Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 823: Second Hokage

 Remove the filthy earth reincarnation of the **** of death?

That's just a joke

Listening to the words of the second generation Hokage in front of him, Cross Country sighed helplessly. He was speechless because the second generation Hokage in front of him could not understand the situation.

Obviously, if someone else uses filthy earth to reincarnate, then there is no problem for the second generation Hokage to say this, because in the original book of Naruto, the second generation hokage is the creator of filthy earth reincarnation, and his filthy earth reincarnation cannot be said to be better than Orochi. Maru's skills should be more perfect. At least in terms of his ability to use the Earth Reincarnation, the Second Hokage cannot be said to be worse than anyone else.

On the contrary, now, it is obvious that the second generation Hokage's earth reincarnation was obtained from the deal with the God of Death. Now the second generation Hokage actually wants to use his own earth reincarnation attainment to surpass the death god's earth reincarnation attainment. Idiots talk about the meaning of dreams. When Cross Country sighed deeply and expressed his helplessness, the Second Hokage, who had very keen observation skills, immediately noticed the change in Cross Country's mood, and then frowned slightly, thinking about the Konoha Village in front of him. Kid, why do you seem to look down on yourself?

When the Second Hokage was thinking like this, the helpless Cross Country turned to the Second Hokage and explained: "Second Hokage, you want to use the method of eliminating the reincarnation of the dirty land to prevent the trouble of your resurrection. It must be impossible. Because the person who uses the evil earth reincarnation is not a ninja in the ninja world, but the shinigami who masters the deepest secrets of the evil earth reincarnation. Under the control of the **** of death, the evil earth reincarnation is impossible to cancel, so now I can only fight with him. You fight and seal your souls, please."

 “I understand!”


grim Reaper?

 Suddenly hearing what Cross Country said, the pupils of the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage shrank slightly, obviously very shocked that the God of Death had come to the ninja world. However, when they heard that Cross Country said that they would seal their souls and prevent them from going to the Kingdom of Thunder for a raid, the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage were a little worried.

The worry is naturally that the cross-country team will not have the strength to stop them.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the ninja world, there are very few people who can stop the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage. Even a peak Kage-level powerhouse like the Third Hokage can only block the progress of one of the two. That’s all. When the second generation Hokage and the third generation Raikage work together, it is simply the pinnacle speed combination in the ninja world. Even the second generation Hokage and the third generation Raikage felt that even if the first generation Hokage and Madara Uchiha blocked them in front of them, they would be sure to enter the Kingdom of Thunder and destroy it.

 That is the confidence that the speed advantage brought to the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage.

 So, now listening to Cross Country saying that the only way to stop them is to seal their souls, both the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage seem to have seen the disaster coming. Immediately, on the one hand, they were shocked by the arrival of the God of Death in the ninja world, and on the other hand, they were worried about the future of the Kingdom of Thunder. The bodies of the Second Hokage and the Third Raikage suddenly began to move under the control of the God of Death. The spiritual consciousness is no longer able to control one's body, and has become controlled by the God of Death!

"here we go!"

 “Little guys of the Nara clan, be careful with my Flying Thunder God Technique!”


  Originally, the Second Hokage’s words were well-intentioned, and he just wanted to remind him of cross-country.

However, when the Second Hokage really used the Flying Thunder God Technique and began to show his speed advantage, no matter how cross-country looked, the Second Hokage in front of him was showing off his advantage.

 One thing has to be said, that is, in ninja combat, the speed advantage is the most difficult advantage to solve.

In the world before cross-country travel, it was said that in the world of martial arts, only speed could not be defeated.

 So, when a ninja has a speed advantage, even if it is a stronger ninja than that ninja, it will be difficult to solve it. Speaking of off-roading, when facing the Second Hokage, he may only need a secret technique of Shadow Escape to successfully imprison the Second Hokage in front of him and seal his soul. However, when the Second Hokage showed off his mastery of the Flying Thunder God Technique, Cross Country was unable to use the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

The only lucky one may be that the ninja is also a speed type in cross-country.

 His "Moon Step" can barely keep up with the speed of the Second Hokage!

Soon, a very strange scene appeared in front of the Third Raikage who was watching the battle. The Third Raikage who watched it was all sighing.

Just now, the Second Hokage said that the Third Raikage was a little guy. The Third Raikage did not deny it at all, because the Third Raikage grew up listening to the legend of the Second Hokage. I have long wanted to have a speed competition with the Second Hokage to see what kind of speed the Ninja World's number one speed possesses. Now when I saw the cross-country confrontation with the Second Hokage, I found that the Second Hokage used the Flying Thunder God Technique. There were afterimages left one after another in the battlefield. It was like there were countless second-generation Hokage in front of the cross-country. The third-generation Raikage silently sighed in his heart. The fastest in the ninja world, really He is worthy of being the fastest in the ninja world.

 If he and the Second Hokage simply competed for speed, he would definitely be the loser.

As for the speed of the Second Hokage, if it makes the Third Raikage sigh silently, the cross-country speed simply makes the Third Raikage feel amazed.

 Even if cross-country has grown a lot, it is still not in its Double Ten years.

At such an age, he can actually have the same speed as the Second Hokage. The Third Raikage simply cannot imagine whether the current Cloud Ninja Village can withstand the strength of the Leaf Village.

 After all, he is just a little kid from Konoha Village, and he can compete with the Second Hokage in terms of speed!

 Let’s talk about the Second Hokage.

The second Hokage who understands the Nara clan.

 Originally, I thought that off-roading was just about mastering the secret skills of the Nara clan, and I wanted to solve some problems for myself. Now, it was discovered that Cross Country could keep up with his own pace by using the "Moon Step" released by the burst of chakra in his body. The Second Hokage narrowed his eyes slightly. While he was also shocked by Cross Country's speed, he hoped that Cross Country could crush him. By pressing yourself, you can successfully seal yourself.

 However, being able to keep up with the speed of the Second Hokage may not necessarily be able to seal the Second Hokage. Because, at the very least, it takes a little time to cast the secret technique of shadow escape in cross-country. The second generation Hokage is always in a state of movement. Cross-country believes that his secret technique of shadow escape cannot keep up with the second generation for the time being. The Hokage's footsteps, even when he frowned slightly, secretly thought:

"If you want to limit the speed of the Second Hokage, you need to turn everything around into my domain."

“Furthermore, I just locked the second generation Hokage’s spiritual energy aura, if I use the Shadow Flash Technique”

“Maybe there will be a chance to seal away the Second Hokage in front of me first!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country suddenly smiled at the second-generation Hokage in front of him, which made the second-generation Hokage stunned for a moment.

At the moment when the Second Hokage's eyes were stunned, the cross-country known as the Shadow Mage was about to show the full power of the Shadow Mage in front of the Second Hokage!

 “I’m sorry, Second Hokage.”

  "Not long after you appeared on the stage, you are about to get into trouble!"

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