A tired smile appeared on Yahiko's face, and he used his last strength to raise his hand to stroke Nagato's messy red hair.

"Protect Xiaonan..."

"Live well...live..."

"I'm...a little tired..."

The voice became weaker and weaker, the look in Yahiko's eyes gradually faded, and the hand on Nagato's head dropped weakly.


Konan let out a heartbreaking cry and hugged Yahiko tightly in her arms.

Nagato stared blankly at Yahiko, who had no strength to even open his eyes, and murmured:

"The Samsara Eye has the power of heretics and can use the power of heretics' demons to resurrect the dead!"

"Yahiko, please sleep for a while!"

"I'll come back and resurrect you after I take care of that flaming gorilla!"

Nagato gently put Yahiko's hand back on his chest, stood up and looked at the four tails who were accumulating Tailed Beast Jade in their mouths, the killing intent in their eyes almost turned into reality.

"Psychic - Heretic Golem!"

The ground suddenly trembled violently, and a huge pale hand, like it was protruding from hell, pierced the ground and appeared behind Nagato.

As soon as the palm appeared, it brought out a whine of air tearing and slapped the ground hard. The wooden muscles on the arm were knotted and pressed hard on the ground.

"Rumble" There was a loud sound like a mountain falling and the earth was cracking, and a figure that covered the sky and the sun suddenly broke out of the ground.

at the same time.

In the dark space below the mountain cemetery, the old-looking Madara Uchiha opened his eyes. The dark cave seemed to become a little brighter because of those scarlet eyes.

Seeing that the place where the Ten-Tails body was placed had become empty, the corners of Uchiha Madara's mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.


"Nagato, this kid is so capable!"

"It only took a few years to be able to channel the heretic demon?"

"It seems that Hei Jue's operation this time should be successful!"


"The next step is to wait for Black Zetsu to continue to guide Nagato on that path!"

"Don't let me down."

On the border of the Kingdom of Earth, there is a scorching battlefield filled with magma.

I saw that the psychic beast called the Heretic Golem grew like a tree, with nine branches that were cut off by the roots above its arms where the head should be. On one of the branches that looks like a head, bandages of unknown material cover the face, making it difficult to see the true appearance.

The heretic demon opened its huge mouth and let out a thunderous roar at the Nagato in front of it. A spike suddenly protruded from the body of the heretic demon, quickly split into a dense mass of black tentacles, and accurately penetrated the chakra nodes everywhere on Nagato's body.

The pain caused by his chakra meridian being pierced made Nagato's eyes widen, his mouth opened to the limit, and he let out a silent wail.

After the black tentacles penetrated Nagato's body, they were like the most greedy demon, frantically plundering the life energy in Nagato's body. Almost in the blink of an eye, Nagato's red hair, which symbolized the powerful vitality of the Uzumaki clan, was dyed a hint of snow-white.

Nagato gradually endured the pain in his body and felt the new power of the Six Paths instilled into his mind from the demon statue of the outside world. The expression on his face gradually became crazy, making his originally delicate face become extremely ferocious.

"I feel it now!"

"This pain! This power!"

"Is this the power of outsiders and outsiders?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Yahiko! Wait for me!"

The Four Tails, who were brewing the Tailed Beast Jade in the distance, looked at the heretic demon statue that appeared in front of them, and a fear originated from the depths of their souls.

Faced with the sense of crisis that seemed to deprive him of his life in an instant, the four tails instinctively shot the tailed beast jade that had not yet completely condensed towards the outside demon statue.


The tailed beast jade caused a blast that pierced the air, and instantly traveled through space and appeared in front of the outer demon statue.

The ferocious-looking heretic demon let out a wild roar, raised its huge palm instinctively, and slapped the tailed beast jade, which represented the tailed beast's strongest attack, away with a slap.


The Tailed Beast Jade crashed into a hill in the distance, and an earth-shattering explosion suddenly erupted, razing the hill to the ground.

"not good!"

"It's Tailed Beast Jade!"

"Nagato and the others may have encountered Iwagakure's jinchūriki!"

Rooshu, who was following the traces left by several people, saw the huge mushroom cloud rising in the distance, and his expression suddenly changed.


Naoki let out a low drink, and the kaleidoscope power in his eyes instantly surged out, and the complete Susanoo quickly condensed outside his body. Naoki didn't hesitate anymore, Susanoo flapped his wings behind his back and rushed forward with lightning speed.

Nagato looked at the tailed beast that was easily knocked away, and let out a burst of crazy laughter. The life energy in his body was actively driven by him, and was continuously sent to the heretic demon behind him.

Looking fiercely at the four tails in front of him, Nagato's body trembled, he made a hand seal in his hand, and let out a hysterical roar.


"The nine seals of the magic dragon are over!"

After receiving Nagato's order, the heretic demon's body, which should have been lifeless, spontaneously brewed a ball of terrifying chakra in its mouth.

Chakra slowly rotated in the mouth of the outer demon statue, gradually forming nine transparent dragons.

The nine giant dragons circled twice in the mouth of the outer demon statue, slowly poked their heads out, and let out a high-pitched dragon roar.


The rope tree flying in the sky heard the dragon's roar, and his expression darkened. Fanning his wings vigorously, Susanoo's speed suddenly increased. The tall figure of the outside demon and the four tails were already in sight in the distance.

Naoshu gritted his teeth and cursed secretly.

"Damn it, Nagato met the Four-Tailed Jinchuuriki Lao Murasaki!"

"With Nagato's current strength, there wouldn't be much of a problem if he simply channeled the heretic demon."

"But if you use this move now when facing the Jinchūriki in the form of a tailed beast, you must be forced into a desperate situation!"

"Nagato, hold on, don't use the heretic demon to release the Nine Sealed Phantom Dragons!"

At this time, Nagato could not hear the inner call of the rope tree. He controlled the nine chakra dragons in the mouth of the heretic demon and slowly swam out half of the dragon body.

Nagato's face hardened, and the life force in his body surged out. When the body of the nine chakra dragons stretched out again, the red hair on the back of Nagato's head instantly turned white.

As the dragon's body protruded, a pressure that made people's souls tremble instantly swept across the entire place.

Shengshu sensed this power fluctuation from a distance, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he let out a loud shout:

"Nagato, stop it!"

Blessed by the powerful chakra of the rope tree, the sound turned into a rumbling sound and reached Nagato's ears. Nagato paused with a crazy look on his face, and looked up at the sky in surprise.

A blue chakra giant, holding a divine sword and wings on its back, was flying towards him at an extremely fast speed.


Nagato murmured in confusion, and then a surge of ecstasy suddenly emerged in his heart.

"Yahiko is saved!"

A pool of black liquid was hiding in the dark and watching Nagato. When he saw the complete Susanoo flying from the sky, his pair of amber eyes suddenly flashed with anger, and he let out a furious roar in his heart.

"Complete Susanoo?"

"He's a descendant of that Senju Hashirama! How come he has the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan?"

"Damn! This guy has only been hiding in Konoha for four years. How did he grow up so fast?"

"Now we're in trouble!"

"With this guy here, how should I guide Nagato to implement Eye of the Moon's plan?"

"The descendants of Asura still annoy me as always!"

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