The enemy was in chaos, and the enemy was in chaos.

"Change your shape!"

Shui Mu appeared in front of Kado and grabbed his neck.

"Save me, kill him, save me!"

The surrounding warriors rushed forward, holding swords and slashing at Shui Mu.

Shui Mu carried Kado and disappeared, leaving dozens of detonating talismans on the spot.


After the explosion, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the scene was cleared directly.

Kado struggled, his face full of fear and said: "Spare my life, spare my life!"

"I have money, a lot of money, don't kill me, I am willing to give you 50 million taels."

Shui Mu sneered.

"Tsk, 50 million taels, I don't like it."

Cado hurriedly said: "8000, 80 million taels."

"Not so good!"

Shuimu put one hand on Cardo's head and shouted: "Human Path. Memory Reading."

The Human Path of Pain's Six Paths can read memories, which is better than the memory exploration of the Yamanaka family.

Cardo's memory was read by Shuimu, and a lot of information was mastered by Shuimu.

What Shuimu cares most about is Cardo's money.

"Found it!"

"As expected of a famous tycoon in the ninja world, he has so much money."

Not to mention the fixed assets, the cash alone is more than 3 billion, close to a hundred Asuma.

Cardo didn't dare to deposit the cash in the bank, and found a hidden place to hide it.

Except for himself, even his wife didn't know where it was hidden.

Now, Shuimu knows!

"You...what did you do to me?" Cardo shouted in horror.

Mizuki was too lazy to pay attention to him. He exerted force on his hands and directly broke his neck, sending him to the west.

Mizuki had no guilt in killing this bad guy who relied on selling drugs and contraband, invading other companies and countries, and doing all kinds of evil.

Hidan was killed by Mizuki. Bai simply thanked him and rushed into the thick fog to help Zabuza.

The thick fog blocked the vision. Even the Eternal Mangekyō and the Samsara Eye could not see clearly, and only a blurry picture could be seen.

Kakuzu's strength was definitely at the level of Kage.

Not to mention the five lives, the five major attribute ninjutsu were also released. Zabuza and Bai could not get close at all, and could only fight guerrilla warfare with the help of the thick fog.

But for Kakuzu, it did not cause any substantial damage.

But in the same way, in the thick fog, Kakuzu's vision was blocked and he could not hurt Zabuza and Bai.

"Useless Hidan, you can't even deal with a little ghost."

"In that case, let's not waste time!"

The Fire Style Masked Monster and the Wind Style Masked Monster approached each other, using Fire Style. Head-Killing and Wind Style. Suppression at the same time.

The two ninjutsu merged into one, forming a powerful composite ninjutsu.

Composite Ninjutsu: Flame Wind Wave!

A large sea of ​​fire appeared, and the thick fog was quickly evaporated. Even if Zabuza increased his chakra output, the Mist Hiding Technique was ineffective in front of this kind of flame.

The fog dissipated, and Kakuzu's vision was restored!

Zabuza was standing on the river, quickly forming seals with both hands.


"Water Style Water Dragon Bullet? Haha, 44 seals, your casting speed is really too slow!"

Kakuzu sneered.

The Wind Style Masked Monster spit out a high-pressure wind ball and shot at Zabuza.

Zabuza immediately moved to avoid the attack, and continued to make seals on his hands.


44 seals, finally completed.

"Water escape. Water dragon bullet technique!" The water swirled around him and gathered, forming a water dragon shape above his head.

At the same time, Bai appeared in front of Zabuza.

"Ice escape secret technique. Extreme cold quick freezing!"

He blew cold air from his mouth, and the water dragon immediately froze and turned into an ice dragon.

"Compound ninjutsu. Ice dragon technique!"

The ice dragon roared and rushed towards Kakuzu, baring its fangs and claws, and its movements were flexible, like a living thing.

The temperature around dropped rapidly, as if it had instantly moved from a tropical rainforest to an Antarctic glacier.

Wherever the ice dragon went, the water vapor in the air froze into small ice crystals, falling like frost, emitting colorful light in the sun.

The entire ice dragon was also reflected in beautiful colorful colors, which was very gorgeous.

"Wow, these are two artists. The visual effect is amazing!" Shuimu's eyes lit up.

"And the power of this technique is definitely not low!"

Even though he was hundreds of meters away, Shuimu could still feel the chill coming towards him.

This low temperature can almost freeze everything.

"This technique is quite good!" Kakuzu said lightly.

The fire-style masked monster opened its mouth and spit fire.

But the flames were not close to

As soon as the ice dragon got close, it was extinguished by the extreme cold air.

Kakuzu looked calm, and the fire-style masked monster and wind-style masked monster used compound ninjutsu again, the flame wind wave.

Faced with such a terrifying flame, the ice dragon was finally affected, and the low temperature began to rise, but the ice dragon did not melt.

Ice escape belongs to the blood limit, and the energy level is higher than ordinary escape techniques. Even the wind and fire composite ninjutsu is not enough in front of ice escape.

But no matter how strong it is, there is a limit.

Kakuzu's masked monster does not need to make hand seals, and the wind escape and fire escape are used in succession, with unlimited firepower.

The ice dragon can't stand it and begins to melt.

The melted water dragon continues to rush towards Kakuzu, and its power is still not weak.

The water escape masked monster moved, opened its mouth and sprayed out a water dragon of similar size, and the two water dragons collided and canceled each other out.

Zabuza stood on the river, watching this scene, his eyes did not change.

"Bai, don't you need to use all your strength?"

"The other party is not a good person. It's not worth it for you to be kind to him."

Mizunoe Bai's character is too kind. He has never killed anyone except his father. No matter who the enemy is, he will always hold back.

"Mr. Zabuza, the other party is very powerful. We are not his opponent. You go first. I will hold him back."

Zabuza said coldly: "You will die!"

Bai smiled slightly and said: "When I met Mr. Zabuza, I knew that my greatest pursuit in this life was to die for Mr. Zabuza."

Zabuza said coldly: "In this case, I will satisfy you!"

After speaking, Zabuza turned around and left without any intention of staying.

Bai looked at Kakuzu and said firmly: "If you want to kill Mr. Zabuza, you must pass me first. Before I die, I will not let you cross this wall."

After speaking, the river water gushed out of the water and froze quickly.

After a while, an ice wall hundreds of meters long and more than ten meters high appeared.

Bai stood on the ice wall, facing Kakuzu.

Behind him, Zabuza quickly left and disappeared into the dense forest.

Beside Mizuki, Gaara's heart was boiling with murderous intent.

"Why, he is obviously not an opponent, and he knows he will die, why is he willing to stop the enemy for the man called Zabuza?"

"Why is that?"

Mizuki said lightly: "This is protection, this is love!"

For Bai, Zabuza is everything to him.

His mother was killed by his father and villagers, and his father was killed by himself. Bai, who lost everything since childhood, did not want to lose Zabuza.

Even if he sacrificed himself, he wanted Zabuza to live.

Although Zabuza always regarded him as a tool, Bai understood that Zabuza just did not express it.

The two of them have long depended on each other.

Gaara growled: "But Zabuza escaped. Such a person is not worthy of his love and protection!"

Gaara thought of Yashamaru.

I clearly love him so much, why did he want to assassinate me?

Even if he was forced by his father, why didn't he tell me the truth?

At this moment, he mistook Bai for himself and Zabuza for Yashamaru.

"Did he really escape?" Mizuki smiled and pointed: "Look!"

Gaara looked in the direction of Mizuki's finger, only to see Zabuza, who had escaped and disappeared, come back.

Gaara's murderous aura stagnated.

At this moment, his mind was greatly shocked.

"Mr. Zabuza, you..."

Zabuza said coldly: "I raised you and you are my tool. I can't watch you die. If we leave, we leave together."

"Haha, boring emotions!"

"In my eyes, only money is the most loyal!"

"I will kill you two first, and then kill the two spectators over there."

"The white-haired man, if I'm not mistaken, is the Konoha rebel ninja Mizuki. The bounty in the gold exchange is as high as 50 million taels."

"The person who has not been caught by the leader will die in my hands today."

Kakuzu seemed to have had enough fun, and he opened fire at full power. Zabuza and Haku immediately fell into a disadvantage.

The two were chased and beaten by the masked monster, and they had no power to fight back.

Mizuki looked at it for a while and felt that it was about right.

"To act now can be regarded as a life-saving grace."

"I hope Zabuza will not be ignorant of the times!"

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