The old man was very happy.

Just after walking out of the pharmacy, Mizuki ran into Naruto strolling on the street.

"Are you taking a break today? Why aren't you on a mission?" Mizuki asked.

It's daytime now, and the Genin in the village should be on a mission.

Naruto complained: "It's Teacher Kakashi who left us behind and ran off to do some special mission."

"Without the team leader, we can't take on missions."

"If you don't do missions, you won't have money."

"Without money, I can't even afford ramen."

"I'm so hungry! Teacher Mizuki, have you eaten? Otherwise, let's go eat ramen together."

After saying that, he looked at Mizuki eagerly.

Mizuki: "..."

You are such a clever little guy!

Although Mizuki is not short of money, he cannot treat Naruto to ramen now.

Naruto eats 3 bowls at a time, and the system will return all the chakras by then, which will be a big loss.

Although for ninjas, the more chakra the better, but Mizuki's current chakra is more than 11 times that of Kakashi, which is enough for him to squander.

What he needs is a qualitative change, a substantial improvement in strength.

It would be a waste to use the number of times granted to return chakra to exchange for face.

What he needs most now is offensive ninjutsu, illusion, and physical skills.

"I have something else to do, so I won't eat ramen."

"This is the medicine I bought for you. Use a small packet every day. Pour it into the bathtub after boiling. Soak for half an hour every night. If you use it regularly, it can effectively strengthen your physical fitness."

"By the way, this Bingliang pill is for you to taste."

Naruto scratched his head and asked, "Master Mizuki, why did you suddenly give me these?"

Mizuki: "Why are you asking so many questions? I'm your master. I'm giving it to you. Just take it. I won't hurt you anyway."

"Okay, I have something else to do. Bye!"

Mizuki turned around and left, afraid that Naruto would force him to eat Ichiraku Ramen.

Not far away, an Anbu suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Chuunin Mizuki, the Third Hokage wants you. Go to the Hokage's office now."

Mizuki was stunned, thinking, why did the Third Hokage want me?

Is there a new plan to kill me?

"Got it, I'll go right away." Mizuki walked towards the Hokage building.

In his ears, the system's broadcast has begun.

[Ding! 】

[The host grants the disciple Uzumaki Naruto a course of physical strengthening medicine, triggering a 6666-fold return. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a course of high-efficiency physical strengthening medicine. 】

[High-efficiency physical strengthening medicine. After using this medicine for only one month, the host's strength, speed, endurance, nerve reaction, and ability to resist blows... will be doubled on the existing basis. 】

Shuimu's eyes gleamed.

Not a loss!

But it's not over yet.

[Ding! ]

[The host grants the disciple Uzumaki Naruto a soldier's grain pill, triggering a 6666-fold return. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a super soldier's grain pill. 】

[Super soldier's grain pill, after taking it, restores 10 kakashi chakras within one minute, and still has plenty of energy even if you don't eat or drink for three days, and permanently obtains a chakra recovery speed of 0.3 kcal/minute. 】


"The system is so powerful, it actually permanently increases the chakra recovery speed."

It's like carrying an endless power bank on your back.

Mizuki gained a lot from these two grants.

He soon came to the Hokage Building, suppressed his excitement, and came to the office of the third generation.

"Hokage, what do you want to see me for?"

The third generation said: "Mizuki, you have been very active in carrying out tasks during this period, and the task completion rate is also 100%, and your performance is very good. So I have a more important task to give you."

Mizuki sneered in his heart. Sure enough, the third generation has a new plan.

In order to kill me, this old thing really spared no effort.

"Please give your orders, Hokage."

The third generation nodded and said, "The new team 7 formed this year is composed of Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Haruno Sakura, and the instructor is the elite jonin Kakashi."

"However, Kakashi has an important mission to go out of the village these days, and the three genin of team 7 are unable to accept the mission without an instructor."

"After much thought, I decided to appoint you as the temporary instructor of team 7. Before Kakashi returns to the village, lead the three of them to accept and execute missions."

"Although it will waste your time and slow down your speed in completing tasks, please rest assured that the village will pay extra compensation."

This made Mizuki confused.

What does it mean to let me be the instructor of team 7?

Aren't you going to kill me? You can't expect the Nine-Tails in Naruto to explode and kill me, right?

Mizuki couldn't see through the intentions of the Third Generation.

Of course, he would not refuse this appointment, and the Third Generation would not allow him to refuse.

This was not a request, but an appointment issued by the Hokage.

"I have sent someone to inform Naruto and the others that you will gather in the mission hall of the Hokage Building at 1 pm to start accepting missions."

After leaving the Hokage Building, Mizuki was puzzled and couldn't figure out what tricks the Third Generation was playing this time.

After thinking about it, he could only tell himself that if the enemy comes, the general will be stopped, and if the water comes, the earth will be covered.

In the afternoon, the seventh team gathered, and Mizuki, as a temporary instructor, began to take the three little guys to do the mission.

Mizuki was on guard, but for several days, everything was calm.

The Third Generation did not make any move.

On this day, the wife of the Fire Country Daimyo issued a mission to find her beloved cat, Xiaohu.

D-level mission, mission reward 10,000 taels.

It was the appearance of this mission that made Shuimu's mind flash with inspiration, and he realized something instantly.

Xiaohu was caught, and was hugged tightly by the daimyo's wife, kissing and hugging him, screaming, struggling, crying, helpless.

"The next mission of Team 7 is to help the old middle-aged man take care of the children at home, or run errands in the next village, and help dig sweet potatoes..."

Before the third generation finished reading, Naruto exploded.


"Don't come for this kind of mission again, thank you!"

"I want to perform more powerful missions, give me other missions."

Iruka stood up and shouted: "Stupid Naruto, you are just a novice."

"Everyone starts to accumulate experience from low-level missions."

Of course Naruto didn't want to, and started to play tricks.

Finally, the third generation sighed and said: "Okay, I know, since you insist, I will give you a C-level mission."

"You go to protect someone."

Naruto was overjoyed.

Mizuki stood aside, watching coldly.

He had completely understood the intention of the Third Generation.

"You want to kill me with the hand of the demon Zabuza? What a good plan."

The Mist Hidden Technique that blocks vision, combined with the beheading sword, and Zabuza's silent killing technique, Mizuki felt very difficult just thinking about it.

To break the silent killing technique, you either have a strong perception ability, or use a large-scale wind escape ninjutsu to blow away the thick fog, or like Kakashi, have a canine summoning beast with a keen sense of smell.

But Mizuki doesn't know these.

The best way is to kill Zabuza before he performs the Mist Hidden Technique, so that he has no chance to use the silent killing technique.

But this is not safe. Mizuki cannot guarantee that Zabuza will jump out and say a few words before taking action, just like in the original work.

"The third generation is really cruel. In order to kill me, he even ignored the safety of Naruto and the others."

"Isn't he afraid that Zabuza will kill the three little ghosts first?"

Naruto was very excited and asked who the protected person was.

The third generation smiled and said, "Naruto, don't be so anxious. I will introduce you now."

After the third generation finished speaking, he shouted, "Please come in!"

The door opened, and the bridge builder Dazna walked in. The seventh team officially took over the task of protecting Dazna.

The third generation urged: "Since you have accepted the task, let's set off as soon as possible."

Mizuki: "Naruto and the others are leaving the village for the first time, so they need to prepare more things."

"And it's already four o'clock in the afternoon. If you set off immediately, you won't be able to make it to the next town at night, and you have to camp in the forest. The forest at night is still very dangerous, Mr. Dazna, what do you think?"

Dazna immediately said, "Yes, yes, you can't sleep in the forest. I think we should set off tomorrow morning."

The client has spoken, and the third generation can't say anything else. He just glanced at Mizuki deeply.

Walking out of the mission hall, Shuimu announced: "Gather at the entrance of Konoha Village at six o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't be late."

Then he said: "Everyone else can go away. Sasuke, come with me."

Shuimu took Sasuke to the No. 3 training ground.

"How far have you trained your chakra control?"

Sasuke stretched out his right hand, and the blue chakra gathered in his palm, and then under his control, it formed the shape of a cat.

Although this cat looks rough, it is enough to show that Sasuke's chakra control ability has reached a very high level.

"Great progress, but we still need to work hard."

Sasuke frowned and asked: "Is this level not enough?"

Shuimu smiled, stretched out his right hand, and also used chakra to condense a cat.

But this cat is a world apart from Sasuke's.

It is lifelike, and even the whiskers can be distinguished clearly.

"Transformation is the space-time

Ninjutsu, if you don't have the chakra control up to standard, it's very dangerous to practice rashly. "

"If you travel through space, you will lose your arms and legs if you are not careful."

Although Sasuke was very unwilling, he also knew the importance of it. He made up his mind to practice harder in the future.

"I asked you to come here today for another training project."

Sasuke asked, "What is it?"

Shuimu: "Listen to the wind and determine the position!"

"The human eye's visual range is about 230° horizontally and about 150° vertically. Beyond this range, the eyes can't see, such as attacks from behind."

"Of course, except for the white eyes."

"So, ninjas can't rely on their own eyes, because there are always some attacks that the eyes can't see."

"Listen to the wind and determine the position is to train the hearing of both ears. The ears can hear sounds from all directions, and there is no blind spot."

"So, the potential of hearing is very large. After training to a certain level, you can hear any sound, even the enemy's breathing and heartbeat. "


The more Mizuki talked, the brighter Sasuke's eyes became.

"Then how do you train your hearing?"

Mizuki smiled and said, "It's very simple. Cover your eyes and make yourself blind."

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