Not to mention Sarutobi Hiruzen, who went to the Inoraka Butterfly Clan, Shimura Danzo, who returned to the root base on the other side, met a person who had been invited before.

It's Orochimaru, the disciple of the old guy. The loss of his right arm has greatly reduced his strength, and a suitable arm must be transplanted.

In this regard, his basic talents were somewhat lacking, so in the end he had to find this disciple of his old man.

"What a perfect power!"

Looking at the small piece of meat in the nutrient solution, Orochimaru was extremely obsessed with it.

That was the piece of flesh of the First Hokage, which was secretly cut off and studied by the Second Hokage.

Even if it was just a piece of meat, he could still feel the powerful life force. I really can't imagine how terrifying the power of the first Hokage must have been during his lifetime.

"The cells of the first generation were very corrosive, and the second-generation teacher tried countless experiments but ultimately failed."

Danzo Shimura explained that he also longed for the power of the first generation teacher, but was more afraid of it.

After taking over Mr. Tobirama's laboratory, he secretly conducted some experiments, but unfortunately the results were very miserable, which shocked him.

"So you didn't ask me to help you get the power of the First Hokage this time?"

Hearing the fear in Danzo Shimura's tone, Orochimaru had some guesses.

"I need an arm that can restore my strength. The best thing that can improve me is that the reward is to let you participate in the research project on the first-generation cells, so that you can come into contact with the strongest power in the ninja world."

Shimura Danzo said solemnly, now the Ninja World War is imminent. The Third Kazekage has led the Ninja Army to storm the defense line in the Kingdom of Kawa. In addition, the strong men of the clan he led have been destroyed in the Kingdom of Whirlpool, so there is a lot of pressure there.

Hiruzen couldn't leave the village easily, he had to go there by himself, not only to command the battle, but also to fight against the third Kazekage.

But now that he has lost his arm, he can't even do the seal, and his strength has been greatly reduced.

In addition, Orochimaru was asked to join the research on the first-generation cells, and he also had the idea of ​​​​accelerating this research.

I have to say that Orochimaru is very talented, much better than the trash under his command.

"Is there any good material?"

Orochimaru asked, a simple arm transplant is not difficult for him, the most important thing is to solve the rejection reaction.

"There is a teleportation ninja."

Shimura Danzo said and walked towards an operating table on the other side. There was a sleeping man tied up on it. It was prepared by Shimura Danzo before and he had finally caught it before.

"Is this the quick escape from Hidden Sand Village?"

Orochimaru looked at the man and couldn't help but stick out his tongue and lick his lips, very interested in him.

He knows all the information about the Blood Succession Limit in the ninja world, and naturally knows that the speed escape of Sand Hidden Village is a Blood Succession Limit formed by the fusion of wind and thunder attributes. Its main feature is to increase the speed, and has the ability to surpass thunder escape and wind escape. The speed of blessing.

"It's not easy to obtain blood inheritance limits through transplantation."

A simple arm transplant is not difficult, but it is difficult to obtain blood inheritance limits through this.

"What do you want?"

Shimura Danzo knew that this was Orochimaru negotiating terms, and he didn't mind it very much, especially at this stage when he urgently needed to restore his strength or even enhance it.

"I'm going to join the research on the Sharingan."

Licking his lips, Orochimaru had long been interested in the Sharingan. After all, the limit of the Sharingan was not low, no less powerful than the first Hokage. He was very curious about the secrets inside.

"Today I will successfully transplant my arm and gain the power of teleportation."

Shimura Danzo thought about it briefly and then agreed, it would not do him any harm.

The progress of research on the Sharingan has long been stagnant, and there has been no new gains in more than ten years. Maybe Orochimaru will be able to join in and there will be new results.

"You will gain teleportation!"

Orochimaru smiled broadly. Although his current methods were not enough to allow Shimura Danzo to obtain the complete power of blood successor, he could get some, at least to make the arm swing faster.

Of course, surgical transplantation is not that fast, but if you keep using medical ninjutsu to stimulate the cells while rushing to the front line, you can speed up the fusion of the two cells, and it should be almost done once you get to the front line.

"Hiruzen has praised you many times, saying that you are his best and most proud disciple. You will probably be the future Fourth Hokage."

Shimura Danzo suddenly brought up another topic. After Aburame Shiguro came back from Uzushio Hidden Village, he explained everything he said to the Senju boy. He thought it was very reasonable and he was more prepared.

"Teacher is now in his prime, does it make sense to say this?"

With his eyes flickering, Orochimaru couldn't guess Shimura Danzo's true intention when he said this, but he did have some ideas about the position of Hokage.

Is it because this incident was not handled well and left hidden dangers that made the teacher's position as Hokage unstable?

"The situation in the village is very complicated. The fourth generation may appear in this war, but from the look of Hiruzen, I don't seem to recommend you to become the fourth generation Hokage."

Danzo Shimura made it clear, hoping to win over Orochimaru.

Orochimaru is very talented, and he is very satisfied with his confidence in the fast ninja arm transplant this time. He needs such talents at his core.

"Danzo-sama isn't trying to sow discord, is he?"

His eyes narrowed slightly, Orochimaru felt that Shimura Danzo might not be so stupid, what he said was too straightforward.

Danzo Shimura didn't pay attention to Orochimaru's eyes and said indifferently.

"Although you are the best disciple under Hiruzen, you are too good, especially in terms of personality. Hiruzen cannot control you. There will inevitably be conflicts in the future, which is not in his interest.

I heard that he paid much attention to a child in the ninja school, and even asked Jiraiya to take him as a disciple and taught him a lot of ninjutsu.

According to my investigation, the child is really excellent, especially his nerve reaction speed is unprecedentedly strong. If he can learn the Flying Thunder God Technique of Mr. Tobirama, he will definitely have the strength of a shadow.

Such an excellent child is more suitable for you to teach, but Hiruzen chose Jiraiya. What do you think your teacher thinks?"

The more he thought about the words brought back by Aburame Shiguro, the more wrong he felt. He asked someone to secretly investigate the child, which made him even more uneasy.

Hiruzen is going to cultivate the fourth generation Hokage in advance!

He would rather choose a child than pass the position of Hokage to himself, which made him very angry and felt betrayed.

Although it was just a guess, he felt that it could be basically determined.

He had seen the Flying Thunder God Technique. The training requirements were very strict, and the most critical point was the speed of nerve reaction.

Otherwise, it would not be flying over to kill people, but it would be delivered to the ninja sword of others.

That child had a very good nerve reaction speed, and his own talent was not bad. He was born to learn the Flying Thunder God Technique.

Once he learned the Flying Thunder God Technique, he could become the most terrifying ninja. The most terrifying thing about Mr. Tobirama was the Flying Thunder God Technique.

It was because of this that he became more and more certain.

In the past, he only focused on Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru, but he didn't expect Hiruzen to make such a choice.

You are worthy of it, Hiruzen!

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