The six Uchiha clans cooperated with each other to fight one person. Liuyun was able to gain the upper hand at first, but soon realized what "two fists cannot defeat twelve kicks" meant.

These people are all children of the Uchiha clan. Their fists and kicks are much stronger than ordinary people. Liuyun can't do it if he wants to single-handedly defeat them without injury.

This is under the premise that they dare not use hidden weapons or even ninjutsu.

In the chaotic battle, although he has excellent eyesight and reaction ability, he was inevitably hit by fists and feet several times.

However, these attacks did not have a good effect on him. Liuyun still had a lot of chakra in his body at this moment, so it was no problem for him to withstand the fists and kicks of children.

Facing a pincer attack, Liuyun took a kick from behind and, seizing the opportunity, punched a Uchiha boy hard in the abdomen.

The acid in the man's stomach was knocked out, and the whole person was blown away by the huge force.

Liuyun staggered after being kicked from behind. He adjusted his body shape as quickly as possible and immediately turned his head to avoid the punch from behind.

"Liuyun, I'll help you!"

Seeing that the little classmate was hit several times, Kushina finally couldn't hold back and joined the fight.

Liuyun was afraid that she would get hurt, and wanted to ask her not to come, but saw another person jump high and sweep Liuyun's head with a whip kick.

At this moment, he had no time to speak.

Liuyun's eyes condensed, and with the blessing of terrible eyesight, he instantly saw through the opponent's movements.

He raised his arm instead of retreating, and hit the opponent's calf with a counterattack.

This blow was unforgettable. The whip-legged boy's face flushed, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.


He opened his mouth and let out a heart-wrenching scream, and then fell to the ground holding his calf.

This tragic frontal collision caused a slight crack in his calf bone, and the pain made him unable to participate in the next battle.

Four of the eight Uchiha had been defeated, and Kushina chose Uchiha Qianye. Liuyun was facing only three enemies at the moment.

One of them saw that the situation was unfavorable, and he was nervous and couldn't let go of his hands in the fight. Liuyun took the opportunity to kick him and he fell to the ground.

After knocking down another person, Liuyun stared at Uchiha Yan, and the two of them started a fierce collision again.

Uchiha Yan was very strong and his physical skills were indeed not bad. Liuyun couldn't take him down immediately for a while.

However, he didn't consume much chakra in his body, and he still had half of his physical strength. It was only a matter of time to defeat Uchiha Yan.

"Wait, I won't fight anymore..."

After a fierce fight, Uchiha Yan finally couldn't stand the pain in his hands and feet, and waved his hands to signal Liuyun to stop fighting.

At this time, his naked limbs were red and swollen. In terms of injuries, they were not much lighter than those of the tribesmen wailing on the ground.

"Hmph... You don't want to fight? You're dreaming!"

Liuyun snorted coldly, and the attack did not stop.

A minute later, Uchiha Yan was kicked to the ground, and he could no longer maintain his cold image, and he kept screaming.


On Kushina's side, Uchiha Qianye was no match for the 'blood red pepper' in a one-on-one fight.

He was soon knocked to the ground, and Kushina stretched out her big feet and stepped on him again and again.


The last remaining Uchiha saw that things were not going well. His hands and feet were in great pain. He lost the will to fight and ran away, screaming in fear.

Liuyun quickly chased him and kicked him hard in the back.

The man fell to the ground with his face, and tears fell from his eyes in pain.

Liuyun glanced at the Uchiha who were wailing on the ground. If he saw who was in a better condition, he would immediately go up and punch and kick them.

"Let you bastards bully Liuyun. You Uchiha are the most arrogant in the whole school. Don't you like to be cool? I'll beat you to death..."

Kushina was also addicted to "killing like crazy" at this time!

She beat them and scolded them at the same time, and before she knew it, she scolded Liuyun as well...

The two of them attacked one after another, and beat the eight elementary school students so hard that they ran away in panic. Even though they were covered in wounds, in order to avoid being beaten again, the eight people could only endure the pain and hurriedly escape from here.

Soon, only one man and one woman were left in this remote open space.

"Haha! Liuyun, you are so awesome! I didn't expect...

You are so strong!"

Kushina laughed and praised. She enjoyed the fight very much. She never thought that one day she would be able to beat up the Uchiha clan.

These people are the real school bullies!

Pa! Pa! Pa!!!

Just as the two were talking and laughing, the continuous applause instantly alerted them.

"What a wonderful fight! I didn't expect that there is such an outstanding student in the ninja school. One person can beat seven Uchiha. "

A hoarse voice, tall and thin body, and a feminine man with snake-like eyes walked over slowly.

He clapped his hands while talking, and his eyes were full of appreciation and curiosity when he looked at Liuyun.

'Is this guy... Orochimaru?'

Liuyun was surprised. He didn't expect that the other party actually watched the whole battle.

Liuyun's mind was on the group of Uchiha brats, and he didn't find Orochimaru hiding in the dark at the first time.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sweat a little on his back.

"Lord Orochimaru! How come you are here!"

Kushina said in surprise, obviously she knew the other party.

Although the 'Three Ninjas of Konoha' at this time had not been named by Hanzo, they still had a very high reputation in the village.

Since Kushina was temporarily staying in the Senju clan, she had a good relationship with Tsunade, so she naturally saw Orochimaru and Jiraiya many times.

"Oh, chicken... silly man! "

Liuyun first read out Orochimaru's name, then realized that he was a jonin, and he quickly followed Kushina's example and added the "honorific term".

Orochimaru didn't feel it was strange that Liuyun could recognize him, because the three ninjas were always with the Hokage, so there were few people in Konoha who didn't know him.


Orochimaru's mouth twitched slightly, and his snake-like pupils stared at Liuyun.

This "sir" sounded strange, and Orochimaru felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't find out what the problem was...

"Your accent is a bit strange..."


Liuyun said in his heart: "Chinese accent", but he had a puzzled look on his face.

"Kushina, it's almost dark, aren't you going back? Mito-sama should be waiting for you to come home..."

Orochimaru smiled gently at Kushina.

He was one of the few who knew that Kushina was the new generation of 'Nine-tail Container'. At this time, he was trusted and respected by the Third Hokage, even Jiraiya and Tsunade could not compare with him.

At this time, the snake was not poisonous yet, and he was humble and polite to others, quite gentlemanly, which made people unconsciously feel good about him.

"Ah... yes, yes, I'm going back soon!"

Kushina looked up at the setting sun, she also knew that it was getting late, and Mito-sama should be anxious.

"Liuyun, Lord Orochimaru, I'll go first..."

Kushina looked at Liuyun with a blushing face, and then waved goodbye to the two of them.

"Yeah, you go, I want to go home too! "Liu Yun smiled.

The two watched Kushina's back as she left, but neither of them left immediately.

"What's your name?"

"Speaking of you, silly boy, my name is Uchiha Liu Yun!"

Liu Yun bowed his head, trying not to look at Orochimaru's cold snake eyes.

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