Naruto: Six Paths of the Senju Family

Chapter 154 Transformation into a Dragon

Shengshu was slightly startled when he saw Xinya's movements. When he was confused, Xinya's words came into his ears, and Shengshu's outstretched hand suddenly froze in mid-air.

Jiuwei stood up from Naoshu's shoulders and looked at Xing Ya in disbelief.


"Xinya, are you crazy?"

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I ran from Konoha to Ryuji Cave with Nao Shu. How much effort did it take for me to help you kill that old white snake?"

"You actually said you want to terminate the contract with this kid now?"

Xin Ya shook his head and looked at Naoshu and Jiuwei with guilt in his eyes.


"I know you have sacrificed a lot for me!"


"After this battle, I suddenly figured out something."

Xing Ya paused and looked at the rope tree seriously.

"My strength can no longer keep up with your pace!"

"Nine Lamas..."

"It's a better partner for you than me!"

Sheng Shu looked at Xin Ya's complicated eyes, and a sudden smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"I understand what you mean!"

"Xinya, come!"

Roe Tree took a step forward and stretched out his palm again.

Xinya looked at the smile on Shengshu's face, with a look of relief in his eyes. He sighed secretly, closed his eyes gently and touched the palm of the rope tree.

Pressing his palm on Xinya's scales, he felt a cool touch. Shengshu smiled slightly and transmitted the secret technique of dragon transformation into Xin Ya's mind through the soul link.

Xin Ya was shaken all over and opened his eyes tremblingly.


"The secret technique of transforming into a dragon?"

Sheng Shu reached out and rubbed Xin Ya's scales, looking at the shocked Xin Ya with a smile from the corner of his eyes.

"What now?"

"Do you still want to terminate the contract?"

Xinya looked at the smiling rope tree, and suddenly felt an unprecedented warmth, which instantly filled his lost and cold heart.


"I thought……"

Shengshu smiled and shook his head, taking in what Xinya couldn't say.

"You thought I would be like the guy who abandoned you."

"When you were weak, did you also abandon you?"

Xin Ya's eyes flickered and he lowered his head in shame.


"Xinya, it's time to take on the responsibility of being the leader of Longdi Cave!"

"I hope that next time we fight side by side, you will have become a real dragon soaring in the sky!"

Shengshu patted Xingya's head and let the body of the White Snake Immortal out from behind.

Xinya raised his head and looked at the rope tree firmly.

"Longdi Cave will become the family psychic group of the Thousand Hands Clan and will always be loyal to the Thousand Hands Clan!"

After speaking like an oath, Xin Ya said no more and slowly swam to the body of the White Snake Immortal.

Xin Ya looked at the body of Immortal White Snake, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes. According to the secret method of dragon transformation in his mind, he bit the head of the White Snake Immortal and swallowed the white-scaled snake, which was full of magical energy.

According to the records of the Dragon Transformation Secret Technique, this will be the last time Xin Ya devours the flesh and blood of a creature.

After obtaining the blood power of the White Snake Immortal that is close to the dragon genus this time, it can absorb the natural energy between heaven and earth and follow the guidance of the dragon transformation secret technique to activate the dragon bloodline in the body and evolve step by step into Real dragon.

Kyuubi glanced at the scene of cannibalism, quickly closed his eyes that felt a little polluted, and snorted in disgust.


"How barbaric!"

Naoki looked at Kyuubi speechlessly and patted its head angrily.

"I'm so embarrassed to say it!"

"Who was it that was throwing someone around like a stick just now?"

Kyuubi suddenly raised the corners of his mouth proudly and said disapprovingly:


"That's what I did on purpose!"

"How was it? Did you feel that I was full of powerful beauty at that time?"

Naoshu reached out and grabbed the back of Jiuwei's neck and threw it next to Xingya.

"Nine Lama, you are becoming more and more shameless now!"

"Guard Xin Ya here, wait until it absorbs the power of Immortal White Snake, and then we leave here!"

Kyuubi shook the hair that was messed up by the rope tree and snorted disdainfully.


"Why do you think I am like this?"

"Isn't it because I've been with you for too long?"

Nashu suddenly looked at Kyuubi with a dark look on his face. The two guys, who were equally shameless, looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Neither one was convinced by the other.

Mt. Miaomu.

The big toad immortal, who is covered in orange and has a string of oil beads engraved on his neck, is sleeping on the immortal throne.

The skin, full of vicissitudes of life and wrinkles, undulates slightly with its breathing. After thousands of years of wind and frost, every wrinkle on the Great Toad Immortal's body seems to contain the wisdom of life.


The sleeping Great Toad Immortal's breathing suddenly became rapid, and his chest rose and fell violently. He slowly opened his eyes with a dim yellow luster, and let out a long sigh.

"White scales die, red dragons walk in the sky."

"Longdi Cave"


As the guardian of the Great Toad Sage, Shima Sage is guarding the place where the Great Toad Sage sleeps as usual.

There are actually two guardians of the Great Toad Sage, but recently Fukasaku Sage is busy taking care of Jiraiya who is working hard to practice immortal arts, so the task of waiting for the Great Toad Sage to wake up every day falls to a toad of Shima Sage .

As for why the Great Toad Immortal still needs someone to guard him while sleeping, the identity of the Great Toad Immortal is only one of the trivial reasons.

As the leader of Mt. Miaomu, one of the three holy places, the Great Toad Sage naturally has his own unusual features. Whenever the Great Toad Immortal falls into a deep sleep, there is a certain probability that he will dream of something that ordinary people cannot understand.

And these things are often more or less related to the future development of the ninja world. Over time, the toads in Miaomu Mountain regarded everything the Great Immortal saw in his dream as a prophecy.

The oldest record in the classics of Mt. Myoboku is that the Great Toad Immortal made a prophecy for the young Otsutsuki Hagoromo thousands of years ago.

And the content of that prophecy was exactly the peace that Jiraiya spent his whole life searching for.

Shima-Sennin, who was thinking about what kind of insects to prepare for Jiraiya at noon today, suddenly heard the sigh of the giant toad-sage and raised his head in surprise.

"Great Immortal, are you awake?"

"Is there any new prophecy?"

Immortal Shima raised his head and looked at the Toad Immortal who opened his eyes expectantly and asked.


"Why are there voices but no one can be seen?"

"Looks like I still haven't woken up"

The Great Toad Immortal moved his drowsy eyes twice, but could not find the place where the sound came from. He shook his head and muttered to himself, then closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Immortal Shima suddenly became furious, and without caring about offending the majesty of the Great Immortal, he jumped onto the table in front of the Great Immortal and roared at the confused Toad Immortal.

"Great Immortal, I am here, I am the one talking!"

The big toad fairy opened his misty eyes and glanced at the little toad standing on the table in front of him, with a kind smile on his old face.

"It's Fukasaku! Why haven't you grown up yet?"

"Shima! I'm Shima!"

"Great Sennin, are you confused? Fukasaku and I have a lot of children!"

Shima Sennin jumped on his feet, pointed at the old face of the Great Sennin and cursed loudly.

The Great Toad Immortal rubbed his eyes and finally figured out who the toad in front of him was, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh! So it's Shima?"

"What do you want to see me for?"

Immediately, Shima Sennin made this confused old toad so angry that he let out a feeble groan.

"Great Immortal, prophecy!"

"Did you have another dream just now?"

The Great Toad Immortal was stunned, and suddenly showed a look of enlightenment. He nodded slightly, sighed and said:


"I did dream about something."

Immortal Shima's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly took out a small notebook from his arms and looked at Immortal Toad expectantly.

"What did you dream about? Keep talking, otherwise you will forget it again when you fall asleep!"

The Great Toad Immortal yawned and smacked his lips twice.

"That old white snake was killed!"

"White scales die, red dragon walks in the sky"


He muttered a few words as if talking in his sleep, and then fell asleep again.

Shima Sennin looked blankly at the Great Sennin who fell asleep again, and the small book he held in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

"Old White Snake?"

"The White Snake Immortal from Longdi Cave is dead?"

. .

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