Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 857: Prepare for war


 “Uchiha Madara, I’m waiting for you at the Valley of the End!”

During the confrontation with Mr. Ban, he discovered that the death energy in his body was vaguely trying to restrain Mr. Ban. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and soon he decided the location of the decisive battle with Mr. Ban.

 Ending the war in the Valley of the End was not a sudden thought of Cross-country, but something he had considered after some consideration.

Nowadays, the Kingdom of Water is Madara’s world. It has just been invaded by the God of Death and is already completely occupied. Most of the territory of the Fire Country was destroyed in the confrontation between Cross Country and the God of Death, so the Fire Country and the Water Country are the best battlefields in the ninja world. Anyway, there is no fear of destruction there, and Cross Country and Madara can do it. Let go of your hands and feet and fight there.

 As for the Valley of the End.

From a cross-country perspective, it is a strategic place in the war.

 So, after the master Ban and I agreed on the location of the decisive battle in a tacit understanding, the cross-country did not prevent Mr. Ban from leaving, or in other words, we did not have the ability to stop Mr. Ban from leaving. Immediately afterwards, he quickly came to the Fourth Raikage, the Fourth Kazekage and others, and used his own body energy to convert into life energy to treat their injuries.

When the injuries of the Fourth Raikage, the Fourth Kazekage and others gradually stabilized, the Fourth Raikage, who had a more straightforward personality, sighed deeply and said: "Shadow Mage, I'm sorry just now, I didn't Realizing how strong Uchiha Madara is, thank you for healing me. Now I decide that Cloud Ninja Village will join the Ninja Alliance to fight for Uchiha Madara!"

“The Suna Ninja Village and the Suna Ninja Village are also willing to join!”

With a faint bitter smile on his lips, the Fourth Kazekage said helplessly: "Shadow Mage, I just apologized."

"It doesn't matter."

 It feels very happy to have Cloud Ninja Village and Sand Ninja Village join the Ninja Alliance smoothly. Cross-country. Then, when his eyes fell on the Third Tsuchikage, he found that the Third Tsuchikage really had no intention of stopping the Iwa Ninja Village from joining the Ninja Alliance. Cross Country just nodded silently, and the Shindo Ninja Alliance was finally successfully formed.

 However, it is not that simple to form a ninja coalition.

Off-road and others must first gather the strength of the four ninja villages before they can successfully form a ninja coalition, right?

Moreover, when forming the Ninja Alliance, in order to eliminate the bad blood between the Ninja Village and the country, cross-country preparations were made like in the original Naruto novel, disrupting the Ninjas in each Ninja Village so that the Ninjas in each Ninja Village could cooperate with each other. Together. As for the commander-in-chief of the ninja coalition, for the time being, it is cross-country, and the Fourth Hokage and the other four shadows share the responsibility.

However, everyone knows that the person who is truly qualified to be the commander of the ninja coalition is the shadow mage in the ninja world. Because, except for the shadow mage, no one can actually fight against Madara. The previous failure of the four shadows clearly illustrates this point. Therefore, it is said that the commander of the ninja coalition is the five shadows and the shadow mage. In fact, cross-country is in There are transcendent beings in the ranks of the Ninja Alliance.

  followed by.

 After discussing the formation of a ninja coalition, the four shadows looked back at their respective villages and began to assemble their troops.

In the conference room of the Land of Waves, watching the four figures slowly leaving, only Terumi Mei looked lonely. Obviously, the fall of Mist Ninja Village is still a worry for Terumi Mei, but Terumi Mei is a strong woman and likes to hide her loneliness and pain in her heart. However, with such a heartache hidden in his heart, he felt that cross-country racing would affect Terumi Mei's combat effectiveness.

Later, when the Four Shadows went to assemble their troops, Cross Country walked up to Terumi Mei with a smile, and said with a smile: "Terrumi Mei, are you still thinking about the Mist Ninja Village?"


Staring at the cross country in front of him, Terumi Mei said calmly: "You can't understand the pain of cross country. In the past, my dream was to restore the light of Mist Ninja Village. I didn't expect that the light of Mist Ninja Village would just come. I was shrouded in darkness for once. In fact, when I fought with Uchiha Madara, I knew who my previous enemy was. I want to thank you here, Cross Country. If it weren't for you before, we in the Mist Ninja Village would never be here. It is simply impossible to restore the light.”

 “I was able to defeat him before, thanks to.”

 “Thanks for your help.”

 In fact, in the original Naruto novel, you are the fifth Mizukage.

 Even without me, Mist Ninja Village will still see light.

Muttered silently in his heart, Yukio did not answer Terumi Mei's words, but instead said: "Come with me for a walk, okay?"


Nodding, Terumi Mei followed the cross-country, and walked casually in the country of waves with the cross-country.

Terumi Mei also didn't expect that when he took her for a walk, Yukio didn't say a word. He just walked in front of her silently, with no intention of comforting her at all.


Seeing Yunxue actively talking to him, the smart Terumi Mei knew what he was going to do.

I never thought that Cross Country would be such a poor person to persuade others. During the walk, he just walked in front of himself. It didn't take long for Terumi Mei to feel more and more irritable.

 “What an idiot who doesn’t understand the style!”

Terumi Mei cursed secretly and looked at the cross-country ahead, feeling a little angry.

He casually kicked away the stones in front of him and watched them flying on the stream. Just as Terumi Mei's attention was attracted by the small stone, he suddenly turned around and said with a smile:

 “Sorry, I was a little distracted just now.”

"what are you thinking about?"

Terumi Mei raised her eyebrows slightly and asked angrily.

 “I’m thinking about the land of waves.”

Smiling, Cross Country said to Terumi Mei in front of him: "Actually, at the beginning, I just needed a place to stay. The Country of Waves happened to meet the conditions I asked for, so I came to capture the Country of Waves. . Later, when I was talking about dreams with my master, the Fourth Hokage, and a companion, Yahiko, we suddenly talked about what our common dream was. Then I discovered that no matter who the dream was, it was just the same. I just want to live a comfortable life.”

"Yes! A strong person at our level only needs a calm, disciplined, plain, or even boring life."

“What excitement have we not seen before? What kind of battle have we not seen in Ninja War?”

"Terrumi Mei, you want the Mist Ninja Village to usher in the light. In fact, you just want everyone in the Mist Ninja Village to enjoy such a life. And I am the same, but my dream is bigger than , what I need is not the peace of a ninja village, but the peace of the entire ninja world."

 Speaking, Yuexiu slowly raised his hand and placed it on Terumi Mei's shoulder.

  Looking directly at Terumi Mei, Terumi Mei's cheeks turned red from embarrassment.

Off the top of his head, Staring at the blushing Terumi Mei who was getting more and more beautiful, he continued to smile and said:

“So, Terumi Mei, forget the pain of Kiri Ninja Village and work with me for peace in the ninja world, okay?”

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