Naruto: Six Paths of the Senju Family

Chapter 120 The dust has settled

"Rose Tree, help me kill this sneak attack snake, and I will forgive you for what you did to me today!"

Kyuubi raised his head with difficulty from the entanglement of Xin Ya, and sent a signal for help to the rope tree standing beside him.

Xinya took the opportunity to bite Jiuwei twice, and Jiuwei let out a cry of pain before biting back again.

"Despicable guy, you actually attacked me again!"

"I'm not done with you today!"

Xinya's body shivered from being bitten by Jiuwei. He ignored Jiuwei's screams and opened his mouth to bite him again.

Rooshu patted his head in pain, controlled the wooden man to step forward, grabbed the two giant beasts in each hand, and pulled them apart from the entanglement.

Jiuwei struggled in the wooden man's hand unconvinced, and screamed at Xinya with his teeth and claws.

"Let me go!"

"Come on, stinky snake!"

"Fight another three hundred rounds with me!"

Xinya stayed in Muren's other palm and looked at Jiuwei disdainfully.


"You think I'm afraid of you?"

"If it weren't for your relationship with Shengshu, I would have killed you with poison a long time ago!"

"Brainless stupid fox!"

Kyuubi suddenly became furious and struggled wildly.

"You fart!"

"If I hadn't known that that boy in Shengshu had a psychic beast like you, I would have used the Tailed Beast Jade to blast you into snake scum!"

"You're a stinky snake who only dares to hide in the dark and make sneak attacks!"

Naoshu looked at the two guys who seemed very lacking in curse words and shook his head slightly.

At this level, do you dare to face off against others?

"OK OK!"

"You two are both important partners of mine. How come you feel like enemies when we first meet?"

"How old are you? Are you still arguing like children?"

Kyuubi snorted angrily.


"It's not this guy. If it hadn't been for the sneak attack, I wouldn't have lost that Gennin!"

Xin Ya suddenly shouted unconvinced.


"It's you who didn't listen to others' advice. I've already told you that that guy has been killed by me. You must not let me go."

"Besides, who said I attacked you secretly? Didn't I greet you with bugs before?"

The two guys immediately started arguing again.

"Stop making noise!"

"This is near the Hokage Building. Someone will be here soon."

"Xinya, go back first! I'm going to trouble you this time!"

"I still have some finishing work to take care of, so I won't leave you alone!"

Seeing Naoshu's serious look, Xinya stopped bickering with Kyuubi.

"All right!"

"Since you are the one who spoke, I will let this silly fox go for now."

"When you finish your work and have time, go to Longdi Cave. I have something I want to ask you for help with."

Although Shengshu was a little confused that Xinya wanted help, he still agreed.


"When the situation in Konoha stabilizes, I will go there."

Xinya nodded, snorted at Jiuwei, turned into a cloud of smoke and returned to Ryudi Cave.

Kyuubi was very annoyed with Xingya's behavior of mocking him before leaving, and turned to look at the rope tree.

"Shengshu, I've been acting with you all night. When I fight that smelly snake, will you help me or him?"

Naoki looked at Kyuubi with a headache, feeling very helpless at its childishness.

"Nine Lama, you are my friend just like Xin Ya."

"As a friend, how could I help one deal with the other?"

"Can't you just get along?"

Kyuubi snorted angrily, stretched out his claws to dig at his body, and pulled Kushina out of the thick hair.


"I knew you were unreliable!"

"Well, I'll give this girl Kushina back to you. I protected her very well and didn't let her get hurt at all!"

Naoki felt a burst of apology in his heart, and gently placed Kyuubi and Kushina on the ground.

"Sorry! Nine Lamas!"

"It's my business that makes you worry so much!"

Kyuubi turned his head to the side and snorted softly.

"Hmph! It's good that you know!"

Naoki looked at the figures that had begun to appear in the distance, and looked at Kyuubi with some embarrassment.

"Nine Lamas"

"I may have to force you to help me again."

Kyuubi turned around and looked at the rope tree warily.

"What do you want to do again?"

"I'm telling you, don't think of any more excuses to hit me with wood escape!"

Naoki almost couldn't help but laugh when he saw Kyuubi say these timid words with a ferocious expression on his face.

"I will never hit you with wood escape, I promise!"

Kyuubi's expression softened and he glanced sideways at the rope tree.

"Tell me! What do you want me to do again?"

Shengshu whispered:

"Didn't I remember that you learned the art of transformation?"

"Wait a minute if someone comes over, please cooperate with me."

Seeing this, Kyuubi was not embarrassed and nodded indifferently. Anyway, I've been helping the rope tree all night, so it's not a big deal to help again.

"Okay! Let's talk about it first, this is it!"

When Naoki saw Kyuubi agreeing, he looked at him with a smile and suddenly shouted.

"Kyuubi, your power is too strong, I must seal you again."


"Mudun-Kuo'an enters the temple and hangs his hands!"

A black character "Zi" appeared on the palm of the rope tree. While controlling the wooden man to slowly raise his hand and grab Kyuubi, he winked at Kyuubi crazily.

Kyuubi was stunned, looked up at Bokuto's empty palm, and immediately came to his senses.

"Ah! Damn Mu Dun! I won't give in!"

A shrill scream came from his mouth, and Nine Tails awkwardly raised its two front paws, forming a seal.

The huge body covered by the wooden man's palm made a slight noise and turned into a little fox.

There was a smile in the eyes of the rope tree, and he jumped off the wooden man's shoulder, and at the same time he shouted again.

"Sealing Technique-Bagua Seal!"

The bright chakra light suddenly lit up, and the rope tree stretched out his hand and pressed it on Kushina who was lying on the ground. A pure Yang escape chakra was injected into Kushina's body, slowly restoring the trauma that Kushina had suffered. .

Yin Jiuwei in the sealed space witnessed everything outside, with a big arc at the corner of his mouth and a sneer.

"Tch! How childish!"

Naoshu retracted his hand and quietly stuffed the fox that Nine Tails had turned into into his arms, with a satisfied smile on his face.


Orochimaru led a group of Anbu to the side of the rope tree, and saw Kushina lying quietly on the ground. Orochimaru's eyes showed a hint of understanding.

"Rope Tree, was it successful?"

Naoki nodded to Orochimaru and showed a tacit smile.

"Teacher, the Kyuubi has been re-sealed into Kushina's body by me."

"Furthermore, I have re-strengthened the Kyuubi's seal with the Bagua seal, so that this kind of thing will never happen again."

The ANBU who followed Orochimaru heard Naoki's answer, and their eyes showed joy.

"Lord Naoki, have you really eliminated the Kyuubi?"

Naoki nodded to the unknown ANBU and smiled.

"Yes, it's all solved!"

The ANBU looked at each other and could see the obvious excitement in each other's eyes.

"Very good!"

"Let's go and tell the people in the village the good news. The disaster is over."

"It was the rope tree that turned the tide, saved the village, and saved everyone."

After the ANBU finished speaking, he led a group of teammates with happy faces and ran to various parts of the village to deliver the good news.

Naoki looked at the direction the ANBU left and asked doubtfully:

"Teacher, this ANBU."

Orochimaru nodded, reaching out and patting Naoki's shoulder.

"Teacher, after staying in ANBU for so many years, there are always some subordinates who are loyal to him."

Naoki suddenly realized, smiled gratefully at Orochimaru, bent down and picked up Kushina, and the three of them left the ruins together.

Not long after Naoki and Orochimaru left, a small beetle flew out of the darkness.

He circled in the air, slowly landed on the pile of corpses of parasites killed by Nine Tails, grabbed one, and flew unsteadily into the darkness.

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