did she feel that the whole world had changed when she woke up?

At the dinner table, Tsunade casually told Uzumaki Mito about the three people of Aizen Shinnosuke. At the same time, she also mentioned that Aizen Shinnosuke wanted to learn the Yin Seal.

In this regard, Uzumaki Mito glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke and said

"Shinnosuke, just now Tsuna told me that you can't practice ninjutsu for some reasons. Then how do you know that you can practice sealing techniques?

After all, although sealing techniques are different from ordinary ninjutsu, they are still a kind of ninjutsu in essence!"

Uzumaki Mito's words froze everyone's movements. Even the smile on Shinnosuke Aizen's face disappeared, and he looked flustered.

"should......Is it okay? Although I have only tried ninjutsu, I haven't tried other techniques yet! However, I have a ninjutsu of my own, and its effect is the same as the sealing technique."

Aizen Shinnosuke really didn't know whether he could learn the sealing technique. After all, there was no sealing technique for him to learn in the Ninja School, and he hadn't thought of this before.

He glanced at the flustered Aizen Shinnosuke, and then Uzumaki Mito rolled his eyes at Tsunade and the other two.

Then, Uzumaki Mito put down the bowl in his hand. He stretched out his hand and placed it on Aizen Shinnosuke's arm. With Uzumaki Mito's action, the whole dinner table fell into a weird silence.

"Um......So that's how it is!"

After a while, Uzumaki Mito finally let go of her hand and nodded with an expression of 'I see'.

"How is it, grandma?"

Seeing Uzumaki Mito's actions, Tsunade hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

Others also stretched their necks, waiting for Uzumaki Mito's answer.

"Shinnosuke is very healthy, and his meridians are much wider than those of ordinary people......."

"So what?"

Rope Tree asked immediately.

Hearing Rope Tree's voice, Tsunade turned her head and glared at Rope Tree, then turned her head and looked at Uzumaki Mito

"So, there is nothing wrong with Shinnosuke's body. Logically, he can learn ninjutsu, but he said he can't learn it, so this should be his own fault! Shinnosuke, can you let me see your secret technique?"

"Of course!"

Aizen Shinnosuke nodded, flipped his right hand, and a card appeared in Shinnosuke's hand.

Uzumaki Mito reached out to take it, first looking at the appearance of the card.

"Hmm, it feels different from Hanazaka cards, and the patterns are different too!"

There are cards in this world, and Tsunade's favorite thing to play when gambling is cards.

After a quick look at the appearance and feeling the feel, Uzumaki Mito immediately looked at the front of the card, and saw a big"kill" in the middle.


Uzumaki Mito looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with some doubt, waiting for his answer.

"Oh, this is Mito-san. Each of my cards has a different word in the middle......."

As he spoke, Aizen Shinnosuke flipped his right hand again, and a flash card appeared in his hand.

Uzumaki Mito took it, and then compared the killing card and the flash card. Indeed, except for the different words, the other patterns are the same.

Aizen Shinnosuke took advantage of Uzumaki Mito's comparison and continued to speak.

"I call them according to their characters. The one with the character"Sha" is called"Sha Pai" and the one with the character"Shan" is called"Shan Pai"!"

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