Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 103: Harry and Peter

   At this time, the tsunami already had a height of 15 meters.

   It opened a mouthful of swallowing to Peter.

  At this moment of desperation, Peter finally moved!

Peter, who was originally standing on the sea surface, was already brought up by the arc of the tsunami. The entire body of the body was parallel to the sea level. Standing on the tsunami's waist, it began to slowly rotate away. A trace of blue Chakra erupted from its body. Then, as Peter's rotation began to wind and weave, a light blue hemisphere slowly formed.

  【Soft boxing method·Go back to heaven】

Turning back is like a drill, madly hitting on the waist of the tsunami, and the huge waves that were bravely carried out were directly blocked by the waist. Waves of waves hit Peter's return to the sky, and they could not be destroyed. Or pushed away, instead driven by the force of its rotation, it was thrown back fiercely and collided with the waves behind it, constantly reducing the propulsive force of the tsunami.

Peter is now like intercepting the sluice gate of the dam, slashing the tsunami up to 15 meters to a huge wave of more than 8 meters, standing in the waves of continuous waves, without any intention of stopping. .

   is weakened, not only stops at the height, but also the speed, number of waves, and overall quality are greatly reduced.

   A 15-meter small tsunami is a natural disaster and a force of nature. It has the ability to destroy almost all objects within two hundred meters of the coastline. There will be no humans left on the surface.

   And the eight-meter wave, some surfing enthusiasts, extreme challengers, still dare to try.

   This is not a single height difference, but a manifestation of the geometric increment of destructive force.

  When a thing reaches the limit of normality, then even if it increases a little, the consumption and destructive power required are multiplied.

   However, even an eight-meter-high giant wave cannot be resisted by a three-meter-high earth array.

   Therefore, Harry, who had already been prepared, came on stage. He stood side by side with his shadow avatar, and the ninja seal turned jerkily in his hand, from a ninjutsu that Zhang Lan had not yet mastered.

   With the unfolding of the two Harry Ninja seals, the relatively calm sea level in front of him began to ripple, like a deep sea poor animal coming out of the sea.


  Zhang Lan slowly inserted the sand blade from the position of Logan's spine. When the blade touched his Edman alloy spine, it split apart, revealing Zhang Lan's hand.

   wears the right hand of Odin's holy clothing guard.

  When Odin's sacred clothing gauntlets touched the Edman alloy, Zhang Lan finally felt the will from Odin's sacred clothing for the first time.

   asked Zhang Lan if he could absorb the metal in front of him, and showed great desire.

   If it wasn't for Zhang Lan, the host was at the scene, I'm afraid it would already be a pleasure.

   Zhang Lan gave it an allowed order.

  Receiving this message, the cloth immediately launched the characteristic that it had when it was at the E level-metal engulfment.

Zhang Lan didn't know how it was swallowed, but he could clearly see Logan's original bumpy back, which began to fluctuate, like something under the muscle was drilling, and its direction was uniform Yes, that is where Zhang Lan’s right hand is.

  This is, I just eat Edman alloy as a jelly?

   This is the second hardest metal on Earth that will not melt at a temperature of 500,000℃!

   can only be explained in one sentence, it must be a fine product if it is produced by the system.

  In this process, Logan did not have much pain. After all, instead of pulling out the bones directly, he moved into a liquid state and moved along the position of the skeleton.

Logan now feels even greater pain because his new bone can’t keep up with the speed of the Edman alloy melting, which results in his body having only muscle and other tissues to exert force, but the skeleton as a support Yes......

   Fortunately, Zhang Lan had been prepared for a long time, and a layer of sand covered it strictly, forming a humanoid armor, forcibly fixing Logan's body.

   Ten seconds!

In just ten seconds, the Edman alloy on Logan’s body was absorbed by the Saint Cloth. Zhang Lan quickly pulled his hand out, and the layer of sand blade covered on the outside had turned into a **** color. Root blood stained.

   first nervously determined the signs of Logan’s life, and after seeing that it was stable, Zhang Lan looked down at himself as a holy cloth.

A layer of silver-white streamer flows on the Saint Cloth. From top to bottom, the original blue is covered with a layer of silver-white, but the streamer is only exhausted when it reaches the chest. The streamer paused, and then the silver-white color that was originally covered began to sway, mainly concentrated in the front and rear chest, joints, helmets and other weak places, and then slowly began to appear a blue sky.

   This is the beginning of penetration into the Saint Cloth, replacing the original material, until it is completely replaced, it is still the original blue Saint Cloth.

  Zhang Lan can clearly feel that Saint Cloth instinctively sends a signal of hunger, for this metal, it needs more.


It can be seen that this ninjutsu Harry is also not skilled, the speed of the ninja is not fast, and it is relatively complicated. At the current speed, if he pinches a wrong ninja, he is afraid that there is no chance to start again. .

   But still in Harry's mentality is very good, although the Ninja seal is slow, but steady, there is no slight error.

  【The technique of water escape and waterfall】

  【The technique of water escape and waterfall】

This is an A-level water escape ninjutsu. Even Kakashi is a copy of the ninjutsu that will never be cut from the body. After its release, it will attack the other party with the amount of water in the waterfall, which is rarely high in water escape. Attacking ninjutsu.

   After its exhibition, it will set off a small waterfall six feet high, using a lot of water to wash everything in front of it.

At this time, under the simultaneous display of Harry and his shadow avatar, the two ninjutsus were superimposed, forming a huge wave of more than seven meters on this sea level, only one of the eight meters was opposite. Just a small one.


That drop of seemingly innocuous water droplets, the big guy who gathered together collided head-on, and a deafening roar erupted, which is a sound that can only be heard under the super waterfall ~ ~ very It is unbelievable that this is the level that manpower can achieve.

The huge wave released by Harry was smaller, plus it was created by the release of ninjutsu, and there was not much follow-up force. It will soon be defeated by the eight-meter wave, and Harry obviously I also thought about this in advance, because the angle of the water escape and the eight-meter giant wave cut at an oblique angle.

The tangential direction is exactly the clockwise direction that Peter turned back.

  The waves were wave after wave, and Harry did not stop. After three full releases of the Great Falls, Chakra finally dried up and stood there panting, no longer releasing ninjutsu.

There is no need to release it anymore, with Peter’s destruction in the center of the giant wave, and the boost of Harry’s proper angle, a huge vortex has been formed at the position where Peter returns to the sky, and there are waves after another. The flapping up, before being approached, was exploited layer by layer by the centrifugal force of the vortex. When he reached Peter's position, he could only be slapped back into the sky by forcelessness, and it collapsed into water droplets.

The only worry is that this sea water vortex is too close to the coast. The small waves thrown by the centrifugal force after the vortex spreads are also two or three meters. Without corresponding measures, buildings on the coastline will still be Suffer.

   At this time, the soil formation wall group that Harry built in advance played a big role, perfectly resisting the most central wave of scouring, and the small waves behind it still could not pose any threat.

   Such a tsunami that seemed to be about to destroy half of Liberty Island, with the concerted efforts of Harry and Peter, only made the tide of Liberty Island's coastline rise a little bit more.

   Not even worry about it, maybe tomorrow will be able to pick up a good shell on the shore.

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