After using Tsukuyomi to trap the consciousness of several people, the girl swam to the shore with great effort.

She was in a very bad state now. Not only was she injured, but her chakra was also exhausted. She had just used a pupil technique that was not her own, which overdrawn her body.

But before she could catch her breath, something stuck to her arm, and then a current swept through her body.

Without chakra, she could not fight at all. She could only stare at the boy who flashed in front of her, with a bit of confusion in her astonishment.

Why is this person okay?

"Remove your pupil technique, or I will kill you!"

Staring at the girl coldly, Tiancun Hao was quite surprised.

It was indeed this person!

The girl did not say a word, and looked at Tiancun Hao fearlessly.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

Seeing the girl's fearlessness, Tiancun Hao knew that this was a person who was not afraid of death.

"Then I'll change the way. I'll call a hundred or eighty big men to serve you. You're not even an adult yet, so I wonder if you can handle it. How about letting me do it for the first time?"

Putting on an evil and crazy expression pack, Tiancun Hao threatened with a villain and perverted temperament, and licked his lips like Uncle Snake.

It's a pity that his tongue is not as long as Uncle Snake's, but it also increased his perverted temperament by ten percentage points.


The girl's face changed, and she glared at him.

Too shameless!

"I'll count to three. If you don't remove the pupil technique, I'll do it. You're pretty, so I'm not at a disadvantage."

While saying this, Tiancun Hao stretched out his other hand to the girl's collar, as if he wanted to tear it apart forcibly, and fight in the wild here, and fight bloody.


The girl cursed again, but she could only choose to surrender and use her pupil power to remove the moon reading.

"What a terrible illusion!"

Kneeling on one knee, Fukai was filled with horror. He was knocked down in an instant.

If the opponent was not too weak to do further harm in the illusion space, it would definitely cause them great mental damage.

But even so, the impact of the illusion still made them have a splitting headache.

At the same time, the girl's condition was also very bad. She used her pupil power again to further overdraw her body, and her face became as pale as paper.

She even stretched out her palm and clenched her chest, deforming the slight bulge. Her face was also distorted, and she looked very painful.

"She is not in the right state."

Tamura Hao immediately noticed the abnormality of the girl and picked up the Thor's Sword to continuously shock her.

"Her eyes are from the Mangekyō, which puts a great strain on the body. In the Warring States Period, a strong Uchiha was drained of life by the Mangekyō and died.

She is too young and cannot bear the extraction of the Mangekyō."

Uzumaki Yuye said, trying to hold back the splitting headache. Because of the relationship with the Senju clan, their Uzumaki clan had a lot of dealings with the Uchiha clan and had some knowledge of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

That was a pair of cursed eyes. The Uchiha with such eyes eventually died miserably. No one could escape that curse.

At this time, the girl had begun to twitch, and the palm holding her heart tightened, and her face began to turn blue.

"The pulse is gone, it's the heart that has stopped beating."

Reaching out his hand and pressing it on the girl's neck to sense it, Tamura Hao's face changed slightly, knowing that the girl's heart had stopped beating, so she was in so much pain.

I don't know if it was a myocardial infarction or heart failure.

Without delay, he forcibly took away the girl's palm holding her heart, and stretched out his hand to touch there to inject a trace of thunder attribute chakra.

Although he had only recently completed the nature change of lightning attribute, it was not very powerful, but it could still be used to stimulate the heart.

But after trying a few times, he found that it had no effect, and the girl had stopped struggling.

"It's useless. Her body should be completely overdrawn, her heart is failing, and the vitality of other organs is also very weak. It's already useless, but the Sharingan is still intact."

Uzumaki Yuye struggled to come over, stretched out her hand and pressed the girl's heart to inject chakra into the induction, and finally shook her head.

"She is more valuable alive!"

After thinking about it, Tiancun Hao decided to treat her.

"What if I replace the heart? I have the complete hearts of Kinkaku Ginkaku and the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, especially the heart of the second generation Hokage is still very active."

While talking, Tiancun Hao took out the hearts of three people from the sealing technique of the armor on his body. He originally wanted to use it as bait for Kakuzu, but now he can only use it first in this situation.

It's hard to say whether it will succeed, but there's no harm in trying. If it doesn't work, just take out the heart and keep it sealed.

"Use the second generation Hokage's, but I can't guarantee success."

Looking at the three hearts, Uzumaki Tamaba finally took out the medical equipment from the ninja bag.

She is a medical ninja herself, and even went to the Senju clan to study medical ninjutsu. It's not difficult to do a simple transplant operation.

But it's only the operation itself that is not difficult. As for whether the other party can adapt to the transplanted heart, it's hard to say.

Uzumaki Tamaba took a breath, endured the headache, and made a seal to split a shadow clone to complete the operation.

She is still in the mental pain of the Tsukuyomi illusion, and she can't concentrate at all. The seal to perform the shadow clone technique is already the limit.

The shadow clone quickly cut open the girl's clothes, disinfected her heart simply, and then cut open the ribs, revealing the heart that had stopped beating inside.

It can be seen that the girl's heart not only stopped beating, but also turned black and red, and was even bleeding. Obviously, many capillaries on it were broken.

Cleanly cut the blood vessels, temporarily blocked them with chakra to prevent blood from flowing out, and then transplanted the heart of Senju Tobirama into it, and quickly connected the blood vessels with the palm technique.

At this moment, Uzumaki Yuye suddenly spoke.

"Four chakras are approaching us from the direction we came from before. They must have found our traces and tracked us. One is at the strength of a Chunin, and the other three are at the strength of a Genin."

"You continue to recover, I'll deal with it."

Tamura Hao said and jumped over.

Now the condition of several people is very bad. That kind of mental trauma is not so easy to recover, and it is also very troublesome. It is not suitable for fighting, so they can only fight by themselves.

At least one Chunin and three Genin are not a problem.

"Be careful, if it really doesn't work, use the detonating tag."

Fukai, who is in a very bad state, reminded him. He is now difficult to fight, and can only alleviate the mental trauma as soon as possible.

Now he has double vision when he sees people, and he can't fight at all. The severe headache also makes it difficult for him to concentrate on mobilizing chakra to perform ninjutsu, almost becoming a burden.

I was really careless just now, and I was actually tricked by a little girl. However, it can be seen that the Mangekyō Sharingan is terrifying, and it has surpassed the limit of a jonin.

Tamura Hao did not respond, and his figure had already rushed into the woods. At the same time, his chakra merged with the little ten-tail and the phantom of Kaguya, and his eyes turned bright red. Deep in the pupils, there were three magatama slowly rotating.

This is the confidence that he dared to face a small team. Although his own chakra is not highly compatible with the little ten-tail and the phantom of Kaguya, resulting in a small amount of power that can be borrowed, the power level of the two is too high. Even if he can only borrow a little bit, it will be a huge improvement for him.

In this state, his strength has greatly improved, and he needs to fight a wave of actual combat. One chunin and three genin are just right.

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