Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 496: How can a woman go to battle

(Girls Literature) The phantom voice changed: "But... Blue, as a friend, can you also give me some suggestions?"

Zhang Lan: "!!!!!!??"

I don’t know why, Zhang Lan feels like he’s being set up...

His original intention was not to interfere with Mirage's future choices, and strive for Mirage to be himself.

Who would have thought that Phantom's feelings for himself are no longer the kind of imperatives of masters and servants, but are more dependent on fathers and sons.

Born to be dependent, Zhang Lan, as his "father", made the right choice.

There is nothing wrong with this.

In itself, the phantom was redeemed by Zhang Lan from the system, following Zhang Lan's evolution from artificial intelligence all the way to the present super mechanical life.

It is fair to say that if Phantom confronts Zhang Lan...

It is not yet known who is the strongest on earth.

Zhang Lan's ability is certainly super strong, and his left eye [Eternal Kaleidoscope] is also very unsolvable, but...

The phantom is based on the body controlled by the S-class light, which combines the fragments of the soul gemstone rule, the cybertan fire source, and itself is the life card hub that controls Atlantis.

Zhang Lan’s understanding of Zhang Lan by phantoms is certainly not going to show his head. Endless unmanned fighters and combat robots can exhaust Zhang Lan to death.

Not to mention, the Atlantis space carrier is itself a big killer-its main gun, which shatters an earth easily.

However, as a phantom produced by the system, no matter how it evolves, unless he has surpassed the law itself, it is absolutely impossible to surpass Zhang Lan.

After flashing all kinds of information in his mind, Zhang Lan became more clear about his relationship with Phantom.

"Um...Phantom, if my suggestion, I will suggest you to save the energy points and rule fragments first, the main **** system has been evolving all the time, the current exchange list does not have very suitable items for you. It's better to save it and wait for the good things to come later."

Zhang Lan spoke his own point of view, and Mirage nodded very much about it. He obviously intended to do the same.

Smiling and shook his head, Zhang Lan was about to leave, but was pulled by the phantom.

"Blue, the complete technology tree of Atlantis, I actually don't have it. The life card is just the control hub for all weapons. The specific details are still..."

Speaking of which, the phantom suddenly stopped talking, as if it was hard to tell.

"Well? It's hard to..." Zhang Lan immediately realized: "Is it inside Atlantis?"

"Yes... Um, it's actually not." Phantom's tone was a little tangled: "The information is indeed in Atlantis, but the conditions for obtaining are somewhat complicated. The conditions set by Poseidon were needed You can only get it if you start Atlantis completely. This is to prevent you from making a wedding dress for others in a situation where your strength is insufficient."

Frowning, Zhang Lan scratched this paragraph of Mirage and summed up the following points.

First, if you want to obtain a complete Atlantis technological civilization, you must fully start Atlantis.

Second, this layer of restrictions was set by Poseidon. What he was afraid of was that Zhang Lan would be held hostage, and he then acquired the technological civilization of Atlantis.

Third, with Poseidon’s ability to predict the future, he must have seen people who could hold Zhang Lan in the future, and was very interested in the Atlantis civilization.

The first two points are simple, but the third point...

"Now, who else can hold me?" Zhang Lan frowned, very puzzled.

Do not understand, Zhang Lan will not think about it, shaking his head, focusing on the current problem.

Start Atlantis completely, but it is not enough to talk about it.

You know, the entire continental United States is only a small part of Atlantis. How big will the real Atlantis be?

It can be said that one-fifth of the earth's area is covered by Atlantis.

What is the surface area of ​​the earth?

510,109,394 square kilometers.

In other words, Atlantis has a surface area of ​​at least 100 million.

Want to start him from the rock formation and fly into space, then the United States, Mexico, Hawaii and other countries, islands, desert islands, and most of the ocean above it.

This is not a small number.

It is this land, where nearly one-fifth of the world’s population lives, with billions of people.

Atlantis certainly has enough power to charge all the continental plates into space, but the uppermost continental plate, fearing that it has not reached space, will burn and vaporize most of it in the atmosphere.

That would be an absolute disaster.

Therefore, if you want to start Atlantis completely, you still need a long-term plan.

But... the wedding of everyone is set a month later, and the planet destroyer will probably arrive as scheduled, then... it is not a problem of one fifth of the earth.

Who knows, can the silver surfer be persuaded by Susan as in the movie and rejuvenate the spirit of arrogance?

Zhang Lan will never hand over his destiny to an illusory possibility.

Phantom apparently understands this difficulty too, so instead of directly speaking about the problem, he silently kept quiet and waited for Zhang Lan to decide.

I want to come, at the moment when he gets the task, he has calculated this result, and he will directly connect to Zhang Lan's communication without hesitation.

Zhang Lan frowned for a long time, but still couldn't come up with a reasonable way.

Unable, Zhang Lan waved the phantom to gather everyone.

He is preparing to open the first general meeting since the founding of the country!


Breaking dawn No. 1 base, conference hall, round conference table.

Headed by Zhang Lan, Peter and Harry on the left and right, followed by Katie, Harry, Fury, Natasha, Banner, Fantastic Four, Button, Conners, Logan, Charles, Qin, Rogers.

Eighteen people filled the round table.

This is the first time.

"OK, then, Blue, what is the reason you called us together?" Tony had a headache and held his forehead. "You know, I was intimate with Pepper at the time, and I was about to run home. Well... if you don't come up with a reasonable explanation, this matter will never end!"

With a slight glance at Tony, who was a little bit superior, Zhang Lan didn't care. He pressed his pressure hand to signal that everyone was quiet, coughed, and a whole system projection appeared on everyone's head.

That is a projection of the earth.

"Well, everyone has known each other for a short period of time. Today, when we call everyone together, there is a problem involving billions of human beings that needs to be resolved through consultation."

In a word, Jean's attitude was immediately corrected.

Zhang Lan pointed at the earth projection above his head: "So, as you can see, this is the big earth under our feet."

——"And on the earth, there is actually our hole card, that is..."

It is said that from the northern hemisphere of the United States, a round silver-white projection resembling a flying saucer emerges, occupying one-fifth of the size of the earth.

It includes many areas such as the United States, Mexico, parts of the Atlantic Ocean, parts of the Northern Ocean.

"Oh shit!" Logan exploded directly: "Blue, don't tell me, this time our goal is a space warship that is one-fifth the size of the earth?"

Sure enough, it is the usual fighting style, and the other party is the enemy.

Instead, Banner understood the point: "No, I think this should not be the enemy, but the remains of the Atlantis civilization?"

"Yes!" Zhang Lan nodded toward Banner: "You two are half right. Actually, this big guy is the spaceship of Atlantis. I inherited it, is us now Fighting strength."

As soon as this remark came out, in addition to the illusion already known, the rest of the people exclaimed.

Among them, the three big scientists of Reid, Tony, and Banner are the most crazy, and the light in their eyes can't stop it.

Tony: "Blue, can I dismantle this big guy to study it? I promise to press back."

Rhett: "Oh, Lan, you must let me live on it. You have just told us the result of such a baby!"

Banner: "Well... Tony, you must need me when tearing down this big guy."

Rogers: "I just slept all night last night...why, the world has changed again?"

Hill: "Wow, this big guy, I must become its commander, it must feel very good!"

Katie: "En, sister Hill, I will be your assistant."


Everyone said what I said, the scene was completely messed up.

Zhang Lan didn't care too much. In fact, he sat down after he finished the news and looked at everyone's reaction leisurely, but felt quite flavorful.

At the scene, where there is a trace of serious style, the completion is a bunch of friends talking about things, and it is impossible to see that it is a world-class event about the lives of billions of people.

This made it difficult for Connors and Charles to accept, and with a face on one side, he thought everyone was too relaxed.

On one side, Zhang Lan completely took this scene into full view.

After the crowd slowly calmed down, he motioned for Mirage to continue.

After the trouble, too, after listening to the phantom to explain the cause and effect of the matter, everyone began to fall into a state of contemplation.

This problem is not handled well, but it is not a problem of two countries, but a problem of the earth level.

After Atlantis started, is it the only country that suffers?

The butterfly effect caused by its start-up is only as good as the direct damage it causes.

The sea will be disturbed, forming a huge tsunami.

Sea breezes will be brought together, and coastal countries will be miserable by a large wave of storms.

After the continent burns in the atmosphere, there will inevitably be small pieces of land falling into meteorites, which will be a catastrophe for the seabed creatures.


The question of waiting is a huge one.

The handling of these details is absolutely careless and will have major consequences.

But, there was such a big guy lying underground in the open...and very unwilling.

Finally, Rogers put forward for the sake of the earth: "Can't this big guy stay underground? Wouldn't it be nice without it before."

"As everyone knows, I have the ability to speak." Zhang Lan pulled up his prophet's tiger skin again: "In the near future, there will be a huge planetary destroyer coming to the earth, which uses electricity and heat Waiting for all the energy to feed, unfortunately, I have no certainty to defeat it."

Needless to say, what everyone here understands.

Starting Atlantis is really a helpless move.

But... what everyone cares more about is, what the **** is the planet destroyer?

In this regard, Zhang Lan’s answer was that he did not know when the other party would come to earth. Maybe tomorrow, maybe a year later, maybe ten years later, or maybe a hundred years later.

In short, the years are random.

This made everyone more aware that starting Atlantis was imminent.

So, questions about the start of Atlantis were raised one by one, and then everyone discussed the most reasonable plan.

First of all, regarding all the population above Atlantis, you must first move out of the danger zone.

Secondly, the placement of the continental plates cannot be pushed directly into space, which would cause the earth to lose a fifth of its living area and make the already vast ocean more vast.

This is unacceptable to humans.


Questions were asked one by one, and then solved one by one.

This meeting about the fate of the earth opened three days and three nights.

Even Zhang Lan’s super-strong body felt a little tired, not to mention other people. Among them, the weakest person in the body, Charles was always sleeping, but his mental strength was active in the meeting.

But no matter what, the problem is indeed solved almost perfectly.

Next, there is the question of implementation.

"OK!" Zhang Lan shot the desktop: "So, the plan is so determined, time is running out, there is no time to discuss it again, and the scope of everyone's responsibility will be sorted out and sent to everyone ~Everyone has... well, Fury, how long do you need to lobby people from all countries?"

"Three days!" Fury held out three fingers: "Without sleeplessness, three days are enough for me to convince all the national leaders to agree."

"Okay." Zhang Lan nodded. "Rogers, the evacuation unit you are in charge of followed Fry. He persuaded a country, and you immediately proceeded to civilian evacuation. I will send 10,000 shadow avatars to wait for your command to set up space. door."

——"Then the problems of the first troops are explained, and everyone starts to do their duties."

With that said, Zhang Lan extended his right hand, and the hands of Harry, Peter and others were placed one by one.

"Everyone, listen, if this incident is handled well, we [Breaking Dawn Empire] will take off, and population, productivity, etc. will all be qualitative leaps, everyone, come on!"

Fury followed with a roar: "Long Breaking Empire! Long live!"

Everyone shouted with a shout: "[Breaking Dawn Empire] Long live!"

His hands were thrown high and then fell down again. The men left the venue in a hurried pace, leaving Zhang Lan and Katie, Hill, Natasha and Susan alone.

"Lan..." Katie held Zhang Lan's right hand and coquettishly said: "What about the tasks of Sister Natasha and I? You didn't arrange our work just now."

"Why didn't you work?" Zhang Lan nodded Katie's little nose: "We can't keep Pepper up for the wedding. The three of you are going to help."


"Don't be so." Zhang Lan interrupted Katie's argument: "There are a lot of us in it, and it's not your turn to go to the battlefield of your women's house."

——"Preparation, dress up beautifully, wait for us to marry you!"

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