"Tsunade, did you encounter any special situations this time?"

Jiraiya sat next to Tsunade and asked her seriously.

"Special circumstances?"

Tsunade paused as she was pouring wine for herself, and turned to look at Jiraiya with a puzzled look on her face, not understanding what the special circumstances he was talking about were.


Seeing that Tsunade hadn't spoken for a long time, Jiraiya hesitated for a long time before whispering in Tsunade's ear.


Hearing Jiraiya mention Aizen Shinnosuke's name, Tsunade immediately understood. It turned out that Jiraiya was talking about this special situation!

Then, Tsunade shook her head and continued to pour herself a glass of wine while speaking

"There is nothing special about it. It is even better than when he was in the Land of Rain!"

After saying that, Tsunade picked up the wine glass in front of her and took a sip of the wine.

She hadn't had a sip of sake for a long time since the war started, but she was so greedy!

Jiraiya heard Tsunade say that Aizen Shinnosuke's performance in the Land of Wind was better than when he was in the Land of Rain.

Suddenly, Jiraiya remembered several major deeds of Aizen Shinnosuke in the battlefield of the Land of Rain.

Killing the Daimyo of the Land of Rain, killing the demigod of the ninja world, Hanzo of the Salamander, and slaughtering the Iwagakure ninjas.......

These three things, no matter where they are, don't seem to be a good performance, right? If Aizen Shinnosuke's performance is really better than that of the Rain Country, then......

Jiraiya immediately shook his head, shaking out all the bad thoughts in his mind.

He didn't dare to imagine anymore!

After that, everyone had a big meal and went home.

Have a good night's rest.

The next day, Shinnosuke Aizen, who was still dreaming in bed, was picked up by Tsunade.

Shinnosuke Aizen woke up instantly, and when he found out that the person was Tsunade, he was speechless.

"Sister Tsunade, what can I do for you?......It's only eight o'clock now!"

Last night, Aizen Shinnosuke thought he would sleep until he woke up naturally. How come it's only eight o'clock now and Tsunade has to wake him up by force?

"Don't sleep anymore!"

Tsunade kicked Aizen Shinnosuke and successfully woke him up, then said

"The old man is waiting for us to come over for a meeting!"

"Meeting? Who? Me?"

Aizome Shinnosuke climbed up from the rubble and looked at Tsunade in surprise.

"That's right!"

Tsunade nodded, indicating that what Aizen Shinnosuke said was right

"But I'm just a Genin, what qualifications do I have to attend a meeting? Isn't it usually you, Tsunade, who goes to this kind of thing?"

Aizen Shinnosuke dusted himself off, and then came to Tsunade.

"You thought you were a Genin? Who is as good as you?"

"How not......"

Shinnosuke Aizen subconsciously wanted to refute Tsunade's question. After all, in the future, the most powerful ones will be the Genin.

As the saying goes, when Jonin fights, pots and pans are broken! When Genin fights, the world is destroyed!

But before he even said that, Shinnosuke Aizen felt something was wrong. Now Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are still just cells. In the current ninja world, Jonin is Jonin and Genin is Genin. The classes are very obvious, otherwise, Might Dai would not have been looked down upon in the future.

""Speak up? Why don't you say anything? I want to meet someone who is more powerful than you."

Tsunade crossed her arms and looked at Aizen Shinnosuke with interest. If Aizen Shinnosuke was not bragging, she would like to see who is the more powerful genin than the jonin.

"Hehe, let's not talk about that for now. Sister Tsunade, what do you mean when you said I'm not a Genin anymore? Wasn't I still a Genin yesterday?"

Aizen Shinnosuke began to recall, if his memory was correct. When he was sleeping yesterday, he was still a Genin.

Didn't he hear any news that he was upgraded? How come he woke up and.........I am not a Genin anymore?

Tsunade looked at Aizen Shinnosuke who looked puzzled and waved her hand.

"I just found out about this too. After I came back yesterday, the Hokage promoted you to a jonin based on your performance on the battlefield. In other words, your current status is the same as mine, both of us are jonin of Konoha.

No, I am an elite jonin, one level higher than you!"

Upon hearing that he had become a jonin, Aizen Shinnosuke was stunned.

He had only taken a nap, how come he had become a jonin after waking up? What about the Chunin Exam? He couldn't take part in it?

""Okay! Don't think about it, let's go. They're waiting over there!"

After saying that, Tsunade grabbed Aizen Shinnosuke's collar and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute.......Let me put on some clothes!"

Seeing that Tsunade was about to leave without saying a word, Aizen Shinnosuke hurriedly pulled Tsunade in the opposite direction, and it took a lot of effort to stop Tsunade.

Hearing Aizen Shinnosuke's voice, Tsunade turned back and glanced at Aizen Shinnosuke.

It turned out that this guy was indeed only wearing pajamas. Seeing this, Tsunade let go of the hand holding Aizen Shinnosuke's collar.

""Okay, but you have to be quick. There are people waiting over there!"

After saying that, Tsunade went to the living room and waited for Aizen Shinnosuke to finish washing up.

Ten minutes later, Aizen Shinnosuke, who had finished washing up, found Tsunade who was in a daze in the living room.

"I'm ready, shall we go?"

Hearing the sound, Tsunade finally woke up from her memories. Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke who was already ready, Tsunade immediately stood up.

"All right , let's go!"

Tsunade led Aizen Shinnosuke into the Hokage building.

���This is the first time that Shinnosuke Aizen has entered the Hokage Building as a senior ninja. Unlike the old days when he was a lackey, Shinnosuke Aizen is now a capable figure in the ninja world.

Thinking of this, Shinnosuke Aizen suddenly felt that he was pretty good.

""Pull the corners of your mouth back, they are almost curled up to the sky."

Suddenly, Tsunade's voice came.

Aizen Shinnosuke came back to his senses. It was only then that he realized that he had been curling up his mouth without knowing when.

""Ahem, sorry!"

Aizen Shinnosuke coughed twice in a hurry, then patted his cheeks hard to wake himself up.

Looking at Aizen Shinnosuke's stupid look, Tsunade didn't realize that the corners of her mouth were curled up unconsciously.

It was at this time that Tsunade realized that the person standing next to her was actually a child younger than her brother.

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