Soon, what happened in the Ninja School reached the ears of the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen.

To everyone's surprise, this busy Hokage actually took time out to come to the school to deal with the matter in person.

This also reflects from the side that Sarutobi Hiruzen attaches great importance to this incident and also attaches great importance to Uzumaki Kushina's 'Nine-tailed Container'.

Want to shoot the future Nine-tailed Jinchūriki? Was this unintentional by Uchiha Kazuhiko? Or was he instructed by someone? He must investigate the ins and outs of the matter!

Of course, he is the principal of the Ninja School, and he is actually very concerned about the children in the school.

After some interviews and investigations, Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly understood the general cause and course of events.

To put it bluntly, this was an internal fight among the children of the Uchiha clan.

However, the only thing that deserved his attention was that Uchiha Kazuhiko used weapons without authorization.

"Are you sure that Uchiha Kazuhiko shot the kunai at Kushina's throat?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Liuyun and asked seriously.

"Yes, I'm sure." Liuyun answered with a firm look in his eyes.

In fact, Liuyun couldn't be sure whether it was the throat or the shoulders, but since others had used the "knife", he would not be merciful and leave the enemy a "way to live" and "room".

If it weren't for his own weakness and too many limitations, Liuyun would have wanted to shout: "This boy must not be kept"...

"According to the flight path of the kunai, Liuyun's height, his action of raising his hand to grab the kunai, and the testimony of the witnesses present, it can be basically confirmed that his words are probably correct..."

A ninja with professional criminal investigation ability made an analysis based on the intelligence.

"Send the child back to the Uchiha clan, and then find a time to handle the withdrawal procedures for him."

"By the way, tell the Uchiha clan to strengthen the ideological education and supervision of their children. Ninja schools don't teach skills to deal with their own people."

Sarutobi Hiruzen made the final decision.

This statement shocked many teachers, and even Liuyun himself was a little frightened.

This third generation Hokage acted too vigorously. For elementary school students, this punishment is a bit too heavy!

Is he trying to use this incident to hit the Uchiha clan? Or was he really angry because Kushina was in danger?

Or did he simply want to use this incident to "kill one to warn the rest" to warn other students in the ninja school? Or was it because Uchiha Kazuhiko was too vicious and unsuitable to be a ninja?

Liuyun couldn't tell the exact reason.

'Shouldn't the Third Hokage be a kind leader in my impression? How...'

Liuyun was shocked, but he didn't dare to look at him directly, fearing that he would be seen through.

'Maybe it's because he's young...'

The Third Hokage now is not the kind old man who is dying. Liuyun feels that he can't judge his character and thoughts based on the original work...

'Maybe Sarutobi Hiruzen himself is not kind. He only shows his kind side when facing those who have great influence...'

Liuyun's mind was as fast as lightning, and he thought of a lot in just a few minutes.

"Uchiha Liuyun, you hit your classmate because of a verbal abuse... Do you know you are wrong?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke in a deep voice, his tone was neither hurried nor slow, but there was a great majesty that made Liuyun breathe fast.

It is understandable to hit someone because of a word "little bastard". If he hits lightly, others may even support him.

But if he hits hard, it cannot be condoned.

"I know I was wrong..."

Liuyun bowed his head at the right time. Even if he felt that he was not wrong, he had to pretend to be a coward and admit his mistake at this moment.

"Since you disregarded your own safety and protected your companions from danger, I will not pursue your fault for the time being."

"Study hard in the future and don't cause any more trouble!"

For Liuyun's fault, Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to let it go. Compared with the previous punishment for Uchiha Kazuhiko, this is clearly another attitude!

This attitude is the "kindness" of the third generation old man in Liuyun's impression when he read the original work.

There are two main reasons why Sarutobi Hiruzen spared Ryuyun.

First, it was because of Ryuyun's father, Uchiha Mamoru.

Uchiha Mamoru was a martyr who died on the battlefield. Sarutobi Hiruzen usually showed mercy to the widow and offspring of the hero.

Second, it was because Uchiha Ryuyun knew how to cherish his companions and even protected them at the cost of injury. Such a person is most suitable for

The "Will of Fire" is suitable for inheriting.

This kind of talent is worthy of Konoha's vigorous cultivation. Sarutobi Hiruzen is very optimistic about young people with a "spirit of sacrifice".

Back then, he relied on the spirit of sacrifice and took the initiative to offer to cover his companions when he encountered a major crisis, which successfully won the position of Hokage.

"Your father, Uchiha Mamoru, is an outstanding ninja. He is brave and fearless on the battlefield..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen began a more than ten-minute ideological education. Liuyun listened very "seriously", and his face showed a look of weakness from time to time.

"I hope you can study hard, inherit his "Will of Fire" in the future, and become a useful person to Konoha..."

Facing Sarutobi Hiruzen's "brainwashing", Liuyun behaved very obediently, nodding when he should nod, crying when he should cry, and even if he couldn't cry, he had to look sad.

Overall, Sarutobi Hiruzen was very satisfied and generously forgave Liuyun's mistakes, even letting Kushina knock someone unconscious.

The unlucky ones are the ones who started the trouble, especially Uchiha Kazuhiko, who not only got beaten up twice, but also couldn't be a Konoha ninja anymore.

Because he was expelled from school, he couldn't get a Konoha forehead protector. Without a forehead protector, he couldn't be considered a registered ninja, let alone join the Konoha Guard.

In the future, he might only be able to stay in the Uchiha clan and become a private soldier of an elder's family.

Class was in progress in the classroom. As soon as Liuyun returned to his seat, Kushina handed him a small note in a hurry.

"How is it? Did the Hokage embarrass you?" The words were full of concern.

"No, this matter has been resolved satisfactorily!"

"That's good."

"Why are your eyes red? And you're sniffing all the time? You've been crying, right?" Kushina's eyes were full of curiosity.

"You're too immersed in the role, just let me take a break..."

"What do you mean?"



Inside the Uchiha clan.

When Uchiha Dou, a jonin, received the news that his son was injured and expelled from school, he could no longer care about his duty in the security team. He rushed back home in panic.

After finding out the whole story, Uchiha Dou was so angry that he almost lost his mind.

His son had two teeth knocked out, was kicked in the nose and bled, and was shot in the thigh with a kunai. As a result, the attacker not only got away with it, but also expelled the victim on the spot!

"This is outrageous! Don't be afraid, son, Dad will definitely take care of it for you."

When Uchiha Dou was angry, even the three-magatama Sharingan appeared unconsciously.

He suppressed his anger and comforted the crying Uchiha Kazuhiko, and then angrily wanted to go directly to the Third Hokage to argue.

But as soon as he stepped out of the house, he changed his mind and did not go to the Hokage Building, but went back to the Konoha Security Department.

He wanted to use the power of his family to put pressure on the Third Hokage. Only in this way could he make the Hokage compromise and let his son return to school. It was impossible for him to accomplish this alone.

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