Naruto: Six Paths of the Senju Family

Chapter 265 The Resurrected Five Tails

As the last hand seal in Xuan Weng's hand was formed, the dozens of psychic puppets thrown by the demolition troops suddenly underwent huge changes.

The psychic circle carved on the puppet in advance was instantly lit up with chakra, and dozens of detonating talismans were instantly channeled.

As the flames rose from the sea of ​​​​fire on the ground, the detonating talisman that was channeled was ignited, and at the same time, the small psychic circle depicted on it was also instantly activated.

In an instant, small clouds of smoke generated by the psychic technique rose continuously from the center of the battlefield. Under the gaze of the ninjas on both sides, each detonating talisman emitted a dazzling light, one turned into two, two turned into four, and four turned into eight.

Seemingly endless, in just the blink of an eye, the battlefield ignited by Meltdown turned into a sea of ​​detonating symbols.

The next moment, flames soaring into the sky accompanied by deafening explosions resounded throughout the border battlefield of Tang Country. Those believers of the Evil God Cult who claimed to have immortal bodies were completely transformed in the explosion before they could even rush out of the sea of ​​​​fire. The residue was removed and then evaporated completely by the scorching high temperature.

Except for Bu Feng, who was truly immortal to a certain extent, dragging his body that was blown into two pieces and escaping back to the Shell organization's camp, no trace of life could be found on the battlefield.

Putting aside what happened on the flanks of the battlefield, the battle on the frontal battlefield became increasingly fierce.

As soon as the three tribes of Pig, Deer and Die joined the battlefield, they all showed off their special skills.

"Secret Technique - Shadow Manipulation!"

"Secret Technique - The Art of Mental Confusion and Martial Arts!"

A series of secret techniques were used, and the transformed puppet army that was killing the parasites of the Aburame clan suddenly fell into chaos.

Even though they were transformed into human puppets by the technological means of the Otsutsuki clan, these transformed people still retained part of their human thoughts.

Therefore, under the interference of the large-scale spiritual secrets jointly released by the clans in the mountains, they suddenly turned into a group of headless flies and began to attack everything around them indiscriminately.

Even though some of the reformers with tough minds and powerful souls were immune to the Shanzhong clan's chaotic martial arts by virtue of their strength, the shadow manipulation techniques that followed caught them off guard.

After the two secret techniques were completed, the group of giants from the Akidao clan immediately began to harvest.

"Secret Technique - The Technique of Super Doubling!"

"Secret Technique - Partial Doubling Technique!"

A group of people were either waving weapons that were so thick that they were frightening, or they were inciting huge palms like mountains, or they were raising terrifying soles that even blocked the sunlight.

This group of giants who were tens of feet tall were like tigers entering a herd of sheep. In an instant, they destroyed the maze of earth walls rising in the center of the battlefield. They also trampled the traitors of the ninja world who had been transformed into puppets into pieces, and the flesh and blood parts were integrated into it. The land of the ninja world.

In just a few battles, under the prophet-like command of Senju Tobirama, the allied ninja forces destroyed nearly 2,000 members of the Shell organization without sacrificing any casualties to their own ninjas.

Senju Tobirama, who was at the rear command post, knew everything that happened on the battlefield through Yamanaka Ryo's description. Seeing that the ninja alliance had won consecutive battles, and was about to take advantage of this momentum to order a general attack, Yamanaka Ryo, who had been watching the battlefield with his mind-reading skills, suddenly changed his expression and exclaimed:

"Second Generation Master, something is wrong!"

"Suddenly, a violent chakra fluctuation began to appear in the sky above the battlefield. It seemed that something was about to appear!"


"This feeling is unmistakable! Lord Hokage once introduced me to the general process of the tailed beast's recovery."

"The atmosphere is full of evil and killing. It should be that King Mu of the Five Tails is about to revive!"

Senshou Tobirama's eyes narrowed and he slammed the table angrily.

"Damn it, why is it at this time!"

"If it's later, with this morale, the rabble like the Shell organization won't be able to hold on for long!"

Qian Shu Feijian paced back and forth irritably, gritted his teeth and said:

"Inform eldest brother and Uchiha Madara to withdraw all coalition forces."

"Let the two of them be more vigilant and beware of the appearance of the two inner members of the Shell organization!"


Shan Zhongyuan also looked solemn, responded in a deep voice, and immediately conveyed the order.

Uchiha Madara, who was on the battlefield, also noticed the sudden changes in the sky above the battlefield. When he was secretly wondering where he had seen this familiar chakra, the command from Yamanaka Haruka suddenly came to his ears.

"First Lord, Madara-sama, and Tobirama-sama have ordered the coalition forces to withdraw to their headquarters immediately. The Five-Tails is about to revive!"

"You two, be careful of the two inner members of the Shell Organization. Don't let the Five-Tails' chakra fall into their hands!"

"Otherwise, once the Ten-Tails revives, all our efforts will be in vain!"

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama looked at each other, with a wanton smile on their lips, and casually crushed the headsets.

"Hashirama, it's our turn, are you ready?"

Senju Hashirama nodded solemnly and also turned off the headset.

"Just follow the rope tree's instructions in advance and let them get part of the Five-Tails' chakra!"

"The rest is up to you!"

The smile on Uchiha Madara's face became more and more unrestrained, he laughed loudly, and jumped down from the tree stump.

"Ninja Alliance, retreat immediately!"

"Leave the rest of the battle to us!"

Long before the expedition, under the deliberate instructions of the rope tree, all the ninja coalition forces only needed to remember four words in their hearts - orders and prohibitions!

Upon hearing the commander's order, the coalition ninjas who were about to pursue the victory stopped immediately and withdrew their formation without hesitation.

They knew that the battle that truly determined the fate of the ninja world had just begun.

The battle that followed was really not something ordinary ninjas like them could participate in.

Under Fudo's astonished gaze, the ninja coalition forces, who had been so full of momentum just now and wanted to rush into their own position, now quickly withdrew like a frightened bird.

While he was doubting, a high-pitched roar suddenly came from above the battlefield. That voice had a hint of violence in Qingyue's excitement, as if an ancient ferocious beast had revived. With just one roar, it completely suppressed all the sounds on the battlefield.

After a roar, the chakra overflowing from the dead ninjas on the battlefield seemed to be attracted by an inexplicable force. Under the gaze of tens of thousands of people, it slowly condensed into clusters of chakra visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, a second roar came from the sky above the battlefield. Those condensed chakra groups seemed to be summoned, like the Milky Way rewinding, drawing more than a thousand gorgeous meteors on the battlefield, and gathering in the mid-air.

A third roar followed soon after, with a hint of obvious excitement in the voice. As this roar fell, it has been lingering over the country of Yu for the past two years. The resentment and chakra of the sacrificed ninjas seemed to have found their final destination, flying over the battlefield like a baby swallow returning to its nest. .

After the arrival of this batch of chakra light groups, it seemed that quantitative changes led to qualitative changes. That massive amount of chakra and resentment began to condense crazily in an instant.

In just a moment, a giant beast with a head like a dolphin and four horns of different lengths appeared on the battlefield. It had a body like a horse and was covered with a layer of white and smooth hair.

As soon as the giant beast took shape, it raised its head and let out a hearty roar. The four hooves were beating, and under the support of chakra, they slowly landed on the ground of the battlefield.

Looking at the densely packed ninjas around, the giant beast seemed to have no trace of fear. It let out a high-pitched roar at these ant-like humans, and the terrifying pressure suddenly swept across the entire place.

After two years of silence, King Wu Tai Mu finally came to life at this moment.

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