Naruto: Start by eating the golden fruit

Chapter 78 The second generation of Kazekage, Samana

Yuya was a little confused after knowing that the second generation Kazekage was so upright and was planning to come to Konoha directly.

Is this big brother so brave?

Aren't you afraid that Konoha and Kawa no Kuni will plot against him?

Well, it's impossible for Yuya to do this kind of thing.


You also have to seize the time to clean up the guest house that Konoha specially prepared for guests.

Naturally, the second-generation Kazekage had nothing to do and went to Konoha specifically to negotiate peace with Kawanoguni.

He also has a greater purpose.

That is to see what is going on with Konoha's current development. These policies and development routes that Youya implemented in Konoha Village were more or less reported to other villages.

But compared to the people they sent to praise Konoha in letters, they still have to see it with their own eyes in order to feel confident.

And there is another reason...

Just look at how big Konoha is now in terms of armaments.

After attending the first meeting of the Five Kages with the first Kazekage, the second Kazekage met the man who ended the war in the ninja world and became the strongest man in the ninja world, Senju Hashirama.

From that moment on, the First Kazekage formulated the national policy of strengthening the army.

You can't believe Konoha's so-called peace. Peace can be guaranteed when Senju Hashirama is here. What if he is dead?

Konoha is so powerful that it must be prepared for the possibility of Konoha launching troops against Sunagakure Village.

Since then, the martial arts style of Sand Hidden Village has been obvious, and the second generation has also been committed to improving the puppet technique and using the landform environment of Sand Hidden Village for positional defense.

Yes, who would have thought that the original goal of the Sunagakure Village who would think about attacking Konoha would be to prevent Konoha from attacking him.

So the third generation, the third generation, cannot be soft to the outside world...

In order to explore the current situation of Konoha and Konoha's military strength, and to understand the gap between the two sides, the second generation Kazekage came.

There are not many people with the second generation Kazekage. This is normal. After all, this is Konoha. If I really want to say...

In fact, he was mentally prepared that he would not be able to go back.

But he must get Konoha's information, no matter what means he uses.

Although the second-generation Kazekage, who has a tattoo on his head but is mostly covered by Kazekage's hat, with only one eye's dragon claw exposed, looks like a social worker, you can tell from the things he does that this person is not as good as him. His appearance is so mindless.

On the contrary, he is a very smart shadow who can judge the situation very far.

However, there are some things where being brainless is actually a good thing.

When the second-generation Kazekage, his two personal guards, business representatives from Sunagakure Village, and family representatives arrived at the area of ​​Konoha Village, they saw three ninja teams approaching:

"They must be Kazekage-dono and his party from Sunagakure Village."

This sentence is nonsense. The word "风" is clearly displayed on the hat worn by the Second Kazekage Samana.

The Konoha team said he was here to greet him.

The monk said calmly that it was okay.

The small team of ninjas took Samana ten kilometers in and then changed teams.

Seeing the other party's skillful operation and the scene where the two exchanged secret signals, Shamen closed his eyes.

Anyone with any brains would know that this code changes every day.

And how many ninjas are there outside Konoha Village?

Samana didn't know the details, but he closed his eyes and sensed it for a while, and then he sensed no less than five teams of ninjas.

Even excluding the fact that he, the Kazekage, came over to upgrade the defense, including the two teams in front of him, there should usually be at least three teams of ninjas patrolling within a radius of 20 kilometers. It is more likely that these seven pairs of ninjas usually have this organization.

With this kind of guarantee, Samana knew that the sneak attack and beheading plan could not succeed.

Samana remained calm, as if he didn't notice anything, and followed the Konoha ninja towards Konoha.

The ninjas changed three times along the way, which further confirmed Shamen's usual suspicion.

After arriving at the Konoha Village, the ninja responsible for leading the Kazekage and his party handed the Samana to a guide sent by the Hokage's office who had the word "Konoha" engraved on the border.

The guide shook hands with the Kazekage and made a respectful gesture of invitation, and the group crossed the boundary marker and arrived in Konoha.

Samana was a little curious. There were some buildings in the distance and many construction sites under construction. He looked at the guide doubtfully: "Is this the outer city of Konoha?"

The guide nodded: "Yes, Lord Kazekage, this is the outer city of Konoha."

Samana nodded, but thoughts were running through her mind.

Konoha's outer city...

It doesn't look that good either. The difference from their Sand Hidden Village is probably that one is made of sand and the other is made of dirt.

However, after walking around a corner, what was originally a dirt road suddenly turned into a flat concrete floor. There was no difference between the buildings on both sides. They were all very conventional two-story building templates, and they looked like copy and paste.

Samana looked at the guide: "Are these houses...lived by the villagers of Konoha?"

The guide looked at Samana in confusion and shook his head: "No, strictly speaking, these are not people from Konoha. They do not have Konoha identity documents. They are just refugees who came to Konoha."

The Samana became interested and asked, "Proof of identity?"

The guide's face became even more confused, and a smile appeared on the ferocious face of the monk: "If you don't want to answer, you don't have to answer."

The Samana's appearance is not only kind-hearted, but also ferocious and terrifying.

This smile almost made the guide jump up.

Fortunately, this guide was also sent by Youya to pick up people, so his psychological quality would not be so fragile.


"The agent has said that I can answer your questions as long as they don't involve Konoha secrets." The guide said this and continued to lead the way:

"Refugees from other places with Konoha's identity certificate cannot apply immediately. They can only apply after staying in Konoha for five years."

Of course, there is another type who is a ninja and then works for Konoha. After being reviewed, you can be given an identity certificate that gives you the right to live in the inner city of Konoha.

However, this is not the review process of the Hokage's office. It has to be reported directly to Senju Tobirama to decide whether to agree or not. Naturally, the guide will not tell this.

Samana nodded, so...

In fact, this place in the outer city is prepared for refugees...

There is really no need to put effort into building these buildings. You just need to copy and paste a batch of buildings that are barely suitable for people to live in.

Samana suddenly saw a building and curiously pointed to the building with a man and a woman painted on the door: "What is that?"

"Public restroom."

The guide explained.

Samana nodded. They also had one in Sand Hidden Village, but not in this style.

Afterwards, Samana was taken to the gate of Konoha by the guide.

But just standing at the gate, looking inside is only separated by a wall, one floor is covered with flat blue bricks, and the other floor is a smooth and flat cement road...

There is no doubt that Qingzhuan Road is more stylish.

Not to mention...

Those high-rise buildings that continue continuously until the line of sight is blocked...

Samana sighed inwardly.

He knew it just by looking at it.

This inner city is so much higher than the outer city...

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