The next morning, the two of them ran to the Senju clan's territory early in the morning.

Liuyun ran in the dark and arrived at the Senju clan's territory early, taking away a red-haired girl who had just woken up.

It took them half an hour to run to the Hokage Rock, and they sat and bickered for another half an hour, and watched the sunrise for another half an hour.

Liuyun's legs were itchy, and he proposed the idea of ​​continuing his morning run. Upon hearing this, Kushina immediately began to protest.

After looking forward to a romantic date for a night, he struggled to get up and ran like a dog, but it ended in half an hour? ? ?

In the end, after watching for another half an hour, seeing someone scratching his calf, Kushina had no choice but to accompany him to start a new day of morning run.

However, due to her lack of morning jogging habit, she was exhausted soon and had to stop.

"Aren't you too weak?"

Liuyun laughed and used the words she used to mock herself to attack Kushina.

"I'm a girl, so my physical strength is definitely not as good as boys'!" Kushina said stubbornly.


Liuyun was speechless. If the Uzumaki clan was not physically strong, then there might be no one with good physical strength in the ninja world...

"How about I carry you on my back?"

Liuyun suggested in a low voice, which made Kushina's face slightly red and a little embarrassed.

But before she could speak, Liuyun's next sentence made her face turn from red to black:

"It's just right to use you as a weight..."


Kushina found that this bastard really couldn't speak...

Angrily stomping her feet, Kushina turned around and strode directly towards the direction of the Senju clan.

"Where are you going? Brother will take you to have breakfast!" Liuyun followed quickly.

"Get lost!!!"


'Why are you so angry when we were chatting? ? ? '


Liuyun entered Orochimaru's private residence in the name of visiting his teacher.

"Hehe... Liuyun-kun actually thought of visiting me. Do you have any doubts about your training?" Orochimaru looked at him and smiled teasingly.

"Hahaha, there is no doubt. It's mainly because I passed by Orochimaru's residence and wanted to come and see if the teacher was at home..."

He had learned two ninjutsu before. If he didn't come to visit his "good teacher", where would he go to learn new ninjutsu?

"You came at a good time. I was just thinking about going out... You might not see me if you were a few minutes later." Orochimaru said with a smile.

"Teacher Orochimaru is going to..."

Before Liuyun finished speaking, a loud voice overwhelmed his voice.

"Teacher... I'm here!"

Shengshu jumped down from the wall.

"As you thought, we are going to the Hokage Building to take on a new mission!"

Orochimaru explained first, and then couldn't help but laugh hoarsely:

"It just so happens that you don't have anything to do now, so why don't you come with us?"


Liuyun fell silent after hearing this.

Orochimaru won't ask him to be a corpse mover again...

'Forget it, just move it... Anyway, there's money to be made...'

Thinking of this, Liuyun smiled and nodded.

Although he didn't lack money, Orochimaru had spoken anyway, so he couldn't just refuse Orochimaru's invitation.

In the last mission, he was given two extra ninjutsu as a reward, and he couldn't refuse just for that reason...

"Very good, you go home and inform your parents now, and tell them that we are going to go out of the village to carry out the mission, and we can't be sure how long it will take..."

"After you notify us, go directly to the village gate to wait for us, and Nawaki and I will look for a suitable mission..."

Walking on the way home, Liuyun lowered his head and looked thoughtful. He heard a lot of hidden meanings from Orochimaru's two sentences, and there were some contradictions in his words.

Orochimaru clearly stated that it was a mission to go out of the village, and the time was uncertain, which means that this mission may take a long time.

But his second sentence clearly said that he would look for a suitable mission... The mission has not been accepted yet, why can Orochimaru be sure that it will take a long time?

Liuyun analyzed that he may already have a mission in his hand, and it must be a time-consuming mission to go out of the village.

Bringing Nawaki to the Hokage Building to accept the mission, it is not ruled out that he wants to do two missions at the same time.

Ninjas always focus on efficiency in everything they do, especially for people like Orochimaru who think that life is short.

Thinking about these things, the next moment Liuyun directly

A shadow clone appeared.

The main body went home to report the itinerary to his mother Asuka, and prepared the items he needed to carry when going out.

The shadow clone went to the Senju clan's land, found Xiaofanqie to explain the situation, and asked her to find a wall at home to practice "climbing trees" by herself.

The guy whose blood power is stronger than Princess Uzumaki (her hair color is redder), can fall a thousand or eight hundred times without getting hurt. Before, she always said that her butt hurt from falling, but that was just an excuse...

Falling from a high tree, the people below caught her steadily. This "game" is something Kushina doesn't get tired of playing all day.

An hour later.

Orochimaru and his apprentice have already arrived at the village gate. The poor guy Rope Tree has a lot of luggage on his back, but Orochimaru has nothing on him, looking relaxed and comfortable...

"Teacher Orochimaru..."

"Let's go!"

Orochimaru waved his hand and took the lead to leave the village. The two hurriedly followed his steps.

Three days later.

Located at the border between Taki Country and Fire Country, in a small village belonging to Fire Country.

Orochimaru, along with two teenagers, had been lying in ambush in the village for a whole day.

After they left the village, Orochimaru issued an order for a forced march, and the three of them reached the border in two days.

Their mission level for this trip was A-level, and the mission content was to kill the small wave of rebel ninjas from Taki Country.

These rebel ninjas have recently looted several small villages in Fire Country. Fire Country attaches great importance to this and orders Konoha to eliminate all the invading enemies.

In fact, the main executor of this mission was Orochimaru, because one of the rebel ninjas was a jonin.

The mission was extremely dangerous and was not suitable for Genin and elementary school students to participate, but Orochimaru was a man of great skill and courage. He thought he could let his disciples see the real fight between high-level ninjas.

So he ignored the opinions of the public and the advice of the Hokage advisor and brought the two little guys again.

"A large number of strangers are coming. They may be the targets of the mission. You two should hide well and do not show your bodies. You must not act without authorization."

Orochimaru has already grasped the whereabouts of the enemy in advance through the psychic snakes scattered outside.

"All obey orders. Wait for me to send a signal and then show up."


Shengshu and Liuyun, each hiding in a big tree, nodded seriously.

This mission has a high risk factor, and they must be fully prepared.

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