Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 525: Technological progress = civilization progress

"Zhang Lan, don't go too far. You have to know Asgart here. Do you really think I can't deal with the bully without you?"

Rocky rolled his face.

All the subjects in the main hall were kneeling and praying, and they dared not speak at all.

With one exception, that person is naturally Zhang Lan.

He raised his head lightly and looked up at Loki, his face sad and unhappy, it seemed that he didn't care much about Loki's anger.

"Why, Rocky, the king of God for more than two years, has made you forget my name?"

"I won't forget you naturally." Rocky's expression is quite unnatural, and his tone is a little slow, still full of unpleasant looks: "But, Zhang Lan, you are in charge of my Asgard's state affairs, right? A little out of bounds?

In the words, it was full of percussion, wanting Zhang Lan to step back so that Rocky had a step.

This is already extremely generous.

However, Loki thought so, but Zhang Lan did not accept it so much.

Zhang Lan didn't answer Loki. Instead, he turned his neck and murmured, "Ah, it looks like you and I are almost guilty of cervical spondylosis."

Logically, shouldn't the head be treated for cervical spondylosis? How to get here is the cause.

The next moment, I understood the meaning of Zhang Lan's words.

He needs an excuse.

An excuse to take Loki down to the high **** king.

I saw Zhang Lan stretched his hand in the void, and Loki, who was sitting on the position of the God King, couldn't help but flip his head and fell to the ground, and then rolled the gourd like a step by step from the steps. In front of Zhang Lan.

I don't know if it was a coincidence. Loki happened to be throwing his head at Zhang Lan's body, but he was respectful.

"Ah hey, Rocky don't do such a big gift, although I can bear it, I can't be so out of sight."

Zhang Lan even accused of crime, but his hands did not let go at all, one finger pressed in vain, that Loki could not stand up from the ground no matter how struggling.

Not to mention standing up, you can’t sit up, only the obedient fives are thrown there, as if you are a fallen king and you can’t do it yourself.

"Damn it, Haldam, don't hurry me up!"

Loki is not good to ask Zhang Lan for mercy, but he can order Haldam to help himself. He wants to come to Zhang Lan to see that he will release him for Haldam's sake.

Sure enough, Loki was the one to speak, and Haierdam didn't have time to act. Zhang Lan had already retracted his virtually pressed finger, and looked at him seriously, not knowing what to count.

Rocky was close, and clearly heard Zhang Lanshu said: "Hey, why is this so painful?"

This is a good deal for him.

Helpless, beat others, Loki can only push away Haierdam who came to help him angrily, stood up and stared at Zhang Lan very angrily.

"Zhang Lan, I treat you with a prince, and exercises, books, and even soul gems are given to you, but you humiliate me so much. Is it peace of mind? Don't you know that you should pay for it with peach?"

"Huh?" Zhang Lan raised her eyebrows in surprise. "You actually know this old saying, it's so powerful...I also have an old saying, I don't know if you should say it or not."

"You talk!" Rocky waved long sleeves.

"I don't know if Rocky has you ever heard a sentence called Weasel to give the chicken New Year's greetings. Do you know the next sentence?" Zhang Lan looked at Rocky with a smile.

"How come I don't know, the next sentence is uneasy...Okay! Zhang Lan, you are ridiculing me! You..." Rocky's mouth reacted faster than his own thinking, subconsciously took over this A sentence at the beginning: "Which ancient saying do you count, is not a modern sentence, do you think I will not understand?"

"Great, it seems that you have learned a lot in the past two years." Zhang Lan nodded seriously to admit Loki's erudition.

"That's it, you... don't talk about the topic, why do you tell me such a sentence, if you don't tell me one today, then come out and see if I don't treat you... treat you..." Rocky was poor for a while.

If Zhang Lan left the earth, his Rocky's current strength can be suppressed. After all, Asgard's domain is not a wave. present, Zhang Lan's slightly revealed breath is stronger than he had before leaving the earth, so how strong is his heyday?

Not to mention anything else, but Zhang Lan's beckoning just let Loki roll down and hold him in the void, Loki just couldn't feel any fluctuations.

You know, he is a major in mental power, and even he can't perceive it, which means that Zhang Lan has exceeded several levels of him, and he is not able to snoop at all.

So now, when it comes to what can be dangerous for Zhang Lan, Loki hasn't even thought of a countermeasure for a while.

It's hard to close Zhang Lan if it's irritated, but it's better not to say it if it's light.

By the way, when Rocky's words were poor, Zhang Lan really stared at Rocky with a serious face, and put on a deaf ear gesture, which made Rocky more embarrassed.

"Cough, that... Blue, let's talk about the attack on the bully." Loki changed the subject flexibly.

"No, no, there's still three days before that rush. Let's talk about what you said to'No', what the **** is that?" Zhang Lan didn't plan to let Rocky go.

"...Blue, what do you have to ask, say it!" Rocky also said, directly weakened with no majesty.

Where is there the majesty of the **** king before? It seems to have returned to the original battle on Liberty Island. At that time, Rocky saw Zhang Lan but it was really like a ghost.

"Um, so direct?" Zhang Lan blinked: "No more chatting? I'm still waiting for you..."

"Others!" Rocky reached out and interrupted: "I admit that I was just ruined, I apologize, you should hurry and talk about your request, and then go back to accompany your family Katie and Hill, otherwise you will be destroyed If you dominate, there is no chance."

Listening to Rocky's tone, Zhang Lan looked at Rocky strangely up and down: "You... seem to be familiar with Katie?"

"Cough...they had led a team to study in My Realm, and they got along for a while."

"This way...and then?"

"Then? What then?"

"Well, let's talk about you just now..."

"Don't don't! I said." Rocky's mouth twitched: "I'm just mad at the past that you taught me. In fact, under Sol's lead, I have already signed an offensive and defensive alliance agreement with you at dawn. Going forward and going backwards will never target you."

"Oh? Offensive and defensive alliance?" Zhang Lan was strange now: "Compared with Asgard, the earth should not be considered as an ally stage. After all, there is still too little time to settle, just unified."

"You haven't gone back in a long time...When you go back, you know that the present earth, the present daybreaking empire, is in no way inferior to Asgart's power, even..."

Speaking of which, Loki stopped talking.

The next words, as King Asgart, really continued to speak without face.

Do you admit that under your leadership, the country that once needed to defend itself was surpassed in two years?

What a shame.

"That's all right, you said I'm heart-shaped." Zhang Lan nodded: "After three days of fighting, I will be the commander. All the combatants will gather at the edge of the defense line of the Nine Kingdoms two days later, will you?"

"Can I refuse?" Loki was helpless.

"Of course." Zhang Lan nodded and promised: "As long as you can beat my fist, then I will listen to you, see if it is, this fist!"

With that said, Zhang Lan also waved his right fist a few times in the void.

It really just waved a few times.

However, with just a few clicks, the way to be punched by Zhang Lan was to send out space fluctuations-this is a phenomenon in which power distorts space.

Rocky is the **** king, and was once trapped in a space storm. Naturally, he recognized this space fluctuation.

Immediately, he took a few steps back to avoid the fluctuations in space, and quickly agreed in his mouth: "Well, just do what you say. The original attack is your earth. It is reasonable for you to be the commander! "

"Yeah?" Zhang Lan acted, "Is it so magical? I just left the earth for two and a half years, and it turned upside down?"

This time, it was Haierdam who answered Zhang Lan.

"Earth people are born weak and have a short lifespan, but this also shows that he has great potential. After you thundered the means to remove internal worries, the outbreak of the outbreak of the tyrants made them unprecedentedly united, and the power burst was unprecedented. of."

"This way..." Zhang Lan said wonderingly: "Sure enough, the growth of personal strength is still of little influence to the entire civilization. Only the progress of science and technology is the collective progress of civilization, which will lay the foundation for future generations. Strong foundation."

Shaking his head and sighing, he didn't see any action of Zhang Lan. After a retreat, the whole person disappeared completely.

Rocky looked at Haldam with doubt.

Haldam glanced around, and finally fixed in the direction of the Rainbow Bridge-Earth!

"I have a place on the earth that I can't see anymore." Haldam replied.

"This is going back?" Rocky's pupil shrank: "I didn't see him break through the this the avatar space?"

"..." Haldam didn't answer, but his face was quite shocked.

Obviously, Zhang Lan had already reached a terrible height.

That height, I'm afraid...Only in the current universe, only the forthcoming tyrant can fight!


Regardless of the shocked Rocky and others on Asgard, Zhang Lan was also taken aback at this time.

He even almost thought he was confused and made a mistake in the coordinates of the earth.

Speaking of the earth, it used to be that the sky was not blue, the cloud was not white, the sea was not green, and the grass was not green. There were steel jungles built on it, wantonly destroying the ecology of nature.

It really is an industrial earth.

And the earth at this time is really like a world apart.

First, the sky is blue, the clouds are white, the grass is green, and the steel jungle is also 100% green.

The ecological environment is just one of them.

If all kinds of "aircrafts" flying in the sky, if Zhang Lan is right, it is the product of three different civilizations combining light energy, rune array, and technology.

It's not the point of making it. This can be done when Zhang Lan left the earth.

The important point is that these epoch-making products are flying all over the sky, and they are still very friendly to the people, otherwise they will not have a basic manpower. Such a bicycle on the earth is generally cheap.

Being able to do so means that the combination of these three technologies can already be mass-produced as an automation. Otherwise, it is impossible to use this kind of thing for people's livelihood only by artificially, but to prepare for the war and the military.

There is also an individual armor flying in the sky. Zhang Lan clearly sees that they have an empire medal on their chests, and they are all uniforms and are responsible for maintaining the traffic order in the air.

If it is maintenance, it is better to say it is standing there. All the aircraft are in order, obviously controlled by artificial intelligence, all routes are planned, whoever takes the first stop Fully counted.

And that armor is not a machine part, it is not worthy of Zhang Lan's attention, what is inside is a living body.

In other words, this is an exoskeleton armor designed by the human body, but I don't know how powerful it is.

This must have been Tony’s contribution to his armor technology, combined with Atlantis’ light energy weapon, Naruto’s formation rune, and Marvel’s black technology triple civilization cutting-edge Out of the soldier suit.

If it is not the standard configuration of the soldiers, it will naturally not be the dispatch of soldiers to wear out on duty at will.

Just as the soldiers on earth had to carry guns on duty, now the soldiers have a suit of armor.

Fortunately, these are just one of the small changes of the earth.

Zhang Lan has a feeling of coming into the future science fiction world-he even doubts whether he has been brought into a new science fiction world by the system.

This suspicion did not last long, Zhang Lan knew that all of these were real.

A wave of space suddenly appeared not far behind Zhang Lan, and that was the phenomenon that space was about to be torn apart.

Zhang Lan frowned subconsciously, trying to reach out to smooth out the fluctuation of the space, but he stopped again.

He thought of a possibility.

Sure enough, after the space was torn open, it was quickly fixed into a solid space door, and the phantom of the latter home was stepped out from it, and another red-haired woman followed immediately, wearing a pair with the phantom Home pajamas.

This red-haired woman Zhang Lan knew, was the scarlet witch in the Marvel world-Wanda.

I just don't know why, she still came together with Phantom depending on the situation, and also awakened her own power.

"Ahahaha, blue, you are finally back!"

Phantom laughed and couldn't help but hug Zhang Lan quietly. Wanda stood sideways obediently, but his eyes looked up and down at Zhang Lan who had no momentum, which was quite unexpected.

Obviously, she did not expect that Zhang Lan would be so... ordinary.

I have time to speak in the future. One after another, the spatial fluctuations are swirling around, and then, one figure after another emerges from it.

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