Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 112: System synchronization (below)

  And regardless of Fury's psychological changes.

   After hanging up the phone, Zhang Lan looked at the time. It was just after six o'clock in the morning, and he simmered into the pillow again.

   The head is too big, a lot of information needs to be sorted out.

   This message is the essence of all skills.

   is extremely huge!

  Take the mobile phone software as an analogy.

   In the past, Zhang Lan only knew how to use the software, and the experience of using the software.

   And now, the system instills the technology of coding mobile phone software, which essentially analyzes the generation principle and combination form of the software.

  This greatly helped Zhang Lan to analyze the essence.

   Don't underestimate the two, the former is just a user, and the latter will be able to try and develop.

   In other words, when Zhang Lan has accumulated to a certain degree, he can even develop new ninjutsu, illusion, and body skills himself!

The premise is the foundation.

   And this kind of information is very huge, if there is no system as a backing, direct instillation, I am afraid it is difficult to integrate.

  This is just one of the changes after system evolution.

   The second is the addition of the team store.

   Item exchange: It can simulate the instruments and materials that any host has contacted. After delivering the corresponding rule fragments, the exchange time limit can be briefly opened, and then a large number of energy points can be exchanged.

   The simple explanation is that Zhang Lan had contacted the Edman alloy. Now if he consumes a B-level rule fragment, he can open the Edman alloy exchange option.

  Here we need to pay attention to two points, one is that this exchange option is time-limited, and the other is the energy points required for exchange, I am afraid it is extremely huge.

Even Zhang Lan’s revised ability of 9999 Chakras was only rated as mid-energy by the system, and now the system says that it needs a lot of energy points, then... the amount of exchange is in grams. Calculated.

   Third, I'm afraid it is Zhang Lan's biggest support now.

   [Note: Any skill modified by the system's rule fragments cannot cause non-physical damage to the host. 】

   this sentence, let the fan Zhang Lan's ability to go out, no longer need to be too scrupulous.

  Even if you teach you the most powerful ninjutsu, how can you take me?

   Of course, there are hidden traps in this sentence.

   That is, physical damage can still effectively hit Zhang Lan.

  Like the technique of the fireball, it is completely a fire attribute attack, and the threat to Zhang Lan is zero.

   And if it is a body strike from Bamen Dunjia, or acupuncture point of soft fist, it can effectively hit Zhang Lan.

  Simply put, it is magic immunity.

  Finally, the most important thing is that the system has revised the ability assessment.

   The limit of the original B-level Chakra upgrade card was only two thousand chakras, but now it has been revised to 9,999 chakras.

   cannot be described as not powerful.

  At least now Zhang Lan can use the quicksand burst independently without supplementing Chakra.

  This is the damage correction after the system has analyzed the composition of the Marvel world capabilities.

  'S Zhang Lan also has the potential to compete with the real top characters.

   As for now, um... still need to work slowly.

   Slowed down in bed for a long time, the room door was knocked, it was Peter, and Aunt May made Zhang Lan get up and have breakfast.

  After a simple breakfast, Peter went to school. Zhang Lan seldom went to class now because of professional reasons. After sending Aunt May to the hospital, she turned to the court.

  Tony’s parliament today is New York, not the Washington House from the last hierarchical bill.


   In the debate position, Congressman Stan beat the judge's hammer a little hurriedly.

   "Mr. Stark, please continue to our previous topic, Mr. Tucker! Please!"

   "Yes, dear!" Tony, who spoke with Pepper, finally turned his head and responded playfully.

   "Please pay attention to my words"

"no problem"

   "Do you have a special weapon?"


"you have not?"


  Zhang Lan was very happy to see Mr. Stan being teased by Tony in the corner of the audience.

   However, he didn't have any feelings about Mr. Stan, because this guy was a Hydra man. This time, he also asked Tony for the materials of the steel suit on behalf of the Hydra.

   Of course, it is the legal way to go.

   Next, the two began to dispute whether the steel suit was a weapon or a high-tech prosthesis.

  Mr. Stan needed to define it as a strategic weapon, so as to force Tony to surrender the steel suit with the justice of the people.

   And Tony is naturally unresistable.

   Finally, Mr. Stan had to turn out his fangs directly.

   "I give priority to handing the weapon of steel armor to the American people!"

   "Don't even think about it! I'm Iron Man, I'm integrated with the Iron Suit, and surrendering Iron Man is surrendering myself, which is equivalent to labor or it depends on which continent you are in."

  Law is a different definition between different continents.

   This playful remark made the people present burst into laughter, including Zhang Lan, but unfortunately Pepper, who was beside Zhang Lan, didn't think so, and stared at Tony lightly.

   Tony is obviously mocking Mr. Stan.

   Therefore, Mr. Stan very steadily invited the so-called weapons experts and summoned Justin Hammer, the current major arms dealer of the Ministry of Defense.

   The main thing is that you need to put a question mark, because this is after the Stark Industries shut down the weapons department.

   Justin Hammer was indeed a boss of the weapons industry. He easily dealt with Tony's sarcasm and mobilized the atmosphere of the staff on the spot. Then he sat down with complacency.

  Zhang Lan looked aside, feeling a little ridiculous for its inexplicable sense of superiority.

   shook his head, and a black man in uniform walked past Zhang Lan.

   is James Rod, that is Tony's best friend. This obviously surprised Tony and got up to meet Rod.

   "Hey, brother, I didn't expect you to come." Tony meant something.

   "Yes, I'm here, accept the facts." The German language was very helpless, which made Tony feel a little relieved.

   "This is just? This is just..." Tony wants to confirm again.

   "Stop talking!" Rhodes interrupted.

   "Okay... I won't say it again." Tony lowered his mind and swept his eyes to Zhang Lan, very embarrassed: "Ah, Lan, I didn't expect you to come..."

  Zhang Lan grinned and didn't answer, which made Tony retreat to the seat with a guilty conscience.

   After all, a few days ago, he messed up Zhang Lan's battle for the second time.

  Rode sat down, and Mr. Stan asked him to read the designated paragraph with the specified number of pages.

   This is to get out of context and mislead the people.

   "Specific paragraph?" Rhode questioned: "I thought I was here to make a full and detailed report..."

   has not finished yet, but was interrupted by Mr. Stan and insisted on reading the designated paragraph.

   "OK!" Rod was reluctant: "Iron Man does not belong to any government organization and unit..."

  Speaking of this, Rod suddenly interrupted his speech and paused for two or three seconds before continuing.

   "So it poses a threat to the country and its interests-but my conclusion is that the benefits of Iron Man will always outweigh the disadvantages, let it join the military system..."

   The sudden part behind this made the dissatisfied Mr. Stan stop the exit, and the two people's voices mixed together for quite a while, which was quite complicated.

   "I don't like to join any Tony, who has been quiet, said suddenly: "But let me be the Minister of Defense but I can consider it. "

   This playful remark was successful and made everyone laugh.

  Zhang Lan looked at her in a funny way under his seat, and then heard that Mr. Stan was preparing to play the influence of the Rhode report. It was already silently praying for Mr. Stan.

   is simply death.

  When Rod was forced to make an explanation, Tony was very easy to invade the control of the lobby display, and then in vitro bone experiments in North Korea, Iran, and Justin.

   Of course, the results are tragic, and none of them can succeed, and the blood is accompanied by it.

  Congressman Stan immediately took the wax and instructed Justin to turn it off. Unfortunately, when the Justin experimental armor was finally played, the driver was twisted by the machine with a 180-degree rotation to break his waist.

   Justin explained in vain that the driver's personal safety remarks.

  Zhang Lan saw this and stood up and sent a friendly invitation to Pepper.

   "Pepper, we should go out, things are over."

   "But..." Pepper was hesitant.

   Zhang Lan smiled. The gentleman took Pepper's hand and walked out. Behind him, Tony also began to give his speech in a passionate manner. The people around him all spontaneously stood up and applauded.

   "FUCK, Mr. Stark!" Mr. Stan spoke very rudely: "The meeting will be closed today."

   Eventually, the meeting ended in Tony’s two kisses.

   With a smug look on his face, Tony was about to leave, just to see Zhang Lan's figure holding Pepper's hand away.

   "Oh, I'm in trouble!"

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