The changes in Konoha have further accelerated the alliance of the four major ninja villages against the Whirlpool Country, and they have also sent troops to the Whirlpool Country more quickly.

The key to this battle is to fight quickly and decisively. After getting the sealing technique of the Whirlpool clan, they should leave immediately and must not confront Konoha on a large scale.

Now is not the time. They have to wait until they have the perfect Jinchūriki before they can confront Konoha head-on.

Among them, the first to send people from the Hidden Cloud Village was led by the assistant of the Raikage, Dodai.

"Lord Dodai, you said before that Kinkaku and Ginkaku sealed the Six Paths Ninja Tools with spiritual summons, and outsiders cannot unseal them, but the sealing technique of the Whirlpool clan is the strongest in the current ninja world. Can they unseal it?"

Standing on the deck, Tamura Hao expressed an idea.

Ever since he realized the auxiliary effect of the Thunder God Sword on cultivation, he has been thinking about the banana fan.

The Thunder God Sword can only be transformed into thunder attributes, but the banana fan can ignore its own chakra attributes and transform into five attributes of wind, fire, thunder, water and earth, which is much stronger.

Although he only has one lightning attribute, it is only an innate attribute. He can cultivate other attributes through acquired efforts. At most, it is a little more difficult, and the power of the released ninjutsu is a little smaller and the consumption is a little greater.

If possible, he hopes to cultivate all chakra attributes, so it is very important to have a banana fan with five chakra attribute changes.

At this stage, they don’t have the Impure World Reincarnation, and they can’t revive Kinkaku and Ginkaku to summon the Six Paths Ninja Tools, but they can think of a way from the summoning seal.

Dodai didn’t say anything, thinking seriously about the feasibility of this proposal.

“Do you have Kinkaku and Ginkaku’s body tissue with you?”

After thinking for a long time, he asked, and was very tempted by this proposal.

Kinkaku and Ginkaku’s body tissue is their only medium at this stage. If the Uzumaki clan has the ability to unseal, they should also need their body tissue as a medium, especially the summoning type of seal.

"I left the heart with me."

Tamura Hao took out the heart sealed in the two nutrient cans, and took out a blank sealing scroll to stimulate the sealing spell engraved on it with chakra to seal it in.

His family didn't have any confidentiality measures, so he couldn't feel at ease leaving the treasure there, so he had to carry it with him.

Luckily, several pieces of his armor were engraved with sealing spells, which could store some things, such as the 1,000 high-quality detonating talismans he spent a huge amount of money to buy before coming.

Originally, he wanted to buy 10,000 pieces, but unfortunately they had a limited purchase policy.

As for the heart that was left behind, he was ready to hook up with Kakuzu when he had the chance. A local tyrant with superpowers like him likes people who love small money the most.

"You can try!"

Tottoi raised his hand to take the sealing scroll and put it in his arms, and decided to take it with him to try.

Anyway, there would be no loss if it failed. Once it succeeded, he could get back the four Six Paths Ninja Tools.

If it is used in this war, it will definitely hit other ninja villages hard.

Especially the Uzumaki clan is born with huge chakra, which is definitely more enjoyable to use.

And if the Uzumaki clan takes action, they can also pull hatred on our behalf and reduce the hostility of other ninja villages towards our Hidden Cloud Village.

"Our four-party ninja army commanders will have a meeting in the Whirlpool Kingdom. You should also go there to broaden your horizons and see the big figures of other ninja villages. They should be your future opponents."

Suddenly remembering the agreement of the meeting, Tutai signaled Tamura Hao to follow.

Although this child worships the third generation as his teacher, his chakra talent is too touching, and his future achievements will not be very high. He and the third generation value this child's brain more. He plans to train him as a successor. Their Hidden Cloud Village also needs such a person who is good at thinking.

Bringing him around like this can help him learn more.


Tamura Hao was surprised. Is there another meeting?

"We only had a brief agreement before, but this time Konoha's performance was too intense, which may cause some variables."

Touchai grinned and chuckled. The changes in Konoha came from the intelligence they gave to Shimura Danzo.

The core of ninja war is intelligence warfare. The effect of a piece of intelligence is far greater than the combat performance of a strong man, and the harvest will be much greater.

Of course, it does not mean that the strong are not important. The necessary combat power must be available so that one can keep their own harvest.

We must grasp both hands and both hands must be strong.

"Konoha is now the public enemy of the entire ninja world!"

Tamura Hao also smiled. This is what he is willing to see. If Konoha can be destroyed in World War II, it will be better. The subsequent original plot will be gone directly, and he can harvest a huge amount of destiny power.

He needs more destiny power to activate the power of the golden finger, not only to bless the comprehension to assist in cultivation, but also to assist Kaguya's phantom to swallow chakra and improve, so as to reach the level of being able to swallow and refine those branded phantoms as soon as possible.

The power of destiny comes from the changes to the original plot, even the collapse, the bigger the change, the better.

However, Konoha is really strong. Even if F4 continues to make trouble in the future, it will still be Konoha's one-man show when the Fourth War comes. The other four ninja villages are just foils. In the final stage, the others don't even have the qualifications to be on the screen.

Even the dead resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation are the strongest in Konoha.

The foundation is too strong!

Tsuchida stared at the sea in front of him and sighed: "The first generation of Hokage wanted to create a situation of one super and many strong to balance the ninja world, just like a ninja village should be led by a shadow, but the contradictions between ninja villages are far greater than the contradictions between the major ninja clans in a village, so it is destined to be unsuccessful.

Even a balanced structure that adds the power of the tailed beasts as a deterrent is not enough, and may even be counterproductive.

It can only be said that neither the first Hokage nor the second Hokage is talented in dealing with the political system, which is too natural. "

He is a specialized intelligent talent. He is not only concerned with external planning, but also pays attention to internal development. He is an internal affairs and logistics management type and can see many problems.

"The Second Hokage has done a lot."

Tamura Hao feels that the Second Hokage is still a bit inexperienced, and not all his talents are focused on the development of forbidden arts.

"That's because you haven't been to the Daming Palace. Both the ninja school and the ANBU system are actually imitating the structure of the Daming Palace.

There are special schools in the Daming Mansion to train talents, and there are also special personnel under the Daiming's command to do some shady things. The so-called guardian ninja is only a force on the surface.

The daimyo has never trusted us ninjas from the beginning to the end. How could he give his power and authority to our ninja village to control? "

Dodai sneered. He didn't think the Second Hokage's achievements in this area were anything remarkable. In the final analysis, he was just a ninja, not a politician. His talent and ability were not in this area.

"It's an imitation!"

Tamura Hao was stunned, and then suddenly realized that many things would make sense.

Moreover, the Damingfu system has been passed down for a long time. Even before Kaguya Otsutsuki came, it was a system that had been passed down in this world for thousands of years and had long been perfected.

The Ninja Village system has only been around for a few decades. How can it possibly surpass a system that is thousands of years old in terms of perfection? It is only reasonable to refer to what other people say and imitate it.

Moreover, it is only reasonable for the Daming Prefecture to have its own power that can intimidate the Ninja Village. Otherwise, the Ninja Village would have long been ignored by the Ninja Village, and it would even come to hold the emperor hostage to control the princes.

The great man in the previous life once said that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. Political power must be based on force, so that it can be stable.

Sure enough, the essence of a real world cannot be fully demonstrated by a set of comics.

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