Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 329: Once proud

"Susan, do you...have a superhero grandpa from World War II?"

Susan didn't understand Rhett's humor. She looked at the two photos on the computer in doubt, not knowing Rhett's meaning.

Of the two photos, one is the Fireman Johnny in the costume of the Fantastic Four, and the other is a color photo of Captain America Rogers in a star-striped tight uniform.

"Hey, Rhett, won't this be our new uniform?" Johnny responded fastest: "Oh my god, this is so ugly, I'd rather wear the all-trademark set."

"Yes, that's how you can make money." Ben ridiculed Johnny mercilessly, and then turned the words: "Well, Reid, I have to say that this suit really doesn't have the advertisement of the fire boy. The label is beautiful."

Reid heard the comments from everyone, and this was the reaction. Susan and they hadn't read the information yet. They didn't know that they were actually two people.

"Listen to me, man, I'm not talking about the new uniform." Reid explained, "I don't say anything on the right hand, it's Johnny, and the one on the left is not Johnny, yes." The superhero during World War II, Captain America-Rogers."




The three did not react at all. It was like hearing a passerby with no impression.

It was a superhero during World War II, and there are still few people who still remember him.

Except for Colson, a collector who likes antiques.

Oh, by the way, there are people like Rhett who, as Johnny's friends, accidentally saw Rogers' information and photos.

No, Reed can only take out his phone and search for Rogers' information.

This is the information age.

Soon, all three of Susan understood the beginning and end of the matter, and then—

Susan expressed her face in a daze!

Johnny said his face was dumbfounded! !


United States, Washington, Aegis branch, boxing ring.

Fury, who had just spoken with Reed, went out and came here to find someone.

A myth of World War II era.

A superhuman who is still alive after being buried under polar ice for seventy years.

"Bump! Spray! Peng!"

Boxing sounds with different sensations came from the hands of a sturdy white man. Without the boxing gloves, he was still hitting the sandbags and could not fly out.

This is no longer the power that ordinary people can achieve.

Fury was on the side, watching carefully.

This white man's boxing strength is different, indicating that his heart is not in this sandbag practice, and he does not know what else he is thinking about.

Perhaps it was an unpleasant thing that came to mind. The frequency of white men’s boxing has accelerated a lot. Gradually, they have exceeded the scope of the sandbags. The consequences are-



The military's sturdy large sandbag was directly hit by a white man. When he flew out, the thick sand was scattered on the ground.

"Why didn't you sleep well last night?" Fury didn't speak until then.

As a superior, caring about the mental state of subordinates is also a friendly management method.

The white man turned back quickly after hearing the warning. After seeing Fury, he was relieved and picked up a sandbag to hang up again, and his mouth was not idle.

"Sir, I have been sleeping for seventy years, and I think I have enough sleep."

"Then you should go out and walk, the world has changed a lot."

Rogers glanced up and down at Fury to make sure that he was not mocking his antiques, but that the bandage wrapped around his hand rolled down.

He is ready to take a break.

"When I passed out, the world was still fighting. After waking up, I heard that we won... I don't know, what is the price of winning?"

Rogers meant something.

As an American soldier who lived earlier than Freer, Rogers knew that the price must be high.

Fury's answer is even more intriguing.

"We have made many mistakes over the years, even...including now."

Between his speeches, Fury's hand behind his back stretched out, which was a file bag.

Rogers was busy arranging the bandage on his hand, and afterglow in the corner of his eyes saw Fury's movement, glanced at it, and now it was the reaction.

"Sir, is there a task to find me?"


"Let me integrate into the new world?" Rogers guessed.

"No, yes... let you save it!" Fury reached out and opened the folder and handed it over.

Rogers glanced inadvertently, and now he was stunned. He could not care about half of the bandages on his hand. He took the folder in Fury's hands and fixed his eyes on the picture.

For him, he had seen it not long ago.

"Is the Hydra's secret weapon?" Rogers guessed.

"No, it's not," Fury said. "This was how the Stark found it from the sea when he searched and rescued you."

"He and I have the same idea. This Rubik's cube will be the key to discovering eternal energy."

"And this is exactly what the world needs most."

Rogers frowned and looked through the simple information and handed it back to Fury with one hand: "Who took it?"

"It's Rocky." Fury's results folder: "He... is not an If you are willing to join us, we have to give you make up lessons."

"The world is changing fast, it's...beyond your imagination."

Rogers heard the words, shrugged indifferently, got up and picked up a bag of sandbags, resisting on his shoulders.

"I've seen it all for a while."

"We bet ten dollars, you are wrong." Fury expressionless: "In your home, I have prepared a detailed information about the task."

Rogers did not respond, carrying the sofa and walking back.

"Do you have any good suggestions for retrieving the Cube of the Universe?"

Fury didn't let go of any chance of recovering the universe cube.

However, Rogers' answer is-

"You should leave it in the sea."


The Atlantic Ocean, the high seas, a huge aircraft carrier.

A Kun-style fighter landed on the deck, and Natasha and Banner got out of it. It happened to meet Colson who had taken his idol Rogers back.

Coulson is still saying hello to each other.

Natasha nodded helplessly to convey Colson's new mission.

Colson walked directly towards the bridge very pragmatically.

"See you later." Rogers said goodbye to Coulson.

It seems that the previous two should get along well.

Natasha had the opportunity to look up and down at the characters in front of her.

"Um... did Coulson faint when she saw you?" Natasha smiled lightly: "Did he make you sign his treasures?"

"Treasures?" Rogers repeated, suspecting he had heard them wrong.

"That's what he was proud of."

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