Naruto: Six Paths of the Senju Family

Chapter 222 Tailed Beast Division Plan


One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

As soon as Naoki's words came out, except for Kyuubi, whose expression suddenly became solemn, the other tailed beasts immediately started shouting excitedly.

"Are you kidding me?"

"With Uncle Shukaku's strength, who else can threaten me?"

"You, a human, don't know where you got the news from. You have been with the smelly fox for a long time, and you have learned all the tricks it used to scare tailed beasts when it was a child?"

"I'm telling you, Uncle Shukaku won't do this to you!"

Shukaku crossed his arms proudly, seemingly talking about the rope tree, but his little eyes were always fixed on Kyuubi.

With Shukaku as his thorn in the side, the other tailed beasts immediately agreed.

Although the tone is not as sharp as Shukaku's, the content is similar. It's nothing more than saying that the tailed beast cannot be killed unless it is sealed.

Faced with the doubts of the tailed beasts, Kyuubi, who knew the rope tree very well, knew that the rope tree had never been the kind of person to talk big. The huge figure stretched forward slightly, and the Nine Tails bared its teeth at the noisy tailed beasts, and the space was suddenly filled with terrifying chakra.

"Shut up!"

"None of you idiots can make me worry!"

"Shengshu is not the kind of person to make alarmist remarks. Wait until I ask for clarification!"

Like a biting cold wind blowing by, all the tailed beasts were immediately frightened by the majesty of Big Brother and hurriedly closed their mouths.

Even Shukaku, who had been clamoring to challenge Kurama's jinchūriki in a duel, shrank his neck and remained silent after learning that Kurama was now free.

The active natured Youlu was so frightened that he jumped up at the roar of the Nine Lama, and tightly grasped the top of Niu Gui's head with his limbs. No matter how much the Eight Tails shook his head, he refused to come down.

The Nine Lamas looked at the performance of the younger brothers and sisters, and immediately nodded with satisfaction at the majesty of their big brother.

"Humph! If only it had been like this!"


"Sun Wukong, where is King Mu?"

"Isn't he a tailed beast from Iwagakure Village like you? Why didn't he come with you?"

Kyuubi was like managing the tailed beasts for the Sage of Six Paths when he was a child. After scolding him, he counted the number of people as usual, and suddenly found that there were only eight tailed beasts present, and the only missing one was the five-tailed King Mu.

The Four-Tails have been busy lately transforming Yahiko's physique, sending molten chakra into Yahiko's body day and night, causing the current Four-Tails to look a little sluggish.

Hearing this, he raised his eyelids, glanced at the rope tree standing beside him, and replied dully:

"On the battlefield in the Hidden Rain Village, King Mu and his jinchuriki forcibly entered the complete body-tailed beast transformation."

"Later he was killed by another disciple of Master Shengshu using the Earth Explosion Star."

"If you want to see it, I'm afraid you have to wait a few years!"

Kyuubi was stunned and nodded sadly.

"I see!"

"Forcing the tailed beast to transform into a complete body will cause the tailed beast to be affected by the jinchūriki's chaotic mind and make some irrational actions."

"It's understandable that I was killed by that little guy Nagato!"

"It's just a pity."

"King Mu will have to sleep for several more years before he can gather his body again."

Nao Shu also just learned that a tailed beast had died, and the sense of urgency in his heart suddenly disappeared. After thinking for a while, he asked Kyuubi seriously:

"Nine Lama, if the tailed beast dies, how long will it take to resurrect it?"

"This is related to how long you can live a peaceful life in the ninja world. This time is very important!"

Seeing the seriousness of Naoki's attitude, Kyuubi thought seriously for a moment.

"When the old man of Six Paths distributed chakra, nine tailed beasts with different numbers of tails were derived according to the amount of chakra in the tailed beast."

"Depending on the number of tails, the amount of chakra required for resurrection after death is also different."

"Although there have been no examples of tailed beasts being killed before, judging from the number of tails."

"With each additional tail, the time required for resurrection will increase by half a year to a year."

"For example, Shukaku, if this guy is killed, it will take about a year to reassemble his body."

"By analogy, it will take about three years for King Mu of the Five Tails to be resurrected."


Shengshu was stunned and said doubtfully:

"But what?"

Jiu Lama shook his head and sighed.

"Tailed beasts are, after all, the product of chakra condensation, and after a ninja dies, a large amount of chakra will escape from his body."

"If a large number of ninjas suddenly die in certain places, the dead tailed beasts will be attracted to those battlefields that contain a lot of chakra and resentment."

"In this case, the time for the tailed beast to resurrect will be further shortened."

Naoshu nodded clearly.

"I see."

"From this point on, the Third Ninja War must end as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Naoshu no longer delayed and told all the tailed beasts everything that had happened recently.

"That's what's happening now!"

"The body of the Ten-Tails has been taken away by the strong men of the Otsutsuki clan. Their next plan must be to capture you one by one from One-Tail to Nine-Tails."

"Use your chakra to revive the Ten-Tails and release Kaguya Otsutsuki sealed inside the moon."

"Honestly, except for the Nine Lamas who are staying by my side, I can't guarantee the safety of your other tailed beasts."

"The ninja world is too big, and your locations are too scattered."

"With my current strength, it is impossible for me to rush to support you as soon as you are attacked by Otsutsuki I-style, so."

"You must be extremely careful in your future actions!"

"You should know what the result will be after being fused into the Ten-Tails' body, right?"

As Nao Shu placed this cruel truth in front of them, all the tailed beasts suddenly fell into silence. As aggregation of chakra, although they cannot be killed by normal means, this does not include being absorbed by the Ten-Tails.

As an old fox, the Nine-Tails had stayed with the rope tree for many years. After pondering for a while, he suddenly had an idea about the current situation that was not too friendly to other tailed beasts.

"If that's the case, why not everyone come to Konoha!"

"As long as the rope tree exists, the so-called Otsutsuki Iski will never have a chance to attack you."

Upon hearing Kurama's suggestion, Nanao Shigeaki and Sanbi Isoho, who currently have no jinchūriki, suddenly brightened up and couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

"It doesn't matter to us, we are all in a state of idleness now anyway."

"As long as Naoki-kun can bring us to Konoha smoothly, we have no objection."

"If I can be with Nine Lamas, I will feel much safer!"

Nanao Shigeaki couldn't bear his lively temper and expressed his opinions on behalf of Sanbi and Vulpix first. Isofu and Rhinoceros understood Nanao's character, and the current situation did not allow them to have too many choices, so they just nodded in agreement.

The remaining tailed beasts sealed within the jinchuriki looked at each other and frowned in unison. In the end, Shukaku Ichibi, who had always been carefree, took the lead and said:

"It's not that we are against the stinky fox's suggestion, it's just that we are all in the jinchuriki's body now."

"To be honest, although the old monk Fenfu is a bit annoying, Uncle Shukaku still recognizes his character."

"If you leave Fenfu's body"

Hearing Shukaku's concern, Matabusa and Ushiuki nodded slowly.


"That little girl Yukito is different from other Jinchuuriki. Although she is still very young, she has become an inseparable part of my life."

"If the Yumu people died innocently because of fear of death."

Eight-tails, who had been silent until now, couldn't help but speak up and said good things for Kirabi.

"Shukaku and Matata are right!"

"Although we are sealed in the Jinchuriki's body, there are still differences between the Jinchuriki."

"Although that kid Kirabi is very... different!"

"But he has always regarded me as a friend. If Kirabi dies because of my leaving, I will feel a little unhappy!"

After listening to the words of all the younger brothers and sisters, the Nine Lamas nodded calmly.

"I know your worries."


Kyuubi said this and turned his attention to the rope tree.

"Rose Tree, you didn't throw away the method you used to divide me, right?"

Shengshu instantly understood Jiulama's plan, showed him two rows of shining teeth, and said jokingly:


"Nine Lama, do you want to experience it again?"

Kyuubi suddenly shivered and shook his head hurriedly.

"No, no!"

"One time is enough for me to remember for a lifetime!"

"What I mean is that you take the time to make more trips and separate half of the origins of these guys who are reluctant to leave the Jinchuuriki."

"Although it will have some impact on their strength, it is still much better than being absorbed by the Ten-Tails."

"Moreover, as long as the original chakra exists, their strength will always recover one day."

"As for the part of the power left in the Jinchūriki's body, even if it is taken away by Otsutsuki Iski, with those incomplete chakras, the resurrected Ten-Tails should not be your opponent."

"Those Jinchuuriki, just let them wish for themselves!"

Naturally, Naoshu would not reject Nine Lama's very reasonable proposal. He nodded and told the tailed beasts what happened when the Nine Tails were divided.

After hearing what happened to the Nine-Tails back then, all the tailed beasts cast admiring glances at this heroic big brother. He can withstand the pain of splitting his soul, and he is worthy of being a Kyuubi!

Although they understood the pain that Kyuubi endured back then, for the sake of their lives, the tailed beasts discussed for a while and simply agreed on the method of dividing their power into half.

Seeing that the tailed beasts had reached a consensus, Naoshu nodded happily.

"In this case, the purpose of today's meeting has been achieved. I will stop the war in the ninja world as soon as possible and head to your location as quickly as possible."

"I hope that when the time comes, no one will shrink back because of fear of pain!"

Shukaku looked deeply at Jiu Lama and snorted disdainfully:

"Are you kidding me?"

"You have even stayed in the dark sealed space for so many years. Would Mr. Shukaku be afraid of pain?"

"I heard that the Third Kazekage of Sunagakure Village is ready to surrender to Konoha. If nothing else happens, the war between Konoha and Sunagakure will soon end."

"I'm waiting for you in Sand Hidden Village. Don't keep me waiting for too long!"

After Shukaku finished speaking, the soul projection slowly disappeared from this space.

Naoki and Kyuubi looked at each other and made a decision in unison.

The first stop to separate the tailed beasts is Sunagakure.

"Hey Hey!"

"This dead civet cat really doesn't know how high the sky is! I hope he can still be as tough-talking as he is now!"

The tailed beasts who were watching could not help but shrink their necks when they heard the sinister laughter coming from the Nine Lamas.

"Does it really hurt that much?"

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