Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 91: Secret Mutation (Part 2)

 The Blade Team VS the Mist Ninja Anbu, the fierce confrontation had just ended. Off-road and the others were relaxed on their faces, but they were secretly relieved in their hearts.

  After all, this was the Blade Team's first battle, and it was against four Mist Ninja ANBU teams. Even Shunshen Shisui, who was full of confidence, felt that the Blade Team had to face a running-in problem. As long as there was no damage to the Blade Team personnel, it would be a perfect victory.

 Now, not only have there been no casualties in terms of personnel, but the members of the Blade Team are not even injured at all. The combat performance is truly perfect.

 But who could have imagined that after the confrontation with the Mist Ninja ANBU team, Cross Country and Kakashi suddenly froze there and didn't speak for a long time!

Undoubtedly, the strange behavior of Cross Country and Kakashi immediately attracted the attention of Uchiha Shisui and "Meng". And because when he originally fought against the Mist Ninja ANBU team, Uchiha Shisui, as the captain, was under some kind of indescribable pressure, so he suddenly saw Cross Country and Kakashi standing there, Uchiha Shisui There was a thump in his heart, and he hurriedly asked Kakashi to Cross Country: "Kage, Lei, what happened?"

 “You. What’s wrong with you?”

As soon as Uchiha Shisui finished speaking, "Meng" also shifted his gaze and fell on Cross Country and Kakashi. Obviously he also wanted to know what happened.

On the contrary, it was Kakashi who had an embarrassed expression when Uchiha Shisui's "fierce" gaze came towards him. Especially when his eyes fell on Off-Road, Kakashi wished there was a hole in the ground that he could get into, so as not to be embarrassed in front of Off-Road, Uchiha Shisui, and "Meng".

 As for off-roading.

 The things he was thinking about were not about Kakashi or even the Blade Team!

At this moment, there is only one question in Xue Xue’s head!

 That's how he and Kakashi communicated without opening their mouths!

It was clear that neither of them spoke, nor did they even make a sound. So what exactly is the bridge between minds?

Could it be

Is it really as off-road imagined that it was his practice of the Uzumaki clan's secret arts that caused the Nara clan's secret arts to mutate?

 “It’s shadow imitation!”

“No, it must be shadow imitation!”

"When I was communicating with Kakashi just now, the only bridge of communication was the shadow imitation technique!"

“So, it is very likely that my practice of the Uzumaki clan’s spiritual magic has increased my spiritual energy, which ultimately led to the mutation of the Shadow Imitation Technique!”

“Then, in order to prove that my idea is correct, let Shisui experiment for me again!”

  I thought to myself, a look of excitement could not help but appear in Cross Country's eyes. After all, the current mutation of the Shadow Imitation Technique is the new secret technique that Cross Country created in the true sense!

 In the past, whether it was the new secret technique of the Nara clan or the advanced secret technique of the Rasengan, they were not actually off-road original creations in the true sense.

Those new secret techniques of the Nara clan, such as shadow shuriken, shadow hand, and shadow clone technique, were all innovatively developed using the R&D function of the APP. As for the advanced ninjutsu of the Rasengan, it was developed by Cross Country based on the Rasengan changes in the original plot, plus a little bit of his own theoretical knowledge. It cannot be regarded as a secret technique created by Cross Country himself.

On the contrary, it is the mind communication that is an extension of the shadow imitation technique, or the ability of spiritual communication. It is the secret technique of self-discovery and self-exploration that Cross-country relies on the progress of practicing the whirlpool clan's spiritual arts.

 So, after removing Kakashi's shadow imitation technique, Cross Country looked at Uchiha Shisui, and used the shadow imitation technique again without any hesitation.

But when Uchiha Shisui saw Cross Country suddenly using the shadow imitation technique on him, he subconsciously wanted to avoid it. However, he glanced in the direction of Kakashi with his peripheral vision and found that Kakashi secretly waved his hand. Uchiha Shisui looked enlightened and couldn't help thinking: "Could it be that Kage has created a new secret technique?" ? Just after the confrontation with those Mist Ninja Anbu? What a terrifying talent!"

"However, since Ying wants to experiment with something, then I should cooperate with him!"

“But before that, we must get rid of the corpses of these Mist Ninja Anbu!”

  After thinking silently, Uchiha Shisui looked at "Meng" and ordered: "Meng, Cross Country may have an idea for a new secret technique, so I will leave the corpses of these Mist Ninja Anbu to you!"

"no problem!"

 “Earth Release·Rock’s Beheading Technique!”

Smiled at Uchiha Shisui, "Meng" used a C-level earth escape ninjutsu that he had cast before, and directly dragged the corpses of the surrounding Mist ninja ANBU into the ground and buried them. Moreover, when it comes to dealing with combat traces, "Meng" is definitely an expert. Just using a C-level soil escape ninjutsu saved a lot of trouble for the sharp blade team where Cross Country and others were.

However, after dealing with the corpses of these Mist Ninja Anbu, the "fierce" eyes also fell on Cross Country.

 Obviously, at this time, Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi, and "Meng" were all curious about the new secret technique that could be developed off-road.

However, how could Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi, and "Meng" imagine that after using the shadow imitation technique to connect Uchiha Shisui's shadow, Cross Country actually noticed that the mutation effect of the shadow imitation technique disappeared!

No matter how hard Cross Country tried, he was unable to communicate with Uchiha Shisui when he used the shadow imitation technique to connect to Uchiha Shisui's shadow. Afterwards, his face was hidden under the ANBU mask, and Cross Country gave a wry smile, and sighed secretly: "Sure enough, the development of new secret techniques is not that simple. It seems that I can only use shadow imitation techniques more in the future to see what kind of thoughts I have. , can the method of spiritual communication appear again?”

“Alas! If you use the Shadow Imitation Technique on your companions and your thoughts suddenly appear, your mental communication will be fine!”

“If the effect of mental communication and mental communication suddenly appears while performing a spell on the enemy, that would be really a scam!”

 Sighing silently, Crossroads had to put away the shadow imitation technique used on Uchiha Shisui.

However, almost in despair, Cross Country was about to take back the Shadow Imitation Technique and apologize to Uchiha Shisui, who had previously assisted him in researching the new secret technique. Suddenly, a light shone from the eyes of Cross Country, as if it was a flash of inspiration. Like a flash, Cross Country suddenly remembered that the magical effect of the APP should be able to help him quickly master the new secret technique that he had just discovered but was still not perfect!

 “Oh, why did I forget?”

“Even if I master a little bit of the new secret technique I developed, even if the proficiency level is only 1 point, the new secret technique will be recorded in the practice progress bar of the APP!”

"So, when there is a change in the secret technique I use, the first thing I should do is not whether the experiment can be used to develop a new secret technique. Instead, I should first check whether it is recorded in the practice progress bar of the APP. Learn the progress of the new secret technique!”


“APP, bring up the practice progress bar for me! Don’t let me down!”

Gaining hope again amid disappointment, Cross Country was full of expectations and directly called up the practice progress bar on the APP.

 At this time, the magical effect of the APP obviously did not disappoint the off-roader!

Immediately afterwards, under the excited eyes of Cross Country, the new secret technique in the practice progress bar of the APP, which can also be said to be the new secret technique produced by the mutation of the shadow imitation technique, was reflected in the eyes of Cross Country!

 The name of the new secret technique is Shadow Communication!

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