Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 892: incarnation

 “Is it stupid?”

“Maybe it’s just that I look a little stupid in your eyes now!”

"grim Reaper!"

Almost as soon as the voice of the God of Death fell, Cross Country murmured in his heart, and then slowly clasped his hands together, ready to cast the secret technique of Shadow Escape in front of the God of Death.

 However, looking at the secret technique of Shadow Escape that Cross Country was about to cast, the God of Death raised a disdainful smile.


Even the Immortals of the Six Paths cannot kill me, do you think you can kill me?

 Nara Cross Country, I have just said it once, your power is at most the same as the Six Paths Sage, you do not have the ability to kill me!

 Silently mocking Cross Country, the God of Death was like waiting to see Cross Country's joke. He had no intention of confronting Cross Country. It was like showing a look of astonishment after Cross Country failed to kill him. However, at the moment when the cross-country Condensation Shadow Escape Secret Technique was completed, Death suddenly felt that something important in his body had disappeared.

What on earth is that?

 The God of Death is not clear!

The God of Death just knew that after that inexplicable thing disappeared, he seemed to become less like himself.

Moreover, it was also the moment when something inexplicable disappeared, and the God of Death suddenly felt that off-roading might really kill him.

 So immediately, the God of Death wanted to directly break through the shadow escape technique that was used to imprison him. Unfortunately, when the God of Death was about to break free, it was already too late. When Cross Country successfully condensed the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand and combined it with the world origin power of the Yin Escape Brand, the secret technique of Shadow Escape he cast successfully hit the **** of death in front of him.

 If you want to ask what the secret technique of shadow escape cast by Cross Country is, then Cross Country has only one answer!

The answer is that what he cast is the new secret technique of shadow escape!

This is the secret technique of shadow escape that has just been completed by the APP development function!

The time when the cross-country APP development function completed the secret technique of shadow escape was very strange, it happened to be not long ago. At the beginning, off-roaders did not have the time to study carefully and develop the new shadow escape style secret technique developed by the APP research and development function. However, in the moment of the confrontation with the God of Death, with the help of the APP, Cross Country surprisingly completed the practice of the new shadow escape style secret technique in just a few seconds, and figured out his own new shadow escape style. What kind of power does the secret technique have?

 The next second.

At the moment when the off-road new secret technique of shadow escape was used, suddenly the shadow of the **** of death was not controlled by the **** of death, and slowly condensed into the shape of a human body!

When Death's shadow completely condensed into a human shape, Death's pupils narrowed slightly, because he could vaguely see the human shape formed by his own shadow, which had an off-road appearance. However, the off-road formed by the shadow of death has a completely different aura from the off-road itself. Because, the cross-country formed by the shadow of Death is accompanied by the breath of Death himself!

 “What the **** is going on?”

"Do not understand?"

 “Then let me explain it to you.”

The confident smile was still hanging on the corner of his mouth. When the God of Death was extremely shocked, why could his shadow be condensed into a clone that looked like Cross Country? , the indifferent voice of Cross Country echoed in the ears of the God of Death:

“This is my new secret technique of shadow escape, and it is an unnamed secret technique of shadow escape.”

"However, this unnamed secret technique of shadow escape is unique among all my secret techniques of shadow escape, because its real mystery is"

“Be able to control other people’s shadows and condense them into clones of my shadow mage!”

 “Or rather, it’s an incarnation!”

"For example, Death, the clone I made by condensing your shadow can be said to be the Shadow Mage's Death clone. My Death clone has the same power as your Death, and the same aura as your Death, and can even explain"

"My Death clone has the same memory as you, it is exactly the same as you!"

"Although, at my limit, the most I can do is use this new shadow escape technique to create two external incarnations at the same time. But Death, when I use this new shadow escape technique to successfully create a clone of the **** of death, When I used your power to create an external incarnation, you said I couldn't kill you because I didn't have that power. So, can you tell me if my Death clone has that power?"

"grim Reaper."

 “Is it possible to kill the God of Death?”

As he said that, the cross-country Death clone was condensing and forming, and suddenly came close to the Death.

In front of the God of Death, the cross-country clone of the God of Death had no need to hesitate. The moment he approached the God of Death, his palm fell on the God of Death's shoulder and began to swallow up the power of the God of Death!

 That’s right!

 It is dangerous for off-roaders to swallow the power of the God of Death, because now they all remember that the power of reincarnation is in conflict with the power of the God of Death. However, when Cross Country used the new secret technique of Shadow Escape to condense the Death God's clone with the help of Death's shadow, Cross Country's Death God clone was able to devour the power of the Death God's body. This is why Cross Country was so confident that he could kill the God of Death!

Sure enough, when Cross Country's Death clone began to devour the power of Death's body, Cross Country could find that Death's power was weakening little by little, while his own Death clone was getting stronger. Immediately, when the power of the Death God's body was finally swallowed up, the off-road Death God clone had twice the power of the Death God after devouring the power of the Death God's body.


Suddenly, after devouring the power of the God of Death, the cross-country Death clone directly entered the world of Cross-country Yin Escape Brand.

When Cross Country's eyes slowly moved from the Death God's body to his own Death God clone, Cross Country listened to his Death God clone murmuring:

"Original body, from now on I will be the God of Death in the new world. Please give me the power of the God of Death!"


 Listening to the words muttered by his own Death clone, to be honest, he was very curious about how to give his own Death clone the power of Death. However, close your eyes and take a closer look, especially the memories connected to the Death clone. When Cross Country slowly read the Death clone memory, he gained enough experience. The Cross Country that created the new world was at the moment when he finished reading the Death clone memory. It means that you can better control your new world.

However, just when Cross Country was about to give him the Death clone and the power of Death in the new world, suddenly a figure in the ninja world slowly condensed into shape, which made Cross Country's pupils shrink slightly!

"Who are you."

 “Six Paths Immortal?”

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