Naruto: The Age of Ninja Swordsmen Begins from the Hidden Cloud Village

Chapter 94: Mist Hidden Civil War (fourth update)

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Tamura Hao once again entered the wretched stage of development, focusing on the development of Chidori, and competed with Uchiha Hikaru once a day. Although he ended up being suppressed by that girl every time, he steadily continued to improve, making Uchiha Hikari feel even more satisfied. pressure.

At the same time, many plans for Yunyin Village are also going on, such as the plan for Kirigakure Village.

As expected, the conflict between the Mizukage faction and the Ninja clan became increasingly acute, especially after Mizukage used the whirlpool sealing technique he obtained to create the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki, everyone knew that a battle was inevitable.

"Master Yuan, they are already preparing to launch a coup."

In an old house in Kirigakure Village, a ninja rushed over to report to the Great Elder Yuanshi.

"We finally got to this point."

Master Yuan sighed, what he least expected to happen happened.

"The ninja clan will not win if they lose most of their elite. This is our Kirigakure Village's loss."

The patriarch of the Terumi family, Terumi Qiong, sighed. He was also a member of the ninja clan, but he was on the neutral side.

Their Kirigakure Village is currently divided into three factions, one is the third generation Mizukage and his family, the other is the ninja clan led by the second generation Mizukage, and then there are these neutral factions headed by the Elder Genshi.

This battle has nothing to do with their neutral faction. It is a conflict between that part of the ninja clan and the Third Mizukage clan.

"I tried to dissuade the first generation back then, but unfortunately he insisted on passing the position of Mizukage to the weak second generation. Then he angered that madman Huanyue, united with the ninjas to launch a rebellion, and seized the position of Mizukage and became the second generation of water. film.

Then he died, and the elite ninjas he led were both injured in the battle with the ninja army of Iwagakure Village. They were unable to continue to suppress the forces of the Sandaime and his family, which led to today's disaster. "

Genshi felt very helpless about this. The original source was the first generation Mizukage. The third generation was the first generation's disciple. The first generation wanted to pass on the position of Mizukage to his disciples without considering the situation in the village at all.

After the death of the first generation, Kiden Genzuki launched a rebellion and seized the position of the Mizukage to become the second generation.

Originally, this was nothing, but that lunatic, Ghost Demon Moon, died together with the Tsuchikage of Iwagakure Village, leaving a mess behind.

The Sandaime was also a ruthless man, and even formulated the Blood Mist Policy to weaken the few ninja clans that were fighting against him, dragging the entire Kirigakure Village into the quagmire.

Now it has turned into a civil war. After this battle, Kirigakure Village will definitely be severely weakened.

"They were all too ruthless, but now it seems that the Sandaime was more ruthless. He secretly teamed up with Kumogakure and Uzushiogakure to trap and kill the elite ninjas, severely injuring them, and even obtained the ability to shape the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki. The sealing technique is more ruthless than that of the second generation."

Terumi Qiong couldn't help but sigh, everyone is a ruthless person.

When they got that information, they were still suspicious at first, but after confirming that the Sandaime created the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki, they realized that it was all true.

The Sandaime did indeed do that kind of thing. In order to consolidate his position, he even collaborated with foreign enemies to kill ninjas from the same village.

"It is indeed his style. He has changed since he was defeated and humiliated by that lunatic Gui Lan Huanyue."

Master Yuan also believed that it was the Third Generation's doing, and it was in line with the other party's behavior.

After all, being able to come up with the blood mist policy proves that the third generation has changed. It is not surprising to do such a thing.

I only hope that after wiping out those few ninja clans, the Sandaime can cancel the blood mist policy. If the internal friction continues like this, the village will inevitably fall into an abyss of eternal destruction.

"Is this all you can do?"

A middle-aged woman on the other side couldn't bear it and was unwilling to give up. This was a civil war, and all the people in Kirigakure Village died. I don't know how many years it will take to recover after this war.

"Continuing to entangle will do more harm to the village. It would be better to decide the outcome."

Master Yuan was also very unwilling to do this, but he was more helpless.

He couldn't stop this battle, he could only watch helplessly, and at the same time, he hoped that this battle would end as soon as possible.

Many years have passed since the First Ninja World War, and the other four major ninja villages are thriving. However, Kirigakure Village is hindered by the blood mist policy and cannot make progress. Coupled with the overt and covert fighting between the two sides, the village continues to weaken.

Instead of constant internal fighting and internal strife, it would be better to decide the outcome as soon as possible.

Even if the village's vitality is greatly damaged this time, it is better than having no hope and future internal fighting.

"We don't need to interfere in the fighting in the village, but we must keep a close eye on the outside of the village. We must not allow external forces to interfere in the internal struggle of our village."

With a solemn look on his face, Genshi knew that the situation in Kirigakure Village could not be concealed. All the major ninja villages must have known about it. Even if the major ninja villages were dragged down by the war and could not intervene directly, they would definitely send people to watch the battle. Even some plotting.

The last war in the Kingdom of Whirlpool caused them to lose thousands of elite ninja troops due to internal and external collusion. This time, no matter what, that can't happen again.

"The Kaguya clan seems to have brought back a few people from outside some time ago."

According to a discovery made before the report by Meiqiong, it is not yet clear who the identities of those people are and what impact they will have on this civil war.

"Don't worry about those who have already entered. We can't control them, but I will keep the others out. Especially after the battle starts, no one can be let in."

Yuanshi didn't want to get involved in the civil war between the two sides. He just wanted to defend the village and prevent foreign enemies from finding an opportunity to destroy Kirigakure Village.

At the same time, all the major ninja clans were mobilized, including boys over twelve and girls over eighteen, ready to fight with all their might.

Because if they don't fight hard, they will have no chance.

Once the two tailed beast jinchūriki waiting for the Third Mizukage master the power of the tailed beasts, they will have no chance of competing, and they will only end up dead.

Now they have a chance of winning if they fight against each other, not to mention they have the support of allies this time.

"The ANBU are all gathered inside the Mizukage Building. There are thousands of ninjas outside the Mizukage Building. Judging from their chakra reactions, they are all Chuunin level."

A Hyuga branch ninja opened his Byakugan to observe the Mizukage building opposite and the surrounding situation. As he spoke, he drew the position of each ninja on the detailed drawing, especially the jounin.

"Have you found any Tailed Beast Jinchūriki?"

Ghost Light Xue Yue asked in a deep voice, the Tailed Beast Jinchūriki is a great killing weapon. Although such a short time is not enough for the Jinchūriki to control the power of the Tailed Beast, it will still be an extremely terrifying existence.

"Nothing found!"

The Hyuga ninja shook his head, not noticing the presence of the tailed beast.

"The Third Generation is very well-arranged, so we can only attack by force."

After seeing the distribution map of those ninjas, Oni Deng Xue Yue looked at the Kaguya clan leader and the Minazuki clan leader beside him.

The current situation is obvious. The Sandaime must have expected that they would be forced to launch a coup, and they must have taken strict precautions. It is impossible to win by using tricks.

"Our current overall strength is at a disadvantage, and it is not suitable for a long battle. It is best to fight quickly, kill the Sandaime as quickly as possible, and destroy the morale of those people."

The leader of the Minazuki clan said that they had no choice but to make this coup. In addition, they lost a large number of elites in the war in the Kingdom of Whirlpool, and their current strength is much weaker than that of the Mizukage family.

"I propose to use detonating talismans to open the way, use all the detonating talismans, and blast their formation defense line in one fell swoop."

The killing move prepared by Gui Deng Xue Yue is the detonating talisman. In the past year, he has used explosive knives to create a large number of detonating talismans to make up for the lack of high-end combat power.

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